Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 30: Wenchen Li Piao

Chutian checked Li Li’s attributes, and was immediately shocked by Li Li’s attributes.

   [Name]: Li Yan

   [Talent]: Emperor (Wenchen)

  [Level]: 30


   [Official position]: None

   [Identity]: Legalists of the Warring States Period

  【Loyalty】: 80

   [Status]: Healthy

   [Commander]: 54 (upper limit 67)

  【Force】: 30 (upper limit 45)

   [Intelligence]: 75 (upper limit 80)

   [Politics]: 85 (upper limit 97)

   [Charm]: 85

  【Gong Method】: None

   [Phaseality]: 53

  [Friendly Degree]: 50

   [Feature 1]: Do your best (SS-level feature, when in charge of agriculture, the territory\'s grain output +30%)

   [Feature 2]: Leveling method (S-level feature, expropriation of grain in the year of harvest, and sale of grain in the year of famine, the people\'s sentiment is not easy to decline, and the loss caused by famine is reduced)

   [Feature 3]: Law and Classics (SS-level feature, the public security is not easy to decline, reducing the probability of crime and corruption)

   [Feature 4]: Physiocratic (A-level feature, farmers in the lord are not easy to change to other occupations)

   The upper limit of political attribute is 97 points, that is to say, a full-level Li Li can reach 97 political points, which brings a comprehensive bonus to the territory.

   No wonder it is an imperial civil servant...there are few people who can compare to Li Li\'s reforms.

   It is an exaggeration that only 30% of grain output plus achievements. A 30% bonus to food production means that it can feed 30% more population and 30% more soldiers.

   This does not include the bonus brought by Li Li\'s own political figures. Political attributes themselves have various hidden bonuses. If Li Li is in charge of agriculture, the annual increase in food production will not be as simple as 30%.

   In addition to the SS-level feature of "doing your best", Li Li also has other features that can stabilize people\'s hearts, public order, and eliminate government officials.

   This is an almighty civil servant in internal affairs.

   Summer Ryo actively asked: "What is this gentleman\'s name?"

   Li Miao saw the woman next to the village chief asked, and answered truthfully: "Now Li Miao."

   "Li Li?!" Xia Liang obviously also knew Wei\'s Li Li reforms, and looked at Chu Tian, ​​"Is this an imperial hero?"

   "Yes, my career is a civil servant."

   "Your luck is really good. I don\'t know how easy it is to have such a Minister of the Interior."

   I can\'t help but envy the cool summer.

  I don’t know if there are one hundred king-level heroes in the Eastern Han Dynasty. They are extremely rare. They need more than 95 individual attributes to qualify as a king-level hero. As for Liu Bei and Sun Quan, perhaps their comprehensive abilities are very strong, but they don’t have outstanding abilities, nor can they become imperial heroes.

   "Li Li has become the number one in the East Han District ranking."

   When Xia Liang checked the rankings, Li Li had already pressed Mulan to become the number one hero in the Eastern Han District.

   Mulan is well-known and well-known to every household, while Li Li is a real political achievement, helping Wei to prosper and strengthen the country. Li Di has a political attribute limit of 97 points, and Mulan, who exceeds the limit of 95 points of force.

   But it doesn\'t matter who ranks first or who ranks second, Chu Tian said that the two heroes are his own.

  Chu Tian noticed that Qin\'s general Mengwu was ranked third, and the fourth is Ming Dynasty\'s military commander Dashou.

   "Ancestor\'s birthday..."

   Chu Tianzai does not know which lord became the lord of the ancestor\'s birthday. Zu Dashou was an officer of the Ming Dynasty, and later turned into a military commander of the Qing Dynasty. He was destined to not be very loyal in "Lord". Becoming his lord, it is estimated to have a headache, but also to prevent his subordinates from rebelling.

   Generally speaking, loyalty of more than 70 is more reliable, more than 80 will not betray, and more than 90 are either life-and-death comrades or old courtiers. If you want a loyalty of 100, you must be a righteous brother like Liu Guanzhang, a brother-in-law like Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, or a husband and wife.

   Several heroes have been added to the world rankings. It is estimated that the first lord in other districts has also received a special hero recruitment order.

  The first is Li Li, the second is the black prince Edward, and the third is Hua Mulan...

   However, there are certain problems with the rankings, just look at individual attributes.

   Chutian suspects that the upper limit of the black prince in command between the two Eastern Han heroes is 96. If his force is also high, then he is a fierce commander of the Holy See. The hateful Westerners gave the black prince Edward such a commander.

   The ranking is just a reference, the actual hero\'s effect and application depend on the lord himself.

   Ranked fourth is a hero in the Great Food Zone (Arab Empire Zone). The specific record of Chutian is not clear.

   Most of the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty are only interested in the heroes of the Eastern and Western Continents. They have little interest in the complex names and forces of the desert continent, such as ancient Persia, ancient Egypt, African tribal kingdoms, and the Arab empire.

   "I need to entrust your caravan in Xiaozhu Village to purchase a second-level shipyard blueprint, a second-level wharf blueprint from Langya City, and purchase 1,000 units of wood and 1,000 units of food."

   Chutian unceremoniously hired the caravan from Xiaozhu Village. The caravans in Xiaozhu Village themselves can also earn handling fees, which is a fair exchange.

   "No problem."

   Although Xia Liang didn\'t understand what Chutian would do with 1,000 units of wood and 1,000 units of grain, he was still willing to lend out the caravan from Xiaozhu Village.

   Chutian bought the drawings and wood to build a four-level fish market. As for the large amount of grain, it is because the stock of grain in Xia Village has been unable to make ends meet with the influx of refugees into ~www.novelhall.com~.

   The next major crop harvest will have to wait for the coming year.

   Chutian can\'t help but envy the place where the grain can be cooked twice or three times a year.

   "LiKui? What does this guy do?"

   "Does anyone know the hero who ranks first? He is the hero of which lord in the Eastern Han Dynasty?"

   After the hero Li Li of the Eastern Han Dynasty squeezed the black prince to second with his individual political ability, he caused an uproar in "Lord", and players in other civilized areas asked who Li Li was.

   They only breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that this was an internal hero.

In everyone’s subconscious mind, the generals still pose a great threat. If this is a military commander with a command value of 97, the Eastern Han District will put too much pressure on the surrounding smaller civilized areas, such as Dongying District, Goryeo District, and Annan District. Up.

   However, only Chu Tian realized how abnormal Li Li’s 30% grain output bonus was. Early grain and grass are very important to the development of the territory.

   "From now on, you will be the peasant officer of Xia Village, and you will also manage the granary and public security."

  Xia Village is too small after all, so Chutian did not set up a complex management organization, and managed the village by relying on special talents that could not be counted as dozens of small officials.

   If there are three provinces and six departments in a village of 1,500 people, the organization will be bloated.

   Li Mi wants to manage agriculture, justice, and treasury at the same time... No, the village grain depot. This is the best use of people, not that Chutian cannot afford to pay.

   As for the commerce in Xia Village, because Li Li had his own "agriculturalism", Chu Tian did not let Li Li manage the commerce and the treasury.

   Xia Village also needs a commercial talent. Ancient civil servants focused on focusing on agriculture and suppressing business. It was even more difficult to recruit business talents.