Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1233: Sun Shangxiang's force

"Xiangxiang, how did you come here?"

   Chu Wu discovered that it was not someone else who led the reinforcements, but the future princess Sun Shangxiang.

  Sun Shangxiang brought a group of Jiangdong soldiers to come, and with superb archery, shot and killed the eagle warrior who had slipped through the net.

"I begged the queen for a long time, and finally, the queen agreed to me. My brother transferred two thousand soldiers from the Jiangdong soldiers of the Southern Expedition to protect me. His Majesty gave me a horse that I obtained in Dawan. The famous horse\'Purple Sun\'."

   Sun Shangxiang rides a horse that is somewhat similar to Sa Luzi, and joins Chu Wu.

   is really a group pet...

  Chu Wu found out that Sun Shangxiang was going out, but Chu Tian and Sun Ce gave horses to soldiers, and the treatment was not lost to him.

   It’s no wonder that Sun Shangxiang’s soldiers can quickly eliminate the eagle soldiers who have slipped through the net. She brought the soldiers and horses of Sun Ce, the king of Jiangdong.

   Sun Ce said nothing to his sister, directly handing over the most elite troops to Sun Shangxiang.

   Or, Sun Ce believes that after the demise of the Great Vietnam, he believes that crusades against other kingdoms in the Southeast Asian civilization area no longer need to use Jiangdong\'s soldiers.

   Chu Wu suddenly thought: "I remember Xiangxiang, you have an exclusive unit, why do you still borrow Sun Ce\'s army?"

  Sun Shangxiang took off an arrow: "The queen said, I was too young to control such a powerful army. So starting next year, I will recruit soldiers and horses."

   saw her bend her bow and shoot an arrow to kill an eagle warrior. The latter fell from the air, crashed to the ground, and hit the ground hard!

   Chu Wu knew that Sun Shangxiang had worshipped the arrow **** Yang Yuji as his teacher, but he did not expect that Sun Shangxiang\'s archery skills were so amazing that he could easily shoot down the eagle warriors.

  The eagle warrior is undoubtedly very afraid of the bow generals, as long as they enter the range, they will become the target of the bow generals.

  After the eagle warrior leader landed, he was stared at by the fierce sergeant Gan Ning. Gan Ning held a big knife, and the light completely covered the eagle warrior leader!

The leader of the eagle warrior also has a force of more than 90, which is considered a powerful hero of the Mayan Kingdom. However, at this time, he was trapped under the heavy siege of the Xue Jun, and faced the attack of the fierce general Gan Ning. He could not resist at all. kill!

   A thousand eagle fighters were almost annihilated. Fewer than two hundred people survived the fierce battle.

   It is impossible for the remaining eagle soldiers to behead Chu Wu again under the prying eyes of Xue Jun and Jiang Dong\'s soldiers.

The death of the leader    made their morale drop to the extreme.

   So, the remaining two hundred eagle fighters finally chose to leave the battlefield and return to the position of the Centurion Army.

   In addition to Sun Shangxiang, a team of soldiers and horses arrived.

   Fan Lihua led a team of Xiliang cavalry to come, responsible for protecting Sun Shangxiang\'s safety, and in addition, responsible for supporting Chu Wu.

   "Let\'s start attacking!"

   Sun Shangxiang showed amazing force the first time on the battlefield. At this time, she excitedly asked to take the initiative to attack.

   Chu Wu ordered Yu Xue Jun to clean up a messy camp, and personally observed the positions of Royal Boar and Lu Lingqi to the north and south, and found that they were in a good situation, so he realized that the time to attack was ripe.

   "Light up the smoke and make the soldiers and horses on the left and right initiate a general attack!"

  The deployment of Chu Wu\'s side is the Su Lie regiment mainly composed of infantry, crossbowmen and firegunners, while the cavalry is concentrated in the hands of Royal Boar and Lu Lingqi, used for flank breakthroughs and destroy the Centurion Legion.

   On the high ground where Chu Wu was located, Xue Jun ignited the wolf smoke that symbolized the offensive, giving way to the Xia Jun cavalry in the north and south.

