Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 18: Training walking

On the third day, the first barracks in Xia Village, the first class cavalry battalion, was officially completed. The cavalry battalion also included a small stable for the cavalry to take care of their horses.

   The cavalry battalion needs huge space, so it was built outside the summer village, and the wooden fence extended from the village to the cavalry battalion.

   "A cavalry battalion can train light cavalry."

   [arms]: light cavalry

   [Order]: Tier 1 Cavalry

   [attack power]: 10 [defense power]: 5 [speed]: 20

[Skills]: Low-level reconnaissance (a small increase in the probability of obtaining enemy intelligence), low-level shooting (when riding, a small increase in hit rate), low-level gallop (when charging, attack power +2, defense power -1, extremely There is a small chance that the enemy will fall into chaos)

   [Characteristics]: Qianqijuan Hiraoka (E-level characteristics, when a cavalry hero is the main general, all attributes are +1)

  [Military Salary]: 2 taels/month

  [Required equipment]: war horse, sword

   [Extra equipment]: Bows, spears, leather armor

   To train a light cavalry, you must have a war horse and a sword.

The price of    swords is good, ordinary swords can be bought for less than a tael of silver. Horses, salaries, bows and arrows are the big heads. An ordinary war horse costs 20 taels of silver, and the amount of food consumed each month is also a huge expense. In addition, the military salary of a light cavalry is 2 taels of silver, and those who can afford cavalry are either the grassland lord who owns a pasture and all the people are soldiers, or the lord within the pass of a wealthy country.

   But the light cavalry’s attributes explode, with high basic attributes and three low-level skills!

  The attack power of the yellow turban soldiers is only 7, a skill that is better than nothing, but the attack power of the light cavalry has reached 10, and the speed of three practical low-level skills is too fast.

   Now there are only four war horses in Xia Village, one of which is used by Chutian himself and one is awarded to Mulan. There are only two free horses, which means that two hussars can be trained.

The training period of    light cavalry is 14 days.

   Chutian arranged for two Xiangyong to train in the cavalry camp.

   Cavalry Battalion has its own NPC instructors, but they do not fight for the village.

   "The village chief, the pigsty has been built."

   Just as Chu Tian arranged two training sessions for courageous villagers, Elder Li rushed over.

   Chutian followed Elder Li to the first-level pig farm. This is a spacious wooden shed, separated by low earth walls into pig pens.

  【Name】:Secondary pig farm

  [Number of columns listed]: 500

  [Expandable to]: 1000

   [Effect]: Average Column Weight + 2%

   "You also need to select sows and bred boars. One boar can breed 20 sows."

   Elder Li reminded Chutian.

   The current number of commercial pigs that can be raised on the pig farm is 500, which can be expanded to produce 1,000 commercial pigs.

   It takes time to enrich the pig farm.

   "Purchase good breeding boars and sows from villagers."

   Chutian is the first time to raise pigs.

   He recruited a villager and gave him "Low-level Pig Raising Technique", so that the villager was already a special talent-a low-level professional pig raising household.

   Chicken farms were also established, divided into chicken coops and open spaces, and chicken fry could be collected from the villagers.

   fish ponds were built near the Yi River to breed fish fry.

Shipyards take longer to build. The boats that can be built by first-class shipyards are small wooden boats, which are divided into civilian and military. The former can accommodate 2-3 people and are used for water transportation or fishery breeding and fishing, and the latter It can accommodate ten people and is used to fight on the water. Of course the latter is more expensive.

   On the fifth day, the second-level infantry battalion was also completed, and Xiangyong can be trained into regular soldiers. There are two types of arms that can be trained in the second-level infantry battalion, "light infantry" and "elegant light infantry".

   "Strange, the second-level infantry battalion can\'t train heavy infantry? Is it necessary for the third-level infantry battalion to train heavy infantry? But even if it can train heavy infantry, it should not be able to support it with the financial resources of a village."

   Chutian check the attributes of "Light Infantry" and "Elite Light Infantry".

   [arms]: light infantry

   [Order]: First-order infantry

   [attack power]: 7 [defense power]: 5 [speed]: 5

[Skills]: Low-level Fenxun (when you are in a hard fight, you can slightly improve morale, only once a day), low-level shield formation (when forming a shield formation, defense +1), low-level spear formation (when forming a spear formation, damage to cavalry increase)

   [Characteristics]: Why don’t men bring Wu Hook (when the infantry general is the main general, all attributes are +1)

  [Military Pay]: 1 tael/month

   [Must be equipped]: sword or spear

   [Extra equipment]: Bows and arrows, leather armor, shields

   The basic attributes of the light infantry are the same as the yellow turban, but there are three low-level skills. In real combat, the light infantry is definitely more practical.

   Yellow Turban soldiers are always thieves, while light infantry are already officers and soldiers.

   Elite Light Infantry is a second-order infantry, with 9 attack power, 6 defense power, and 6 speed. It has three skills: mid-level fast, low-level shield formation, and low-level spear formation. The characteristics are the same as light infantry.

   As for elite light infantry, the salary is one or two 500 yuan, which is equivalent to 1.5 light infantry.

   If you have a lot of money and a small population, you can use elite light infantry. If the money is small and the young and strong labor are abundant, it seems that light infantry is more cost-effective.

   Chutian hesitated for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu.com selected 50 people to train directly as elite light infantry, and they needed to pay 900 taels of silver each year.

   50 elite light infantry are enough to defeat 200 fellow soldiers of the same level. After all, they are professional soldiers. As long as the morale of the fellow soldiers is destroyed, the fellow soldiers will flee.

   In this way, Xia Village has 2 light cavalry, 50 elite light infantry, and a group of courage.

   The current Xia Village simply can\'t afford so many elites, but in order to deal with the Yellow Turban turmoil that might break out next month, Chu Tian chose to explode.

   If you don\'t have the money to pay for the army, you can only grab the Yellow Turban soldiers.

   When all the buildings are completed, the prosperity of Xia Village rises to 213 points, which meets the conditions for upgrading the prosperity of third-tier villages.

"Ding! Donghan District System Announcement: At the end of June of the first year of the Lord’s calendar, the "Yellow Turban Trail" event will start soon. Large groups of Yellow Turban troops are infested, looting food everywhere, thousands of miles without people, and chickens and dogs. Please be prepared. Protect your village and people with your own strength and wisdom!"

"Ding! Eastern Han District System Announcement: This is a warm-up event for the epic battle of the "Yellow Turban Rebellion". A national ranking, a state ranking, and a county ranking will be set up. You can get points for killing the yellow turban soldiers and the yellow turban leaders. The lord with the top 100 points can get rich rewards!"

   Chutian was about to check the conditions for upgrading a second-level village to a third-level village, and suddenly a system announcement sounded.

   This was originally an activity used to wipe out a group of weak lords, but after all players are trapped in "Lord", this activity is very dangerous, and some players may be killed by Yellow Turban soldiers.

   "The blacksmith shop builds weapons, the armor workshop builds leather armor and wooden shields, the medical hall accumulates herbs, and everyone tries their best to grab wheat!"

   Chutian immediately mobilized the labor of the entire village.