Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 25: Before impact 3

In a destroyed village, 30 Yellow Turban soldiers were eliminated, and 40 Yellow Turban soldiers were surrounded and abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

   A group of light cavalry wiped the blood off the blade.

   This is the first light cavalry in Xia Village. Although there are only twenty cavalrymen, they are already a powerful force in the early stage.

   On both sides of the light cavalry are light infantry and courage.

   "According to the old rules, take one and half prisoners."

   Chutian and Xiaozhu Village divided up forty Yellow Turban captives, each village can get 20 labor.

   In order to suppress the Yellow Turban Army, both Xia Village and Xiaozhu Village suffered losses. They chose to enslave the captured Yellow Turban soldiers and let them serve as unpaid labor in the village.

   "The duration of this event is 20 days, and the event is over in three days. Now my ranking is 10th in the Eastern Han District."

   Chutian can see the list of the East Han District.

   Ranked first is the lord of the Guanzhong region "Zhe Ji Lao Qin", with 1125 points.

   Ranked second is the lord of the eastern Liaoning region, "A Little Soldier at the Border of the Late Ming Dynasty", with 1091 points.

   Ranked third is the lord of the Soochow area "Tongque Chun Shensuo Er Qiao", with 1059 points.


   Ranked ninth is the lord of Qingzhou area "Mr. Zhao" with 945 points.

   ranked tenth is the lord of Xuzhou area "I just want to farm well" with 927 points.

   Chutian said to himself: "Why are these players\' names so strange."

   Xia Liang spit on the side: "I just want to farm the name well, it\'s even stranger than them."

   "Ahem... We have worked very hard to eliminate the Yellow Turban soldiers. Now my score is 927. I didn\'t expect that there are nine people in front. There are only three days and it is difficult to get to the top three."

   Chutian swept the surrounding Yellow Turban army, and so far has defeated the nine Yellow Turban army teams.

   The coalition forces of the two villages centered on Xia Village and Xiaozhu Village, looking for the Yellow Turban Army in a radius of ten miles. As for the Yellow Turban army further afield, the coalition forces of the two villages have more than enough energy but not enough. Once they were far away from Xia Village and Xiaozhu Village, and if the Yellow Turban soldiers attacked the village, there would be no time to return the aid.

   Xia Ryo analysis: "They may have used the power of the guild or free players to help. The player who chooses to go to the general direction is at least equivalent to a bronze hero."

   "It is possible. But we have to find a way to reach the top three."

   Chutian knows that generally the top three rewards are much more generous than the top ten rewards. Since they have all reached the tenth place, they must hit the top three.

  The problem is that the Xia Village-Xiaozhu Village coalition forces have enough strength, but the surrounding Yellow Turban soldiers have been eliminated, and the event is only three days away.

   Suddenly, Chu Tian noticed that a lord player in the guild had posted a post.

"Damn it! The Yellow Turban Army\'s Xuzhou General Zhang Kai led 20,000 Yellow Turban soldiers to fight against the Langya City Defense Zangba! Lao Tzu\'s village became the center of the battlefield and was razed to the ground! If it weren\'t for Lao Tzu to run fast, he would have been killed. Up!"

   Zhang Kai? The leader of the Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army who killed Cao Cao\'s father?

   It turns out that the main force of the Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army is in Langya!

   Xia Village is 50 kilometers from Langya City, and Xiaozhu Village is 45 kilometers from Langya City. The place where the Yellow Turban General Zhang Kai fought with Langya Defence Zangba should not be far from Xia Village.

   Chutian asked for the address. The place where the Yellow Turban Army and Langya Army fought was about 30 kilometers west of Langya City.

   Chutian drew a crude map on the ground with a long sword, and calculated the distance of the battlefield from here.

   Xia Xia Liang is a little confused: "What are you doing?"

   Chutian did not answer, but said to himself: "The distance may vary from 40 kilometers to 70 kilometers. If you ride a horse, it will not take long."

