Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 19: lack of food

The farmland outside Xia Village was golden. As the village chief, Chu Tian set an example and led a large number of villagers to go to the fields to grab grain.

   Even the village chief went down to the fields in person. Heroes such as Hua Mulan, Elder Li, Zhao Qi, Wu Shang, and soldiers are no exception. Before the "Yellow Turban Trail" activity begins, harvest grain as soon as possible, otherwise the war will be overwhelmed.

   In the era of cold weapons, soldiers and horses went ahead before they moved their food and grass. If they didn’t farm well, soldiers would not have enough energy to fight.

   In "Lord", the morale of the troops is very important. The troops without morale will choose to turn around and flee, and may even be mutiny. In history, it is unknown how many troops were defeated because of lack of food.

  Using a sickle to harvest crops is no less labor-saving than killing.

   Chutian has been harvesting grain for a long time, and already feels tired.

   The other lords of Xuzhou should also be leading the villagers to harvest food at this time.

   "My lord village, I have noodles."

   Elder Li’s daughter, Li Lan, a low-level physician at the Xia Village Level 2 Medical Center, handed a bowl of noodles to Chu Tian.

   "Thank you very much."

   "Why the village chief is always so polite."

   Li Lan couldn\'t help laughing.

   The women and girls in Xia Village still prepare cold water and rice noodles at noon, and everyone eats in the fields.

   Brother farmers are not easy. As the village head, Chutian personally harvested wheat, guided pig, chicken, and fish farming. He also cared about public security and the satisfaction of the villagers before he experienced the hardship of farming.

   Chutian also had free time to check the conditions for upgrading Xia Village to a third-level village when he was resting.

  The conditions for upgrading a second-tier village to a third-tier village are not difficult.

   First, prosperity reached 200.

  Second, 70 people’s hearts and 70 public security.

   Third, there are no less than 10 special buildings.

   Fourth, the military score is not less than 400.

   Fifth, the population is no less than 800 people.

   Xia Village has met these four conditions, and the fifth condition is still a bit short.

  A village with 800 people can no longer be regarded as a small village. After upgrading to a third-level village, it is eligible to be called a large village.

   The food levied in Xia Village can still feed a few cavalry and 50 elite infantry.

   It is said that above the elite infantry are the third-order infantry Xuzhou soldiers, which formally have their own names.

   At present, only Hua Mulan is qualified to be the main general in Xia Village, which brings a very impressive 25% offensive and defensive bonus.

   "Alas, we planted these crops last year. Now the village is getting bigger and bigger. Please pay attention to the stock of grain and grass, and you need to buy grain when necessary."

   Elder Li walked over with a stick, reminding Chu Tian of an important message-there is a potential food crisis in Xia Village.

   The initial grain in Xia Village is 500 units, which is enough for 500 people a year, and the initial population of Xia Village is more than enough.

   However, the population of Xia Village is now close to the 800 mark, and 500 units of surplus grain can only support more than half a year.

   In order to replenish physical strength during the war, the soldiers consumed twice as much food as usual.

   The food issue is a difficult problem.

   To accumulate food and proclaim the king slowly is more than just a slogan. Food can be directly equivalent to gold and silver in troubled times.

   "If there is no food, we will grab it, grabbing the Yellow Turban Army."

   Chutian\'s eyes were fierce.

   The Yellow Turban soldiers killed by the lords and princes in "Lord" can circle the earth at least once, and if they don’t grab food from the Yellow Turban soldiers, that’s a cruelty.

   can also grab the gold and silver of the Yellow Turban soldiers, then trade with Langya City, and buy extra food from the city lord Zang Ba.

   When there is no war between the player lord and the NPC princes, the player lord can trade with the princes normally.

   After hearing Chutian’s words about tigers and wolfs, Elder Li wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. His village chief was more like a yellow turban soldier than a yellow turban soldier.

   If it is not for the foundation of the territory and the function of occupying other lords’ territories, Chu Tian directly led a team of soldiers out of the village to looting.

   Chutian suddenly remembered that Xiaozhu Village, five kilometers away, had economic buildings such as rice shops, commercial houses, and escorts. It seemed that you could buy food directly from Langya City through the buildings in Xiaozhu Village—provided that you have money.

   Chutian asked the head of Xiaozhu Village to use her building.

   "No problem, but normal charges apply."

   Soon the head of Xiaozhu Village Xialiang responded to Chutian.

   The benefits of the alliance have also been revealed, which is equivalent to the development of two villages at the same time and mutual needs. This is the benefit of trade.

   Chutian continued to work on harvesting crops.

   The harvest of crops is not calculated based on the grain income of the panel, but calculated based on the actual harvest of seeds planted in October. There may be a bumper harvest, locust plagues or droughts.

   The so-called so-called "grow melons, get melons, sow beans, get beans," the harvest of the coming year depends on the effort this year.

   "The food crops are too single, and we need to enrich the types of crops and cultivate better varieties."

   Chutian has been busy for a day, and some problems have been discovered during the work.

   The crops in Xia Village are mainly wheat and green vegetables.

   The setting of the Eastern Han District in "Lord" does not have corn, Champa rice, sweet potato and other crops of the great sea age. There is no such thing in the Holy See District and Dongying District. Of course, Donghan District also has its own exclusive crops, such as tea.

   Special products of different civilizations can only be exchanged after the borders of the civilizations are opened.

   However, you can still buy the seeds of rape, yam and other crops in Langya City. As the village head, Chu Tian had to find ways to enrich the menu for himself and the villagers. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   After the wheat is harvested, the work is not finished yet, and it needs to be dried and stored.

   There is a granary in Xia Village. The granary is a built-in building, which can be expanded or upgraded without drawing. In theory, second-level villages can also build full-level granaries...but there should be no lord who will invest a lot of resources in the early stage to expand the granary. Without food, no big granary is useful.

   Time is gradually approaching the day when large groups of Yellow Turban soldiers appear.

   This Yellow Turban army haunt is just a warm-up for the epic battle "Yellow Turban Rebellion". As for the epic battle "Yellow Turban Rebellion" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, according to what Chutian learned in the guild, the epic battle was very difficult. It had to fight to the death with the Yellow Turban army led by special heroes such as Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang. Of course, the rewards were also very high. Rich, it is possible to recruit special heroes from the Yellow Turban camp.

   Before that, Chutian decided to upgrade Xia Village to a third-level village and build fortifications at the same time.

  The basic fortifications of the first-level and second-level villages are wooden fences, and the wooden fences of the third-level villages can be replaced with a combination of soil walls and wooden fences.

   Chutian also had the wooden arrow tower construction blueprints that were raided from the rebel army Hou that were not used.

   If you are just defending the village, you can also arrange hunting traps near the village.

   The wooden arrow tower plus hunting traps are enough to make the Yellow Turbans trying to attack Xia Village a headache.

   "Not only defense, but also offense. Only by killing as many Yellow Turbans as possible can you gain more merits."

   Chutian waited until the population of Xia Village increased to 800, and came to the Lord’s Mansion, preparing to upgrade Xia Village to a third-level village.

   He is also one of the lords of the first echelon in the Eastern Han District.

  To upgrade to a third-level village, at least two wooden arrow towers must be built at the entrance of the village to make Xia Village a copper wall and iron wall.