Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 31: Household registration

Xia Village returned to calm again after the Yellow Turban catastrophe. The public sentiment and public security in Xia Village have declined due to the influx of migrants.

   The hearts of Xia villagers now become 75, and the public order becomes 73.

  In theory, as long as the people\'s sentiment and public security are sufficient, and with Li Li in charge of justice, it is difficult for people\'s sentiment and public security to continue to decline. However, as long as it is less than 80, Chutian\'s obsessive-compulsive disorder is difficult to accept.

   A cell was built in Xia Village, using blueprints captured from the Langya rebel army.

   The cell was built, and the public order rose from 73 to 80 at once. To a certain extent, it is really true, and no matter where the folkways are simple, there must be law enforcement agencies to ensure law and order.

  Except when the farming is busy, Li Di usually manages public security and at the same time supervises the large-scale construction of the village.

   Since being recruited by Chutian, Li Li, who is in several positions, felt his body was hollowed out. Because of his joining, Xia Village\'s operating efficiency has greatly increased.

   During the period when the caravan from Xiaozhu Village was commissioned to purchase materials in Langya City and nearby villages, Chutian carried out an important task in Xia Village-household registration.

   Xia Village initially had only 100 villagers and less than 30 households, but now there are more than 1,500 villagers from surrounding villages. After the Yellow Turban catastrophe, most of the villages around Xia Village were destroyed. Xia Village is one of the few villages with a radius of 30 miles. Refugees from different villages have formed small groups in Xia Village, which is a big challenge to public security.

   For the long-term development of the village and arranging labor for production, Chutian must register all villagers\' household registration. Li Li led four elite infantrymen and two literate staff to conduct house-by-house inspections. Elder Li, who was good at dealing with villagers, calmed people\'s hearts.

  The current internal affairs team in the Lord’s Mansion mainly consists of the main book, household cao, Tian cao, worker cao, warehouse cao, city cao, and prison cao.

   The master book manages the documents and assists Chu Tian in issuing orders and posting notices. You can never make any notices and Chu Tian will write them by himself.

   Family Caoguan famous books, weddings, sacrifices, celebrations.

   Tian Cao, advise the farming of mulberry, prevent natural and man-made disasters, but also care about land fertility, water conservancy, and locust plagues.

   Gong Cao, in charge of civil engineering.

   Cangcao manages the warehouse.

   City Cao collects commercial taxes and land rent.

   Prison Cao, in charge of justice, jail and maintaining law and order, currently recruits 20 courageous villagers as temporary arrests.

   This is the simplest management organization in Xia Village.

   A village of 1,500 people cannot support a bloated organization. A few small organizations can guarantee the normal operation of the village, and there are too many officials, and Xia Village simply cannot maintain the official salary.

   Chutian still has to feed an army.

   The army is not included in the internal affairs team, but directly controlled by Chutian.

  In troubled times, soldiers and food are everything. The internal affairs team helps Chutian collect money and food, and the army Chutian personally serves as the supreme commander.

   The army in Xia Village has 8 light cavalry, 70 elite infantry, and a few Xiangyong.

The training period of    light cavalry and elite light infantry is 14 days, and a maximum of 100 people can be trained at a time. Chu Tian could fully train a batch of infantry before the war, so there was no need to rush to expand his army. The real trouble should be buying war horses. An ordinary war horse costs 20 taels of silver. 200 taels of gold can only buy up to 100 war horses, and they can\'t feed them.

   "Old man, which village do you come from?"

   Li Di held the account book in his left hand and a writing brush in his right hand. A minister who is enough to be the prime minister of a country but has to do the work of the village clerks, can be said to be a poor talent. Even so, Li Li still performed his duties conscientiously and worked hard.

   "The villain is a teacher. These are my two sons. We fled here from Taohua Village, twenty miles away. Those Yellow Turban thieves burned down our village. Fortunately, Xia Village took us in..."

