Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 24: Natsumura visit

"The village chief, we can\'t keep it!"

   "Hold on for a while!"

   Xiaozhu Village was also attacked by the Yellow Turban soldiers. Hundreds of the Yellow Turban soldiers came and killed them aggressively. The village head Xia Liang Xia Liang personally led Xiang Yong to block the village gate.

   Xiaozhu Village is only a secondary village, and the fortifications are only wooden fences. A small group of Yellow Turban soldiers broke through the wooden fence and entered the village to set fire.

   Xia Liang watched the buildings in the village catch fire and was distraught. Although Xiaozhu Village is not a third-level village, it is not far from an upgraded third-level village and has a population of 700. If it is destroyed in this way, a lot of hard work will be destroyed.

   "Brothers, enter the village!"

   More than a dozen yellow turban cavalry launched an assault, and the Guitou knife slashed down, and Xiangyong who stood in front of the cavalry was beheaded by the Guitou knife!

   The silver hero of Xiaozhu Village fell into a hard fight and used a bow and arrow to shoot a yellow turban cavalry. Two yellow turban cavalry galloped in, and the big sword fell on the silver hero!

   "Protect the village chief!"

   Twenty elite villagers stood in front of the summer cool, and the people of Xiaozhu Village were very happy. At this time, the village chief was in trouble and gave up his life.

   The cavalry was extremely terrifying in the early stage, and one after another elite villagers fell.

   Xia Liang, who is not armed, has a pale face, and the hideous-faced yellow turban cavalry is approaching, and there are equally fierce yellow turban soldiers behind. As the Yellow Turban soldiers set fire in the village, the morale of the warriors in Xiaozhu Village was rapidly declining.

   The sound of horses\' hoofs sounded, and a horse brigade came eagerly, Chutian bowed his bow and shot at one of the Yellow Turban soldiers.

  The arrow hit the yellow turban soldier\'s front door, and he shot the yellow turban soldier directly to death!

   Chutian secretly called a fluke. Originally, he couldn\'t shoot a level 20 Yellow Turban soldier with an arrow, but this arrow hit the key, so the Yellow Turban soldier was killed directly.

   Eleven elite infantrymen in Xia Village turned over and dismounted, formed a spear formation, and attacked the Yellow Turban soldiers from behind!

   Hua Mulan brandished a Chinese sword and slammed into the Yellow Turban army alone, with every sword bringing blood!

   "Reinforcements are coming! Villagers of Xiaozhu Village, drive out the gangsters from the village!"

   In summer, the reinforcements from Liang Jian Xia Village arrived as promised, overjoyed, and led Xiaozhu Village to fight back.

   The courageous tiger, who is good at tailwinds, was shocked, his morale rose, and temporarily consolidated his line.

   "I am a yellow scarf..."

   Before the head of the Yellow Turban had time to report to his family, Hua Mulan killed him with three swords.

   Hundreds of Yellow Turbans were met from inside and outside, and were suddenly defeated and defeated thousands of miles away.

   At the time of the melee between the two sides, Xia Village’s Second Support Army squad, thirty-five elite infantrymen, arrived. They immediately went into battle and completely eliminated the Yellow Turban that attacked Xiaozhu Village.

   Approximately 150 Yellow Turban soldiers attacked Xiaozhu Village. Only more than 30 Yellow Turban soldiers escaped, and the rest fell under the attack of the coalition forces of the two villages. Especially the Yellow Turban soldiers who broke into Xiaozhu Village and set fire were completely blocked in the village and killed by Xiang Yong and the villagers.

"Are you OK?"

   Chutian has special riding skills and can easily get off his horse.

   Xiaozhu Village suffered considerable damage during the Yellow Turban Siege. Several buildings were burned down, and Xiang Yong and villagers were busy fighting the fire.

   "Thank you. If it weren\'t for Xia Village\'s generous rescue, just relying on Xiaozhu Village\'s courage, it would be impossible to stop the Yellow Turban soldiers."

   Summer Ryo tidyed up some messy long hair, and his words were full of gratitude: "What do you want in return?"

   "Return...those horses are treated as trophies to support you this time."