   "We should also prepare for an assault."

   Chu Wu was supported by Sun Shangxiang’s two thousand Jiangdong cavalry, Fan Lihua’s four thousand Xiliang cavalry, plus the remaining Yu Xue army, enough to launch an offensive.

   Gao Jiangdong’s soldiers, Xiliang cavalry, and Yu Xuejun are all high-rank cavalry, and they can often strike more with less.

   "Finally we can fight with Brother Chu Wu!"

  Sun Shangxiang holds the longbow.

   "This guy, how powerful is the force..."

   Chu Wu muttered in his heart.

   It is said that when Sun Jian was still the lord, he gave a lot of rewards to the only aunt, and as a result, he cultivated a monster.

   Fan Lihua is wearing a light armor and holding a horse, ready to launch a cavalry assault.

   At the time of the Guanyuan War, the Hezhong war had already been won, so Fan Lihua returned to the Central Plains early and was ordered to participate in the Guanyuan War.

   Chu Wu captured Kyoto, and Fan Lihua happened to be able to bring soldiers and horses directly to Kyoto, and then went straight to the Guanyuan battlefield.

   The teleportation array can only transmit more than 10,000 troops per day, but for high-level arms, 10,000 troops are enough!


   Tachibana Chiyo, Zhuge Liang and other generals who were in charge of shooting ahead were ordered to give up a passage.

   Chu Wu, Sun Shangxiang, Fan Lihua, three cavalry generals led three elite cavalry down the mountain!

  The Great Xia Dynasty, with cavalry as its main combat force, entered the Guanyuan battlefield in advance, and relied on the mountains to camp, in order to exert the terrible impact of the cavalry at this time!

   The 25,000 soldiers of the United States who were in charge of attacking Chu Wu\'s main formation were blocked by Zhuge Liang, Tachibana Chiyo and other generals, and nearly 10,000 were killed and injured.

   At this time, about 10,000 high-ranking cavalry descended from the mountain, with great momentum, and the intention to directly penetrate the soldiers and horses of the United States!

   "Let the arrow go!"

   "Heavy armored infantry, heavy armored cavalry step forward!"

  The generals of the United States urgently adjusted their formation, trying to stop the assault of 10,000 high-level cavalry!

   Fan Lihua’s Xiliang Iron Rider rushed forward, attracting the opponent’s arrow rain!

   Xiliang Iron Cavalry continued to fall down with arrows, but the Xiliang Iron Cavalry continued to advance quickly!

   can not release many rounds of arrow rain in battle, as long as they break through the blockade of the opponent\'s arrow rain, UU reading www.uukanshu.com short-armed, then the cavalry will show the momentum of the king of war.

  Occasionally, arrows hit Fan Lihua\'s armor, but only white marks were left on the armor, or sparks were sparked, but Fan Lihua could not be shot at all.

   Xiliang Iron Cavalry with an indomitable momentum, like a torrent of steel, assaults the defense line composed of medieval heavy armored infantry!

   Fan pear spears are like pear blossoms, thousands of trees blooming with pear blossoms, and the guns are full of shadows. They instantly kill the heavy armored infantry in front of them, and the horses slam into the opponent\'s army with an unparalleled impact!

   The pear spear swept one side, and the Xiliang cavalry in the rear followed Fan Lihua to make a breakthrough, and he just cut a gap!

   Xue Jun and Jiangdong’s soldiers formed the two wings of the Xiliang cavalry, and used the shooting technique to provide cover for the Xiliang cavalry!

   Sun Shangxiang learned the ability of the arrow **** Yang Yuji, like a ruthless archery machine, one by one heavy armored infantry was locked by her, and they shot the faces lacking armor protection, and shot them directly!


  After Sun Shangxiang emptied a bag of quiver, he stretched out his hand at will, and the Jiangdong soldiers under his command understood that they immediately threw a bag of quiver full of armor-piercing arrows to Sun Shangxiang.

"very scary……"

   Chu Wu complained in his heart, if he married Sun Shangxiang in the future, life might be difficult.


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