   "Tell the truth about your name, age, occupation, and whether there are any other living relatives."

   "Good good, old man Wang Sanzhu..."

   Li Mo wrote down the information of this family in the register.

  The current Li Li manages the household, Tian, ​​workers, and prisoners at the same time, and he can take care of all of them.

   A minister who can manage a country, and a large village with more than a thousand people is no problem.

   Elder Li helped Li Li, his 30-point politics simply cannot be compared with Li Li.

   With Li Mi dealing with some trivial matters, Chu Tian can basically act as a shopkeeper and have more time to concentrate on important things.

   Zhao Qi is training Xiang Yong, Wu Shang led the hunters to the nearby mountains and forests to hunt and improve the villagers’ food. Whether there is enough food, whether meat can be eaten every ten days and a half months, these hidden conditions will affect people\'s hearts.

  The most elite light cavalry and light infantry, Chu Tian handed over to Hua Mulan for training.

   Soldiers can also gain experience through daily training. The experience gained is related to the level of the school field and the commander attribute of the general. The commander attribute not only affects the number of commanders, but also the speed of training troops.

   For example, let Cao Cao and Dian Wei train a cavalry with an average level of 10 at the same time. One year later, Cao Cao’s cavalry may have an average level of 50, while Dian Wei’s cavalry may be only at level 30.

"I have commissioned the Xiaozhu Village Caravan to buy 22 horses. When the horses arrive in our village, there will be 30 cavalry and 70 elite infantry. The ratio of soldiers to civilians is 1:15, which is a very stable ratio. With half a month’s time in advance, we can temporarily train 100 elite infantry, and the ratio will be 1:7.5."

   Chutian mentioned to Hua Mulan about the army situation in Xia Village when she was resting.

   1:15 ratio is no longer easy to maintain, because professional soldiers occupy the youngest and strongest labor force. They do not need labor, as long as they receive training every day to improve their level.

   "When it comes to recruiting soldiers, the lord, depending on the situation, is that his subordinates have no internal affairs, but he leads his troops to fight and will not take a step back."

   Hua Mulan doesn\'t care about internal affairs.

  The military commander charged in front, but the lords and civil servants had a headache for recruiting soldiers, levying rations, military payments, pensions, transporting rations and other headaches.

   Li Mi spent three days thoroughly investigating all the villagers. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Lord of the village, follow your instructions to register the household registration of everyone in the village. There are 479 households in the village, including 625 males aged 15 to 60, and 963 women, children, old and young. Women can also participate. Weaving, farming, breeding, and fishing."

   "From the current point of view, there are 112 special talents in the village, including teachers, skilled farmers, rangers, physicians, blacksmiths, winemakers, professional pig farmers, dancing girls..."

   "Even dancing girls?"

   Chutian heard Li Li\'s report, and it turned out that the master was among the people, and there were 112 special talents in a small Xia Village.

   Li Li nodded very seriously: "Yes."

   "Bring them to see me."

   "Lord, you have to be a wise lord, and you can\'t force the girls."

   "I just want to see what the dancing girls do..."

   Chutian did not expect that Li Li was still a proper courtier, and he dared to speak up.

   Soon the two dancing girls were brought to Chu Tian, ​​and they looked pretty: "The folk girls, Xiao Zhu and Xiao Qing, have met the village chief."

   Chutian called them really just to check the attributes. He glanced at Xiaoqing\'s attributes casually.

   [Name]: Xiaoqing

  [Age]: 17

  [Level]: 25

   [Commander]: 10 [Strength]: 10 [Intelligence]: 47 [Politics]: 10 [Charm]: 75

   [Occupation]: Intermediate dancer (when resident in Jiaofang Division or Brothel, the effect of Jiaofang Division or Brothel +5%)

   [Skills]: low-level encouragement (a small increase in the morale of the troops in the territory), intermediate music (a small increase in the probability of the territory attracting special talents)

   Chutian was also surprised to see the effects brought about by life and occupation.