   Chutian tried his best to get together a cavalry.

   Xiaozhu Village captured eight war horses. If you add the fifteen war horses in Xia Village, then there are 23 war horses.

   Not like Youzhou, Bingzhou, or Liangzhou. In the early days of Xuzhou, war horses were a scarce strategic resource. Whoever had a strong cavalry would take the initiative to attack.

   "Just war horses in return? Yes."

   Coolly in summer, hand over all eight war horses to Chu Tian.

The economic prosperity of    Xiaozhu Village is far more than the price of eight war horses.

   "The village chief, 21 elite villagers and 62 villagers died in battle."

   The elders of Xiaozhu Village handed a battle damage report to Xia Liang.

   The cold noodles in summer are sad. Xiangyong is the labor force of the village. The sacrifice of 83 laborers at a time is a heavy blow to Xiaozhu Village. The speed of Xiaozhu Village\'s upgrade to a third-level village will definitely be affected.

   "I will find a way to appease the family and the population of the fallen hometown..."

   In summer, Liang bit his thin lip. As a village head, he must be able to face various crises in the territory. Fortunately, the burnt-down buildings in Xiaozhu Village were residential buildings, and economic buildings were not affected.

   The development direction of Xiaozhu Village is a commercial town, and it despises the military. In terms of monthly copper income, it may be more than Xia Village.

   "Our Xiaozhu Village score is 104 points, how about you?"

   Xia Xia Liang reminds Chu Tian of one thing.

   Chutian was busy cleaning up the Yellow Turban soldiers who had attacked the two villages, before he had time to check his points.

   This "Yellow Turban Catastrophe" event is an exclusive event in the East Han District. There is a ranking list, sorted by points.

   Killing a 10-level yellow turban can get 1 point, killing a 15-level yellow turban can get 1.5 points, and a 20-level yellow turban can get 2 points.

   Kill the yellow turban hero, and the points gained are proportional to the level and grade of the yellow turban hero.

  The subordinates of the lord and the yellow turban soldiers killed by the soldiers are also counted in the lord’s points. UU reading www. uukānshu. com

   "312 points..."

   Chutian didn\'t even know if he didn\'t look at it. It turned out that he was so fierce that he earned three times the points of Xiaozhucun.

   Xia Liang was surprised when he heard such a high score: "Maybe you will enter the Xuzhou ranking this time, no, you may even enter the top 100 rankings in the entire Eastern Han District!"


   Chutian counted the losses. In order to save the villagers in Xiaozhu Village, the elite infantry in Xia Village lost four more, and the others were wounded.

   But Xia Village still has the ability to fight.

   "Maybe our Xiaozhu Village can help you hit the rankings. Our Xiaozhu Village still has two hundred courageous people, and can form a two-village coalition with Xia Village to wipe out the surrounding Yellow Turban soldiers. How?"

   Xia Cun learns that Chu Tian\'s points are very high, his eyes are thoughtful, and he intends to help Xia Cun make the list.

   There are two hundred courageous soldiers in Xiaozhu Village as support, coupled with Xia Village’s elite and stable morale, can wipe out more Yellow Turban soldiers.

   "What is the price?"

   "There is no cost, you hit the rankings in the Eastern Han District, and our Xiaozhu Village can also hit the rankings in Xuzhou District."

  The coalition forces of the two villages are united together. There are about 40 elite infantrymen and 500 courageous soldiers.

   The Yellow Turban catastrophe lasted for more than half a month, so Chutian trained 19 light cavalry and 40 elite light infantry in Xia Village, so that 14 days later, Xia Village will have 21 light cavalry and 82 elite light infantry.

   Xiaozhu Village, which is cool in summer, trains a lot of elite local courage.

  The coalition forces of the two villages began to raid the yellow turban soldiers nearby, spread their eyeliners, and each left one hundred villages to defend the village, and the remaining cavalry, infantry, and villagers left the village to ambush the yellow turban soldiers.

   After ambushing two small groups of Yellow Turban soldiers outside the village, Xiaozhu Village\'s points became 161 points, and Xia Village\'s points became 453 points.