Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 21: Yellow Turban Catastrophe (1)

"Eastern Han District Announcement: The lord’s calendar is June, the yellow turbans are all around, gangsters from all over the country are responding, plundering villages, and the Han court calls on the lord of the world to defend the territory and resist the yellow turban!"

"Announcement from the Eastern Han Dynasty: Yellow Turban heroes appear in the following areas. Please be careful of all lords: Zhangjiao, Zhangliang, Zhang Bao in Jizhou, Guanhai in Qingzhou, Cheng Yuanzhi, Deng Mao in Youzhou, Zhang Kai in Xuzhou, Bocai in Yanzhou, Yuzhou Liu Pi, He Yi, Gong Du... Kill the special heroes of the Yellow Turban Army to get extra points and special rewards! The special heroes of the Yellow Turban Army who died can be summoned through the recruitment order in the future!"

   As soon as the system announcement came out, players in the East Han District were in an uproar. Even the closed beta players were stunned. They thought that this time it was only a group of higher-level Yellow Turban soldiers coming out to grab food, and as a result, a large number of special Yellow Turban heroes appeared. How can the players stop this?

   "Crazy, crazy."

   Chu Tian, ​​who was actively preparing for the battle in Xia Village, heard the announcement, and was also stunned. The "Yellow Turban Trail" event was just a warm-up for the epic battle of "Yellow Turban Rebellion". It was so exciting that all the heroes of the Yellow Turban camp came out!

   The lord of Jizhou is under the most pressure and may encounter the Yellow Turban army led by the great sage Zhang Jiao.

   But even if it\'s not a horn, other Yellow Turban heroes are not easy to resist. Because the Three Kingdoms are NPC forces, their hero levels are very high. For example, the current Hua Mulan is level 32, and Zhang Jiao, as an NPC power, has an initial level of 80!

   Even the warm-up event is so difficult, how difficult is the epic battle?

"Xuzhou District Announcement: Heaven is dead, Huang Tian should stand! The Yellow Turban Army general Zhang Kai responded, and one hundred thousand Yellow Turban Army has invaded Xuzhou. Please, the lords of Xuzhou District will stick to the territory according to the situation. If you lose, it is recommended to abandon the territory and go to the nearby city. Take refuge!"

  "Xuzhou District Announcement: Xuzhou Governor Tao Qian ordered Chen Deng, Cao Bao, Mi Zhu, Zang Ba, Sun Guan and other heroes to put down the Xuzhou Yellow Turban together with all the lords. Please fight bravely and protect the safety of the villagers!"

   Just as Chutian thought the difficulty was too high, a separate announcement sounded in Xuzhou District.

   Now Chutian understands why the heroes of the Yellow Turban come out from the nest, it turned out to be fighting against the princes. The Xuzhou governor Tao Qian\'s winning rate is definitely higher than that of the Yellow Turban Army general Zhang Kai. The player lord only needs to try to protect his village in the battle between the princes and the Yellow Turban Army.

   After understanding the general situation of the Yellow Turban catastrophe, Chutian sent more courageous patrols around the village. Once the Yellow Turban army approached Xia Village, he immediately beat the gongs and drums to put the village into combat state in advance.

   After a few days of construction, five simple wooden arrow towers have been built, 4 meters high, which is quite impressive. A wooden arrow tower can accommodate 3 archers. There is no professional archer in Xia Village, so Xiangyong equipped with bows and arrows is arranged to stand guard on the arrow tower.

   After the large-scale Yellow Turban infestation, the construction speed of various villages all slowed down. Most of the villages were attacked by the Yellow Turban army. The only difference was the scale of the Yellow Turbans that attacked the villages.

  The villagers in Xia Village seem to be aware that the village is facing a huge crisis this time, and they are panicked.

