Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1234: Cavalry advance

"This is a wolf smoke symbolizing an offensive order."

   Lv Lingqi is on the southern battlefield, and the royal wild boar is on the northern battlefield. The two cavalrymen are like the spread wings of a wild crane, forming a flanking force against the Japanese army and the centurion army.

   When they saw that the mountains where Chu Wu was located, they knew that this was Chu Wu\'s order for the whole army to attack.

   Lu Lingqi is attacking with a team of African soldiers and horses in the southern mountains. At this time, she saw the smoke of the attack, so she rode a red rabbit horse and led the cavalry to attack!

   "I am the daughter of Lu Fengxian, I will die!"

   Lu Lingqi rides a red rabbit horse, holds a Fangtian painted halberd, and her force grows again, like a hot flame galloping through the African tribe army, wherever she goes, corpses are everywhere!

   is not only Lv Lingqi\'s personal force, but she also has a special unit and a wolf rider, and she followed Lv Lingqi to launch an assault, with great momentum!

  The war horse galloped down the mountain, and the visual impact it brought was extremely shocking, making the African tribesmen frightened!


   Fang Tian painted a halberd to fly a tribal wizard and kill him directly!

   Binzhou wolf ride behind trampled past, trampling it into mud!

   Rows of parallel state wolves roared, and the tribal army attacking the southern battlefield was rushed to pieces!

   After destroying their morale, Lv Lingqi led the Bianzhou wolves and drove these African tribal soldiers and horses to the main formation of the Centurion Army of the United States!

   In the northern battlefield, the Persian Royal Boar received the order to attack, and finally broke out its real combat power. The heavy cavalry unit with the Savalan heavy cavalry as the core went down the mountain and defeated the cavalry of the United States!

   The Royal Boar is still all dressed up, holding a hammer in his hand, no one can stop his hammer.

   96\'s force, the impact of the mace is enough to kill any United States soldiers and horses!

   The two cavalrymen cooperated with the cavalry of Chu Wu and Sun Shangxiang, and they descended the mountain at the same time. The Centurion Army of the United States quickly showed a defeat.

   Su Lie also saw the wolf smoke and ordered Chen Lin to attack.

  Chen Lin led the firecracker team and frantically suppressed Shibata Shengjia, while Su Lie personally led the infantry to advance and fought against Shibata Shengjia in the woods!

   In the woods of the Guanyuan area, at least two to thirty thousand Japanese troops were killed in battle. Shibata Shengjia spears hundreds of infantrymen of the Hundred Summer Army, but with his personal bravery, he is completely unable to change the dangerous situation.

   The Centurion Army was flanked by three cavalry and began to retreat.

  Once the Centurion Legion is completely defeated, the Japanese army of Shibata Katsumi will be completely surrounded!

   This is also the idea of ​​Chu Wu and Zhuge Liang-to turn the Guanyuan battle into an annihilation battle!

   Only when the opponent\'s main force is completely wiped out will the opponent completely collapse.

   Lv Lingqi, Royal Boar, and Chuwu Cavalry, took the lead in flanking the Centurion Army behind Shibata\'s home!

   Chu Wu’s cavalry divided the Shibata Katsuya Legion and the Centurion Legion, leaving each other in an unfavorable situation of fighting each other, causing both Shibata Katsuya Legion and Centurion Legion to panic, and morale dropped drastically.

   Next, take the lead in annihilating the Centurion Legion, then close the door to fight the dogs, destroy the Shibata Masakata Legion, and inflict heavy damage to the United States and the Eastern Shogunate!

   The Daxia Dynasty has already shown confidence, no matter how strong the maritime alliance is to support Oda Nobunaga, no matter how many people come, they will die!

   The Chitu horse galloped, the surrounding flames spread, and the enemy troops approaching the Chitu horse were all burned!

   Lv Lingqi drove the African tribesmen into the centurion army\'s main formation, turned on the "unparalleled" state, Fang Tian danced with halberds, whirled in waves, and harvested enemy troops along the way!

