Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 20: Level 3 village and preparation

rumbling, the territory of Xia Village expanded outward, from the second-level village to the third-level village, and a layer of about 1.5 meters high earth wall appeared outside the village. There is also a wooden fence outside the earth wall.

   Xia Village officially changed from a small and medium village to a large village.

   [Territory]: Xia Village (three-level village)

   [Lord]: Chu Tian (second-level creation)

   [affiliation]: Langya Country, Xuzhou, Eastern Han District

  【Specialty】: Rough celadon (E-grade specialty), rice wine (D-grade specialty)

  [Population]: 812/2000


  [Policy and order]: 87


   [Administrative efficiency]: 10/100

   [Agricultural efficiency]: 13/100

   [Economic efficiency]: 17/100

   [Cultural efficiency]: 15/100

   [Military Rating]: 1012 (1 king-level special hero, 1 silver hero, 1 bronze hero, 2 light cavalry, 50 elite infantry, 252 courageous)

  【City Defense Fortification】: Wooden fence (defense +1), earth wall (defense +1, can effectively block bows and arrows)

[New buildings]: Earth Temple (accumulating incense can increase the blessing value of the village, and the probability of auspicious appearance increases), the first-level agricultural market (increasing the village\'s agricultural and commercial prosperity), the second-level orchard (you can plant fruits), the second-level Flour mill, secondary wood processing workshop


After   Xia Village was upgraded to a third-level village, several lacking buildings were added, and it began to develop in the direction of the town, and there were also earthen walls as fortifications. The earth wall is the embryonic form of the future city wall.

   The lord’s mansion where Chutian lived has finally changed a lot. The lord’s mansion has been transformed from a wooden house into a stone house, and there are also blue tiles.

   Now he manages 800 people. Most of the lords are still tossing in the second-level villages, and some lords may not even be able to upgrade the first-level villages to the second-level, and the villages are destroyed because of bandits and beasts.

   Lord’s Mansion is divided into front yard, stone tablet, and back yard. The front yard is naturally the place for office and village administration. The stone stele is the core of Xia Village. The stone stele is destroyed and the entire territory will be abandoned. The backyard is where Chutian lives.

   "Build two wooden arrow towers at the entrance of the village, and build a wooden arrow tower in each of the other three directions except the entrance of the village as a guard tower."

   Chutian arranged labor to build the wooden arrow tower, which requires a lot of wood.

  The timber reserves in Xia Village are completely insufficient, but Chutian has already commissioned a business in Xiaozhu Village to collect timber from nearby villages.

   A team of commercial horses came from the village to build a small village, bringing in wood continuously, plus Xia Village launched a large amount of labor to mine, the wood was barely enough.

   The carpenter is busy building the wooden arrow tower with his labor. Carpenters are also special talents. In ancient times, artisans were not killed in wars and slaughter cities, because artisans were very versatile.

  The hunters in Xia Village can lay hunting traps around the village. Once the Yellow Turban soldiers step on the trap, they may be injured or killed directly.

   Zhao Qi reported progress to Chutian: "Except for the village entrance to ensure that the population and goods enter and exit without traps, 253 traps have been set outside the earth wall."

"Make a note of the location of these hunting traps. In the last one or two months, all villagers are prohibited from approaching the soil wall and can only enter and exit through the village entrance. Wait until the yellow turban is solved before clearing these hunting traps. You take people to set up more traps, the more the better. "


   Zhao Qi led the Orion to plant a trap near the earth wall.

   The advantage of hunting traps is that you don’t need to pay resources, you only need to put in labor, but the disadvantage is that you can’t also have traps at the entrance of the village... And as long as the Yellow Turban army concentrates on attacking a certain place, you can use crowded tactics to destroy the trap there.

   Hua Mulan trains elite infantry in Xia Village at the secondary school ground. A group of infantry soldiers use spears, broadswords, or iron swords as weapons. A few infantry soldiers have been replaced by scarce leather armor, but most infantry soldiers are still commoner.

   For recruited soldiers, long-term training and battle can raise their level and gradually become a division of a hundred battles.

   Because Hua Mulan killed a lot of Yellow Turban soldiers and rebel soldiers, her level rose from 30 to 32. The current commander is 72 and the force is 82, which can bring higher bonuses.

   "The weapons are not unified, and there is not enough armor."

   Hua Mulan mentioned the current situation of the first guard in Xia Village, with a bit of worry on her eyes.

   "I have ordered the blacksmith shop and the woodworking shop to build a spear, a wooden shield, and a leather armor for each infantryman. As for the uniform saber and bow and arrow, I will think about it later."

   Chutian is actively preparing for battle. The material of the leather armor is wild boar skin that can be obtained through hunting. As for the weapons of the infantry, Chutian prefers spears. A group of soldiers armed with long spears form a square formation, which has the effect of a long spear formation.

   Hua Mulan trained the Xia Village infantry, and Chu Tian sent two light cavalry to investigate outside the village.

   "Lord of the village."

   Chutian was walking on the dirt road of the village, and saw a group of villagers driving their domestic pigs to the pig farm.

   Xia Village has been partitioned in a planned way.

  Xia Village is divided into seven districts, residential district, municipal district, barracks district, administrative district, workshop district, resource district, and reserved land.

  The buildings in the residential area are private houses, and the houses are mainly wooden houses. The number of thatched houses has begun to decrease, and a few stone houses have also begun to appear. The houses of the villagers don’t need Chutian’s concern. The villagers will naturally find ways to rebuild their houses when they have money. You can’t let the lord worry about what house each villager lives in...

   There are taverns, agricultural markets, medical clinics, private schools, earth temples, tailor shops in the city square area~www.novelhall.com~ The administrative area has a mansion, a granary, and an arsenal.

   Barracks area has a first-level cavalry battalion and a second-level infantry battalion.

  The workshop area has a blacksmith shop, a armor shop, a wood processing room, a flour mill, and a celadon factory.

  The resource area has farmland, mines, logging farms, orchards, fish ponds, pig farms, and chicken farms.

  Reserved land is reserved for the construction of new buildings and the future sale of land for money. As long as Xia Village develops into a town, land prices will rise.

   With the gradual increase in population and buildings in Xia Village, the development of Xia Village is gradually on the right track.

   Now Xia Village has built a thatched cottage, which can recruit 50 children, and can also improve the cultural efficiency of the territory. Chu Tian selected a teacher from the refugees and let him be the teacher of the cottage. In addition, the cottage also has a hidden effect. After these children reach adulthood, their four-dimensional attributes will be higher than those of ordinary villagers.

  The scent of rice wine comes from the tavern. The backyard of the tavern is where wine is made. The rice wine produced can also be sold to other villages.


   A light cavalry from Xia Village galloped on the dirt road in the country, raising mud and dust.

  The cavalry broke into the village entrance, and the villagers who came in and out looked at the cavalry in Xia Village in surprise.

   The cavalry got off their horses and found Chu Tian nervously: "The village chief, a large yellow turban army has appeared outside the village. Some villages have already been looted!"

   "Drive all the livestock back to the village, and all the courageous villagers will gather and prepare to fight to the death with the Yellow Turban army who attacked the village!"

   Chu Tian is like a big enemy, this time the Yellow Turban army is no more than the 60 Yellow Turban soldiers last time, and the level is higher.

   If you can kill the Yellow Turbans and get on the leaderboard, you might get a huge reward.