Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 28: activity ends

On the 20th day of the Yellow Turban Catastrophe, Chutian still ranked first. After the surprise attack on the Yellow Turban general Zhang Kai, he did not bother to find the Yellow Turban soldiers. Even if there is no need to eliminate the Yellow Turban soldiers, he can still top the list. 700 points ahead of second place is so confident.

   The loss of Xia Village in this event was not small. There were only eight cavalry left from the twenty cavalry. It is estimated that the light cavalry squad that was finally established will be wiped out.

  The event is about to end, and the Yellow Turban soldiers around the village have almost disappeared, and there is no threat to the village.

After    came back, Chutian devoted himself to building a four-level fish market.

   The fourth-level fish market is located on the banks of the Yihe River, between Xia Village and Xiaozhu Village, enough for a thousand people to trade at the same time. This may also be the rare fourth-level building in the entire Eastern Han District so far.

   [Name]: Level 4 Fish Market

   [Introduction]: Aquatic product trading places can only be established less than 10 kilometers away from rivers or the sea.

   [Effect]: Provide tax revenue, increase the speed of attracting refugees, increase popular support, and increase trade influence.

   [Front building]: Level 2 shipyard or above, Level 2 wharf or above

   [Required for construction]: 1000 taels of silver, 1000 units of wood, 200 units of stone

   Seeing the effects brought about by the four-level fish market, Chu Tian couldn\'t help but be moved. Unfortunately, the fish market also has a second-level shipyard and a second-level wharf as the front building, which cannot be built temporarily. The construction material also requires 1,000 units of wood.

   In order to celebrate overcoming the crisis, Xia Village held a bonfire party in the village on the last day of the Yellow Turban catastrophe. The wild boar and specialty rice wine were taken out to celebrate the village.

   Chu Tianqing won a lot of trophies when he suppressed the Yellow Turban soldiers, and the distribution of a batch of wild boar and rice wine was not important.

   There are as many as 60 taels of gold, 550 taels of silver, and more than 100,000 copper coins.

  The equipment includes 1 piece of anti-gold grade, 23 pieces of silver grade, and 527 pieces of bronze grade. It is a pity that there are only 10 horses left.

  Gold-level equipment is also rare in the early stage, and it is invaluable.

   [Name]: Wu Zhan Dao

   [Quality]: Gold level

   [Effect]: Attack power +5, when the force is lower than 70, force +2

   [evaluation]: Do you want a knife?

   This is a weapon used by the Yellow Turban general Zhang Kai. A machete that can be used with one hand is a power weapon. When there was no better choice, Chu Tian had to equip the martial sword.

   Now Chutian has reached the third-level hairpin by killing the Yellow Turban Army. As long as you reach the twentieth rank, you can formally crack the earth to enshrine marquis, princes and kings.

   [Name]: Chu Tian

   【Prize】: Third-class hairpin (twentieth-class military system)

   [Official position]: None

  [Level]: 20[Experience]: 52/3000

   [Commander]: 29 [Strength]: 25+2 [Intelligence]: 31 [Politics]: 33

   [Equipment]: Martial Sword, Leather Armor

  【Gongfa】: Flame Spear (2/10), Special Riding (2/10)

   [Features]: None

  【Special arms】: None

   Chutian found that his equipment and skill "flame spear technique" conflicted, and the spear skill could not be used to equip the sword.

   Forget it. Chu Tian took a look at his poor force, which was equivalent to an elite soldier, so he ignored these details.

   If a free player knew that Chu Tian was so violent, he would definitely call it a pity.

   Gold-level equipment was offered for several hundred taels of silver, but was reluctantly used by Chu Tian.

   As for the only advanced skill book "Hundred Steps Through Yang", Chu Tian directly rewarded his subordinate Hua Mulan.

   High-level archery hasn\'t had much effect in his own hands for the time being, but after Hua Mulan has learned it, he can head with arrows.

   "Does the lord really want to give such an expensive skill book to his subordinates?"

   "The more you learn is more valuable."

   Hua Mulan took the advanced skill book, his loyalty became 90 points, and his favorability increased to 57 points.

   Loyalty and favorability are two different concepts. One is a position, the other is a personal relationship. A military commander is loyal to a certain force, but may hate certain colleagues or even the monarch.

   "Our Xiaozhu Village also contributed to this event. Is there no extra reward?"

   Xia Liang led the heroes and elders of Xiaozhu Village to participate in the celebration in Xia Village, and saw that Chu Tian generously rewarded his subordinates with a book of advanced skills, and couldn\'t help but laugh.

   "You also want to reward? Then give you this skill book."

   Chutian handed a skill book to Xia Liang who was sitting aside.

   Summer Ryo took the skill book, and when he looked at the cover, it turned out to be a low-level skill book for life.

   [Name]: Postpartum care of sows

   [Quality]: Low-level life skills

   [Effect]: Probability of postpartum sows in pig farms -5%

   "..." Xia Liang was speechless, and accepted this skill book. "It will be useful to have a pig farm in Xiaozhu Village in the future, or sell it for a few taels of silver."

   "How many points does Xiaozhu Village rank in Xuzhou District?"

   "Xuzhou District can\'t enter the rankings, but in Langya Country\'s rankings, Xiaozhu Village ranks 72, and there are rewards."

   This event is divided into three rankings: country, state, and county. Players in each ranking are rewarded. If you are on three leaderboards at the same time, it will be calculated according to the most lucrative reward.

   In other words, Chutian can only get the rewards of No. 1 in the Eastern Han District, not the rewards of No. 1 in Xuzhou District and Langya Country, but the reward of No. 1 in the Eastern Han District is definitely better than the latter two.

   Xiaozhu Village is in the direction of a commercial town. The soldiers only have Xiangyong. Therefore, they can only be ranked 72nd in Langya and cannot be on the Xuzhou list.

   Even if Chutian wants to help, he can\'t do anything. The ranking only counts the yellow turban soldiers killed by the lord and his subordinates.

   Xia Xia Liang continued to tease Chu Tian, ​​his cheeks getting hot from drinking Xia Cun’s rice wine with water: "Big celebrity, how do you want to develop in the future?"

   "What else can be developed? It is nothing more than upgrading a third-level village to a first-level town, so that you can have an affiliated territory and occupy the villages of other lords."

   "Do you want to annex our Xiaozhu Village? Yes, but it will cost me satisfaction."

   Xia Liang offered to be annexed by Xia Village.

   Probably when she built the village, she never thought that there would be another village built by the player at five kilometers away.

   The distance between the two villages is too close. Maybe at the stage when everyone is a village, the two villages will not conflict, but once the two villages become two towns, they will definitely stay together. In other words, there will definitely be one party annexing the other, depending on whose strength is strong.

   "Let’s talk about it when I reach the town."

   Chutian looked at the bonfire and the villagers singing and dancing in the two villages. The temptation for Chu Tian to annex Xiaozhu Village without a **** sword was great. Almost all resources in Xiaozhu Village have been invested in economic buildings. The annexation of Xiaozhu Village means that Xia Village has a substantial monthly income, which can alleviate Xia Village’s military expenditure.

   "Ding! The "Yellow Turban Trail" event in East Han District is over, liquidation rewards!"

   "Ding! The Dongying District activity\'always one hit\' is over, liquidation rewards!"

   "Ding! The Persian activity "Remains of Babylon" is over, liquidation rewards!"

   "Ding! The Holy See\'s campaign "Crusade Collection Order" is over, liquidation rewards!"