   Chutian found that the people\'s mind had dropped from 75 to 71, and the public security had dropped from 87 to 83. If it weren\'t for Xia Village\'s original public sentiment and security at a relatively high level, there might have been villagers fleeing to the big city of NPC forces with their families. Large cities are generally guarded by special heroes and elite officers and soldiers, and it is almost impossible for the Yellow Turban soldiers to capture large cities. In other words, the villagers of Xia Village believe that the village can be held, so they choose to stay in the village and tide over the difficulties with the village.

   There are already player lords in the guild who have been attacked by the Yellow Turban army. Unfortunately, the distance is too far, and it is too late for Chu Tian to support him. And just to protect himself, Xia Village\'s forces were already stretched.

"The Yellow Turban general in Xuzhou is Zhang Kai. It is said that he killed Cao Cao’s father and also assassinated King Chen and Liu Chong under Yuan Shu’s sign. Zhang Kai is also a special hero of at least a gold level, and may be of a very high level. A large group of Yellow Turbans may even have advanced units such as Yellow Turban Leaders and Yellow Turban Warriors. I hope he will not show up near our Xia Village."

   Chutian’s current weapon is a silver-level spear and a silver-level leather armor, plus a war horse, it looks alike.

   He personally led the Xia Village guards and a large number of Xiangyong guards Xia Village, divided into four groups, always on guard.

   "Ding! Xuzhou District Announcement: Mochizuki Village was looted by Yellow Turban bandits, the village chief lost to the courage of many townships, Mochizuki Village disappeared in the long river of history."

   The Yellow Turban Army hadn\'t attacked Xia Village, and Chu Tian was nervous with an announcement. Xia Cun had just discovered the traces of a large group of Yellow Turban Army, but he did not expect that the player’s village was destroyed by the Yellow Turban Army so soon.

   Then there were announcements that the villages of other player lords were destroyed by the Yellow Turban army.

   Xia Village must block the Yellow Turban offensive anyway. Chu Tian didn’t know the size of the Yellow Turban army that attacked Xia Village, but one thing is certain. This event will not be easy to survive. A large number of low-level lords will be wiped out. Especially the first-level villages have almost no resistance in front of the Yellow Turban army. ability.

   "Lord, please don\'t worry, I will do my best to protect Xia Village in the end. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com"

   Hua Mulan\'s words made Chu Tian feel a little relieved.

   Although the current Hua Mulan is only level 32, its 82-point force is also a BOSS in the Yellow Turban camp.

   If even the one who owns Hua Mulan can\'t block the Yellow Turbans, how many players can block the Yellow Turbans in the entire Eastern Han Dynasty?

   Thinking of this, Chu Tian suddenly relaxed a lot.

   Maybe this event may clean out a group of small lords who are still in the first-level village stage, but his third-level villages have no reason to be unable to guard it.

  Unless...The Yellow Turban Army\'s Xuzhou Front Army leader Zhang Kai led the main force to appear near Langya...

   shouldn\'t be so unlucky, right?

   Chutian shook his head. Xuzhou has a large area, about 60 counties, and the area of ​​"Lord" has expanded tenfold, so Xuzhou\'s area is more than 1 million square kilometers.

   Such a big Xuzhou, although most of the places are in the wilderness, but Zhang Kai may not appear in Langya country.

   "Yellow Turban...Yellow Turban Army!"

   The sound of the gong on the wooden arrow tower awakened Chu Tian.

   "Everyone gathers!"

Chu Tian personally climbed the arrow tower along the wooden ladder. The arrow tower provided a broader view. On the horizon, there were two hundred robbers wearing yellow turbans, fierce and evil, and twenty yellow troopers riding war horses. !

   "Two hundred yellow turban soldiers and twenty cavalry soldiers with a higher level than Xia Cun Xiangyong, how many lords of this scale can stop...no, I was fooled!"

   Chutian saw the dense yellow turban soldiers and regretted upgrading to a third-level village. In this Yellow Turban catastrophe, the number of Yellow Turbans attacking the village is obviously related to the village level. The third-level village will face the attack of more than two hundred Yellow Turban soldiers!