Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 26: Kill the Yellow Turban hero

A small group of cavalry galloped past, and several Yellow Turban soldiers were killed by the cavalry with sabers before they could react.

   In the village, a burly yellow turban general led a group of yellow turban soldiers to burn to death and looted: "Hurry, or the officers and soldiers will come after them!"

  The Yellow Turban soldiers ransacked this village on the west side of the battlefield. Suddenly the Yellow Turban soldiers guarding the entrance of the village ran in: "General, the officers and soldiers are here!"


  The yellow turban general Zhang Kai with a scar on his face hurriedly fled the village with the yellow turban soldiers.

   The sound of horse hooves sounded, and the surrounding yellow turban soldiers were frightened to death.

   The ranks of the Xuzhou officers and soldiers are higher than them. The Yellow Turban soldiers and the Xuzhou soldiers were defeated in battle. Langya defense Zangba and Sun Guan were still chasing them.

   An arrow came, and a yellow turban soldier beside Zhang Kai fell to the ground, which intensified the panic.

  The yellow turban soldiers who had no desire to fight were running around, and only a dozen yellow turban soldiers were left beside Zhang Kai.

   Zhang Kai escaped from the village in a panic.

   Chutian was riding on horseback, looking at the Yellow Turban soldiers who had escaped from the village not far away.

   One of the yellow turban soldiers who had a scar and was injured at the same time was probably Zhang Kai, a general of Xuzhou of the Yellow Turban Army.

   Just now, he sent ten cavalry soldiers to set fire at the entrance of the village, creating the illusion of the arrival of officers and soldiers, creating chaos, in order to lead the snake out of the cave.

   "Mulan, are you sure?"

   Chutian is also not sure whether Hua Mulan\'s current level is capable of killing Zhang Kai in the chaos army. If it is the same level, there is definitely no problem. However, in order to protect the military commanders of the Three Kingdoms in the Eastern Han District, the initial rank of the military commanders of the Three Kingdoms was very high. Otherwise, a group of military commanders from other dynasties in the early stage would be able to flatten the less powerful vassals such as Kong Rong and Zhang Lu.

   "I will try at the end."

   Hua Mulan drew out a sharp Chinese sword and took the initiative to charge Zhang Kai.

   "We cover!"

   Chutian and the other ten hussars bent their bows and set up arrows, and eleven arrows were fired.

   "That fellow Zang Ba is chasing over?!"

   Zhang Kai couldn\'t help being shocked when he heard the sound of horseshoes.

  A war horse came, and a female military general held a sharp Chinese sword high, beheading three or four yellow turban soldiers one after another, and then directly smashed Zhang Kai!

   Zhang Kai was shocked and used a machete to block Hua Mulan\'s Han knife!

   Two sharp blades collide, sparks splash!

   Hua Mulan rode a war horse, condescending, while Zhang Kai ran away in a hurry, without a war horse, and suffered a big loss at this time, struggling to support it.

   blocked Hua Mulan with a knife, his arms were shaking!

   Hua Mulan’s force is higher than him!

   "There should be no generals like you under Tao Qian! Who are you?!"

   Zhang Kai is not only inferior to Hua Mulan in force, but he is also injured in a melee with Zangba’s Langya Army. At this time, he can only passively defend.

   Hua Mulan replied coldly: "Xiacun infantry leads Hua Mulan."

   "Idiot, don\'t come to help! This girl is really strong!"

   Zhang Kai called out the surrounding yellow turban soldiers, and even the tall, third-order infantry yellow turbans with long swords.

   More than a dozen Yellow Turban soldiers and Yellow Turban Changers besieged Hua Mulan.

   Ordinary yellow turban soldiers pose a small threat to Mulan, but the length of the yellow turban is a genuine Tier 3 infantry, which can already interfere with Mulan’s offensive, and even a large number can kill king-level generals.

   "The Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of Governor Cao Bao is here! All yellow turbans will be killed without pardon!"