The    imperial-level wild boar also arrived at this time, cooperating with Lu Lingqi, one north and the other south, invincible!

   The commander of the Centurion Legion had already learned that Chu Wu had received a batch of reinforcements after the eagle fighters had failed and fled. He fled in despair.

   With the defeat of the Centurion Legion, they fled in the direction of Owari Kingdom. The two retreats of the Shibata Katsuya Legion were occupied by Lu Lingqi and the Royal Boar, and became the turtle in the urn!

   "Turn to Shibata Katsura!"

   Chu Wu smashed the Centurion Legion, trying to destroy the Shibata Shengjia Legion and completely disintegrate the resistance of the Eastern Kingdom.

   The Centurion Legion was defeated and it was past noon.

   Continued high-intensity battle, leaving all Xia army soldiers no time to rest, the battle is still going on.

   Chu Wu took Sun Shangxiang and Fan Lihua back and stormed the Shibata Shengjia Army in the wooded terrain.

   Although Shibata\'s position is a bit advantageous, he fell into desperation.

The ninja who was in charge of contacting the Centurion Legion reported that the Centurion Legion saw that the situation was not good and had already begun to withdraw from the battlefield. His back road was occupied by two soldiers and horses of the Xia Army, which means that he had nowhere to go. Retreat.

  The only chance to survive is to break through the siege and escape back to Owari.

   "You follow me! Breaking through the siege during the day is tantamount to finding your own way of death. You may only have life until dusk."

   Shibata Katsuya knew that he was in danger.

  If it falls into Xia Jun\'s hands, no one knows what Xia Jun will do with him.

   Therefore, Shibata Katsuya thinks that he must escape to Owari.

  The battle is still going on. The Xia army, twice as many as the Shibata Katsuya, trapped the Shibata Katsuya army in the woods and launched an offensive against the woods.

   Sun Shangxiang led Jiangdong\'s soldiers into the woods. Her archery is still reaping the lives of the samurai, basically closing her throat with one arrow.

   The living space of the Shibata Shoka Corps is getting smaller and smaller.

   At dusk, the Shibata Shengjia Legion had almost no living space, and could only hold a small piece of wood.

   "Break through!"

   Shibata Katsura saw the sky dim, so he led a group of family elders and samurai to break through Lu Lingqi\'s direction!


   A group of samurai lives to the death, bravely making the last round of counterattack, trying to open the road to Owari country blocked by Lu Lingqi!

   They met the Bingzhou wolf ride ~www.novelhall.com~ and were harvested by the Bingzhou wolf ride, nearly 50% of their lives were killed!

   Shibata Katsushika fought **** battles, regardless of casualties, just for a way to survive!

   Finally, after counting the arrows in his body, Shibata Shengjia broke the blockade of Bianzhou Langqi, and his eyes suddenly opened up!

   Suddenly, Shibata\'s pupils shrank.

   Behind Lv Lingqi\'s Bianzhou wolf cavalry, Zu Dashou, who had not participated in the war much, went around to the back of Lv Lingqi\'s army and was ordered to intercept the fleeing enemy.

   A team of Guanning iron riders holding three-eyed firecrackers, in the icy dusk, like a **** of death, waiting for a fish to slip through the net.

   And at this moment, the pair of defeated soldiers led by Shibata Shengjia is exactly the fish that slipped through the net in the eyes of Zu Dashou.

   "Guan Ning Tieqi, attack!"

   Zu Dashou led Guan Ning Iron Cavalry to advance against Shibata Katsura, his retainers and samurai!

   Three-eyed firecrackers volley, white gunpowder filled with smoke, rows of samurai killed in action!

   Guan Ning\'s horse hoofs are raised high, trampling lightly!

   Oda Nobunaga\'s fierce general Shibata Katsushika was killed after the offensive of Kanning Iron Knight!


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