   Chutian suddenly got up, letting Xia Cheng cool by surprise. Chu Tian looked at her: "I plan to go to the outskirts of the battlefield where the Yellow Turban Army and the Xuzhou Army are fighting to see if there is a chance to surprise the Yellow Turban Army general Zhang Kai. If I can kill him, my points might be able to reach the top three."

   Xia Xia Liang showed an unbelievable expression: "You are crazy! That is a special hero with a surname in our East Han District. There may be tens of thousands of yellow turban soldiers by your side. You only have 20 light cavalry. How can you kill him!"

"Pursuing wealth and wealth, there is no better way to hit the top three in the last three days." Chu Tian thought of taking risks, his breathing became quick, "You stay in Xiaozhu Village, and at the same time take care of our Xia Village. If there are Yellow Turbans attacking these two villages, just contact me."

"You believe me?"

   "There is no way, only players can transmit information in time."

   "Well, you... be careful."

  Chutian brought only twenty light cavalry. There were originally 21 light cavalry in Xia Village. One of the cavalry was killed by several yellow turban soldiers when charging, leaving 20 cavalry.

   The light cavalry comes and goes like the wind, and can attack long distances. When retreating, the infantry is out of reach.

   As for the elite light infantry in Xia Village, Chutian arranged most of them to stay in Xia Village and a few to assist in the defense of Xiaozhu Village to ensure the safety of the two villages.

   This is the second time Chu Tian left Xia Village to explore the vicinity of Langya City, and the target of this Baili attack was the Yellow Turban military general Zhang Kai, which was extremely dangerous.

   "When I hope to reach the battlefield, Zang Ba has defeated the Yellow Turban Army, and then I can fish in troubled waters..."

   Chutian thought in his heart. It was basically impossible for the 20 light cavalry to compete head-on with the 20,000 Yellow Turbans. Only when the Yellow Turbans were defeated, could Chu Tian lead the cavalry to kill Zhang Kai in the chaos.

   Kill the special heroes of the Yellow Turban Army, with generous rewards and points.

   Zangba can be regarded as a small and famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty~www.novelhall.com~ There should be no suspense in defeating Zhang Kai.

"set off!"

   Chutian, Hua Mulan, and twenty light cavalry left here, marching in the approximate direction.

   There are many lords’ villages outside Langya City. Langya City, also known as Kaiyang City, was a large city at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, so many players built villages nearby. After all, no one wants to build a village in the remote mountainous areas. The establishment of villages in isolated mountainous areas means that there is almost no foreign trade.

   Because of this Yellow Turban catastrophe, the villages outside Langya City were destroyed in six or seven times. A large number of weak lords were wiped out, and the rest were powerful lords.

   These lords who survived the disaster saw a light cavalry passing by, and subconsciously closed the village gate.

   Chutian also ignored these lords. After the functions that can be conquered among the various lords are opened, they may become enemies.

   "There must be stragglers near the battlefield of tens of thousands of people. As long as you encounter these stragglers, you will probably be on the battlefield."

  The cavalry team encountered several yellow turban soldiers who attacked the village. Chu Tian directly ignored these yellow turban soldiers. He also saved arrows to shoot Zhang Kai.

   When Chutian and his party marched for 60 kilometers, the number of yellow turban soldiers around suddenly increased after they were tired. This group of yellow turban soldiers wailed and wounded.

   is probably near the battlefield!

   Hua Mulan captured a yellow turban soldier alive and threw it to the ground.

   The terrified yellow turban soldier hurriedly begged for mercy: "The officer is forgiving, there is an eighty-year-old high hall in the villain, and there is..."

   Chutian riding a war horse, condescendingly, shouted sharply: "Stop talking nonsense! Where is your general Zhang Kai?!"

   "Our general was defeated. The officers and soldiers were chasing him. The general and his soldiers ran to the village to the west..."