Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 27: Became famous

"Who is the first player? Why did his points suddenly rise by a thousand points?"

  Eastern Han District, Guanzhong, the player who was originally ranked first, "Old Qin" was puzzled.

   A player named "I just want to farm well" was originally only ranked tenth, but in the last two or three days, it jumped to first place. This result surprised all players.

   In an instant, the first place changed hands, and the points surpassed the second place by 700 points!

   A burly military commander is standing next to "Old Qin". This is another special hero summoned by players in the Eastern Han Dynasty-Meng Tian\'s father, Meng Wu.

  Although there is also a powerful military commander, it\'s just that "Liao Lao Qin" didn\'t have Chu Tian\'s luck and used cavalry assault, and he also encountered Zhang Kai, who had few personal soldiers.

   There are also Yellow Turbans in the Guanzhong area. The Yellow Turban generals are surrounded by hundreds of high-level Yellow Turban soldiers, as well as Yellow Turban leaders. It is almost impossible to kill a Yellow Turban general by chance, otherwise 1000 points will not be awarded directly.

   If someone can kill the three brothers Zhang Jiao in this event, it is estimated that they can earn more than 1,000 points.

"With only two days, it is impossible to catch up with the first place. Only the ability to keep second. Xuzhou\'s\'I just want to farm well\', maybe one day we will become opponents. Unfortunately, you are in Xuzhou, and I am Guanzhong...I hope you can support it until then."

  赳赳 Lao Qin looked at the leaderboard and remembered the player with this strange name.

   "Does anyone know me who just wants to farm well?"

   "If there are no accidents next, this person should be number one on the list. There are only two days left. Unless there is an adventure, no player can catch him."

   "Xuzhou District, is the lord of our Xuzhou District! Now he may become the largest lord of Xuzhou District!"

   "Now his territory ranks 23rd in Xuzhou."

   "I am even more curious about the reward for the first place. This event is different from the closed beta, and even the reward is unknown."

   For a while, players in the entire East Han District were shocked!

   The Yellow Turban event is an exclusive event in the Eastern Han District, and other civilized areas also have their own activities, such as the "All the Way" in the Dongying District and the "Crusade" in the Holy See.

   So this time, all players in the Eastern Han District focused on their civilization rankings.

   Near Xuzhou Xiaopei, a female lord saw the player ranked first, and she fumbled slightly. Isn\'t this "I just want to farm well" a member of her guild?

  The members of other guilds also discovered that the list is a member of their own guild, and it is a very low-key, almost silent member.

   "No way, a small guild like ours actually has players with the top scores?!"

   "Unbelievable, and the chairman\'s ranking is not low, ranking 77 in the East Han District."

   Chu Tian, ​​who became famous suddenly, received dozens of inquiries, and they all wanted to know where Chu Tian\'s territory was.

   Chutian did not respond to other members of the guild, and was unwilling to reveal the location of Xia Village. The gun shot the bird.

   Chutian is checking the properties of two drawings. These two drawings came from Zhang Kai\'s body, and the level should not be low. One is the construction drawing of the Tier 3 Infantry Battalion-Elite Yellow Turban Battalion. Elite Yellow Turban Battalion can recruit Tier 3 infantry yellow turban leaders.

  The Yellow Turban Chief is an advanced unit of the Yellow Turban Soldiers, one of ten among the Yellow Turban Soldiers.

   [arms]: Yellow Turban

   [Order]: Tier 3 infantry

   [attack power]: 11 [defense power]: 5 [speed]: 6

  【Skills】: Intermediate looting (more resources can be obtained when plundering towns and villages), low-level fanaticism (because the belief in fanaticism can temporarily increase combat effectiveness, but after the fanaticism is over, morale will be greatly reduced)

   [Feature 1]: The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand up (when the yellow turban hero is in command, all attributes are +1)

   [Feature 2]: Rogues (decreased public sentiment and security in the territory)

  [Military Pay]: None

  [Required Condition]: Yellow Turban soldiers above level 30 have a 10% probability to advance to Yellow Turban Long

   "Tier 3 infantry without military pay?"

  Chu Tian checked the attributes of the yellow turban long. The attack power of the yellow turban long surpassed the elite infantry and light cavalry. And this is not the most critical point. The most important thing is that the Yellow Turban captain does not need military pay, as long as they can feed them, it is extremely suitable for explosive troops.

   In other words, yellow turban soldiers and yellow turban leaders can be recruited as long as they have food. One-tenth of the yellow turban soldiers can be advanced to yellow turban leaders through the elite yellow turban battalion after level 30.

   However, the characteristics of the Yellow Turban Chang\'s self-reducing territorial public sentiment and public security are really love and hate.

There is another restriction that is more deadly. Only 10% of the yellow turban soldiers can advance to the yellow turban after level 30. This means that if you have to recruit 100 yellow turban soldiers, you must have 1,000 yellow turban soldiers and train them to 30. Above level.

   "The explosive flow is still not suitable for me."

   Chutian gave up the elite yellow towel camp.

  In his opinion, this may be a trap. The Yellow Turban length is not only high in attributes, but also does not require military pay. If it is an average player, it will not be able to resist this temptation. They will embark on the Yellow Turban Army’s explosive route and make a living by looting. The entire territory is estimated to serve the military.

   Chutian still wanted to be a bit more stable, and walked on the road of the king, which was to accumulate food widely and slowly become king.

   The second drawing is an architectural drawing-level four fish market ~ www.novelhall.com ~ level four economic architectural drawing......"

   Chutian was a little stunned when he got this drawing. At present, the highest-level buildings in Xia Village are only second-level buildings, and fourth-level economic buildings are unique to cities and towns.

   Logically speaking, as long as there are architectural drawings and the building conditions are met, even a village can build a four-level fish market.

   Xia Village is close to the Yi River. The drainage area of ​​the Yi River has been expanded tenfold in "The Lord". The river is wide and can develop freshwater fish fishing and breeding. If a fish market is established, it can also attract villagers from nearby villages to come to trade.

   Put away two architectural drawings. There is also an advanced skill book.

   [Name]: Bai Bu Chuan Yang (1/10)

   [Order]: Advanced Archery


   [Secondary effect]: Greatly increase the hit rate, making it easy to hit the enemy\'s vital points.

   [evaluation]: There are those who are good at shooting, and those who are good at shooting, go to the willow leaves and shoot them.

   Seeing this advanced skill book, Chu Tian\'s shock was no less than seeing the fourth-level architectural drawings. The advanced skill book is an item that free players dream of.

  It is easy to understand how to measure its value by price. In Langya City, the price of a low-level skill book ranges from 1 tael to 10 taels, and the price of an intermediate skill book ranges from 10 taels to 100 taels. As for a high-level skill book, there is no market, and players are willing to buy a few hundred taels.

   Even if there is an advanced skill book, Chu Tian is not always willing to buy it. A few hundred taels of silver is enough to feed a small team.

   Sell it for money or use it yourself?

   When Chu Tian led a few cavalry back to Xia Village, Xia Liang brought Xiangyong from Xiaozhu Village to the gate of Xia Village, and when he saw Chu Tian, ​​he said excitedly: "You are now famous!"