   Chu Tian, ​​who had only more than 20 armed forces, had to use Tao Qian as a shield, pretending to be Tao Qian\'s subordinate Cao Bao, and launched a charge.

   "The officers and soldiers from Xiapi are here too!"

   "Run for your life!"

   As expected, in addition to Zhang Kai\'s more than a dozen soldiers who still followed him, the other yellow turban soldiers and yellow turbans who had just lost their morale were scattered.

   Chutian brought ten cavalry soldiers to share the pressure for Hua Mulan.

   "Lord, be careful!"

   A light cavalry stood in front of Chu Tian, ​​and the long knife in the hands of the Yellow Turban had been cut off!

   The light cavalry resisted desperately, because the bonus of Hua Mulan could barely block the yellow turban.

   The ranks of these yellow scarfs are actually very high. One, two, three... the light cavalry was killed by a high-level Yellow Turban!

   Even if the war horse is hit by a long knife, he will die!

   Chutian was bleeding in his heart. A war horse and a cavalry are expensive. Regardless of how easy it is for Hua Mulan to kill the yellow turban, the light cavalry in Xia Village fell short. The yellow turban who is qualified to follow Zhang Kai is the elite of the elite. The level is estimated to be around 50. It is a disaster for the 20th-level light cavalry in Xia Village. This is still the premise of the bonus of Mulan. The loss caused by the following.

   Ten light cavalry were killed by several Tier 3 yellow turbans, and Chu Tian was at stake.

   At this moment, ten light cavalry who set fire at the entrance of the village rushed to stand in front of Chu Tian and buy precious time for Hua Mulan.

   "Mulan, hurry up!"

   Chutian can only pin his hopes on Mulan, and currently only Mulan in Xia Village can kill Zhang Kai.

   "Ding! Congratulations, players, your king-level general, Mulan, successfully killed the yellow turban camp gold-level special hero Zhang Kai (level 70), and got 1000 points!"

   After twelve light cavalry died in Xia Village, the sound of the system sounded. Hua Mulan actually killed the level 70 Zhang Kai!

   "Killing a historical yellow turban general can directly earn 1,000 points, which is too exaggerated!"

   Chutian still doesn\'t know what it means to kill a level 70 yellow turban general in the early stage. First of all, there must be a special general with high enough force. Secondly, there should not be too many soldiers around the Yellow Turban general.

   In short, luck and strength are indispensable for this rush.

   Once Zhang Kai died, the remaining Yellow Turban soldiers and Yellow Turban leaders had to flee.

   Chutian found two drawings from Zhang Kai\'s corpse, and also took away Zhang Kai\'s weapons. As for the armor, Hua Mulan had destroyed it.

   too late to look at the properties of the drawing, Chu Tian hurried into his arms.

   In addition to drawings and weapons, there is also a skill book and 20 taels of gold.

   It is estimated that Zhang Kai was too heavy to carry too much gold, otherwise Chu Tian would not believe that the property of a Yellow Turban general was only 20 taels of gold.

   Some trophies were also found on the bodies of other Yellow Turban soldiers and Yellow Turban Chiefs, but Chu Tian did not want to stay longer, because Hua Mulan was already injured in order to kill Zhang Kai across levels.

   It is said that Zhang Kai personally led the Yellow Turban army of 20,000, and lost several thousand in the battle with Zang Ba, so there should be tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers around.

   "It\'s a pity... we retreat!"

   Chutian brought twenty cavalry with him when he came to attack. Now there are only eight remaining. After heartache, he had to retreat. The morale of the remaining eight cavalry fell to 30. It will collapse if it continues.

   Xia Village Cavalry’s first raid, and the death rate was as high as 60%!

   However, the loss seemed to be worthwhile. Chu Tian found himself ranked first on the leaderboard on the way back to Xia Village.

  First, "I just want to farm well" in Xuzhou area, points 2020.

  Second, the Guanzhong area "Liao Qin" with 1299 points.

   Third, the Liaodong area "a soldier at the border at the end of Ming Dynasty", with 1234 points.
