Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 32: Poor education

"No wonder we have a lot of special talents in Xia Village. It turns out that there are bonuses from dancing girls."

   Chutian found that he underestimated the life profession represented by special talents. Life occupations have special bonuses to territories or buildings, and the contributions of these talents to Xia Village are not insignificant.

   Before, Chu Tian thought that dancing girls were dispensable, but now it may not be the case.

   The Jiaofang Division in "Lord" is similar to the Jiaofang of the Tang Dynasty. It handles haiku and acrobatics and teaches folk music, which is equivalent to the palace music workshop. Although its status is not high, it is not an indecent institution. On the contrary, it is very serious and can bring a lot of bonuses to the territory.

   "You will live in Xia Village at ease in the future. There is no Jiaofang Division in the village for the time being, but please rest assured that the Lord\'s Mansion will soon announce subsidies for special talents who are unemployed. All special talents who are unemployed can come to the Lord\'s Mansion to apply for subsidies."

   In order to retain intermediate special talents, Chutian even implemented the same measures as reality. Before there are suitable special buildings, special talents can be subsidized to meet their needs. Every villager has his own income. Villagers without income may become refugees or beggars again.

   It is the negligence of the lord to displace two intermediate special talents.

   Xiaozhu and Xiaoqing heard that special talents still have preferential treatment, and couldn\'t help being touched: "If this is the case, the village head is really thirsty."

   Shi died for a confidant, and the two who can change jobs to become dancers also understand this.

   "These should be."

Chutian calculated that there are 112 special talents in the village, most of whom have already worked in farmland, medical halls, mines, wood processing workshops, taverns, and other buildings. It seems that the two fronts have no suitable buildings to accept their special talents. It should not be much.

   The Lord’s Mansion issued a small allowance every month to keep them. Only their own effects can contribute to Xia Village.

   "Playing music in the village every New Year\'s Day to improve morale and people\'s minds, please don\'t turn down at that time."

   Chutian wants to play their value.

   Xiaoqing pursed his lips and smiled: "If you are an adult, we must be happy."

   Chutian asked them to apply for allowances.

   Then he found Li Li and paid allowances to all registered special talents who did not have suitable buildings to take in.

   The amount of allowance is related to the grade of special talents, and intermediate talents can receive higher subsidies.

   According to Li Li\'s statistics, there are a total of 17 special talents who have not yet worked. Xia Village is not a town after all, and there are a lot of facilities that are not available. It can only be said that for future plans, spend a small amount of money to keep them.

   The effect of doing this is not bad. These talents are grateful to Chutian and live and work in Xia Village.

   Population registration has exposed many problems. In addition to the problem of special talents who have not yet been employed, there is also the problem of children\'s schooling.

   There are about 300 children under the age of 15 in Xia Village, of which 150 are school-age children, and a cottage can only accommodate 50 children.

   So Chutian arranged to build two more cottages.

   Thatched Cottage is the simplest cultural building, as long as there is a teacher can operate it, it can improve people\'s hearts. The probability of students graduating from thatched cottage becoming special talents increases.

   Schoolchildren want to graduate from thatched cottage. The length can be five or six years, or the shortest two or three years.

   This is a long-term investment. For the sustainable development of the territory, Chutian must always cultivate talents. Moreover, the talents cultivated in the territory are more loyal to the lord and are not easy to lose.

   Caotang’s funding mainly consists of the teacher’s salary and the cost of purchasing Chinese calligraphy. The salary of a low-level teacher is about 2 taels of silver a month, which can teach 50 school children. The calligraphy of the study is also simple, using cheap brushes and paper.

   The lack of money Chutian did not implement compulsory education, and charged one or two silver per year to each school child to make up for the expenditure of the cottage.

"One or two silver? No, just post a notice like this, and your policy will be violated." In the summer of Xiaozhu Village, Chutian mentioned the idea of ​​charging tuition, and shook his head again and again, "You can post a notice, just say you want two. Two silver a year."

   "You are too black-hearted..."

"Be patient and listen to me. Once the villagers say that two or two years are too expensive, you will comply with the public opinion and lower the cost to one or two years. Wouldn\'t you get the results you want? And the villagers will be grateful. "

"In addition, if a family has two or more children, only one or two silver is charged for the first child, and the other children are charged half two silver for a year. Villagers may even think that having more children is a profit. First, it can reduce the burden on the villagers, encourage more children, and promote the villagers to send their children to the school. The disadvantage is that the tuition fees charged have been reduced. The specific choice depends on your own ideas."

   The analysis of Xia Liang Liang refreshed Chu Tian. This guy is simply a business genius.

  Perhaps the vast majority of players have no distinction in agriculture, but after thousands of years of summary of economic routines, some players are very business-minded.

   Soon a notice was posted on the village\'s crude notice board.

   A group of villagers came and watched. Among them, the literate chanted: "No matter how poor you are, you can\'t have poor education, and no matter how hard you are, you can\'t suffer children. Xia Village\'s cottage enrolls students and only needs two taels of silver every year..."

   "Speaking is not rough ~ www.novelhall.com~ We support our family, isn\'t it for the children?"

"Two taels of silver is too expensive! If a family has three children, wouldn\'t it cost six taels of silver a year? A light infantry\'s monthly salary is only one taels of silver. Six taels of silver is a huge sum. It’s fine if the world can eat and fill up the stomach. Where can there be money for children to read?"

   "Yes, yes, two taels of silver are too expensive!"

   "But if we don\'t have money, it\'s not impossible for our children to be able to read for the rest of their lives? If they can read, they may have the opportunity to become masters in the future."

   "Let\'s talk to the village chief and ask the village chief to charge less."

   As expected, once this notice was posted, it immediately caused an uproar among the villagers.

  The eager villagers of Aizi gathered together and came to the lord’s mansion to ask Chutian to reduce tuition.

Chu Tian’s legacy was difficult, and in the end he resolutely said: "Well, for the sake of the children of the folks and elders, in the future, each schoolchild will only receive one or two silver a year. A family with multiple children entering the cottage, only the first One child needs to pay one or two, and the other children need to pay half and two!"

   The villagers did not expect to be able to request their orders successfully, and the village chief cut half of the cost at once, and reduced the burden of the larger population, so they sang their praises: "The village chief is wise!"

   Chutian still said with earnest thoughts: "Poor parents in the world, please rest assured, we will select officials in the future and give priority to literate people."

   Chutian hinted that the schoolchildren coming out of the cottage might become officials in the future, which stimulated the villagers. They wished to send their children to the cottage immediately, maybe they could become scholars in the future.

   Chu Tian returned to the lord\'s mansion contentedly. After some manipulation, not only did the people\'s sentiment not decline, but it actually rose by 3 points.