Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1235: Moscow does not believe in tears

When the Sekihara battle was in progress, the Eastern European Plain, on the west side of Moscow City, saw the 1 million army of the Tsarist Empire and the Crusaders of the North Road sawing back and forth on the frozen ground for thousands of miles.

   This year\'s winter was extremely cold, even the soldiers of the Tsarist Empire felt the biting chill.

  The fighting in various places gradually stopped. Even Chu Tian, ​​who had always been warlike, gave up entering West Asia to chase down mines, fearing that the food road would be cut off and lack of winter supplies.

  The conquest of Dongying has also come to an end, but the war on the Eastern European plains continues.

   Hohenzollern, the nominal leader of the Crusaders on the North Road, insisted on taking Moscow City and spending the winter in Moscow City.

   However, he still seems to underestimate the destructive power of Moscow\'s cold winter.

   Among the crusaders, many horses and soldiers were frozen to death.

   Countless powerful enemies who attacked Tsarist Russia could not escape the sanctions of the cold winter. Moscow did not believe in tears.

   The Moscow that Napoleon got was just an empty city.

During the second Western Expedition, the Mongols launched a war against the Duchy of Ross in the autumn. The war continued into the winter and successfully captured Moscow City. However, due to the influence of the cold winter, they gave up the march to the north and switched to the next year. Kingdom of Poland.

   In other words, even if they take Moscow, they will face a situation where the gains outweigh the gains, and even the Ruths turn defeat into victory.

   Hohenzollern’s Crusade was very smooth at first. However, in the western part of Moscow City, it was restrained by the Tsarist Russian Empire. A batch of young men were converted into professional soldiers in the tenth-level barracks in Moscow City and rushed to the battlefield.

   Ekaterina began to use the winter and crowded tactics to push back.

   A smoky village, a large group of cavalry appeared, mighty.


   Ekaterina took the reins and stopped the horse.

   Adjutant Sophia immediately took out the map and marked the location.

"Except for the Great Sweden Legion of Gustav, the northern lion, which can withstand the cold winter, the Poles are slightly worse. As for soldiers from the Kingdoms of Germany, Hungary, France, etc., the probability of losing combat effectiveness is higher due to frostbite. The population living in Siberia has been Recruiting, taking advantage of this cold winter, it is entirely possible to defeat their offensive..."

   Sophia is very optimistic about the war.

  It\'s such a cold winter, even she and Ekaterina are deeply uncomfortable, let alone soldiers from low latitudes.

"St. Petersburg has been besieged by Gustav, and we must repel the enemy forces in front of us as soon as possible to clear St. Petersburg. This is the direction of the Polish offensive. We must resolve this feud first. Louis of France and Hohenzollern of Germany will definitely shake."

   "Your Majesty, do you really not consider requesting reinforcements from the East? It is said that the war in the Hezhong area has ended, and the big man should be able to spare a lot of troops. If he can take advantage of the winter to severely damage the Crusaders, perhaps he will also generously donate."

   "Hmph, I don\'t need his help. With our strength, the Crusaders can also be defeated! You follow me and strike the Polish camp!"

   Ekaterina pulled out a saber, still graceful, like a falcon in Eastern Europe.

   "Your Majesty the Queen has an order, strike Poland!"

   "Strike Poland!"

   A group of Boyer cavalry and Cossack cavalry pulled out their sabers and attacked the Polish king’s camp in the cold winter.


  The King Louis of France led the Knights Templar and the French knights to repel a group of invading Cossack cavalry.

   The Crusaders are caught in a dilemma.

   If because of fear of the cold winter, choose to retreat to the area controlled by the Kingdom of Poland, then Ekaterina may choose to attack everywhere, destroy the legion behind the palace, and even annihilate the main crusade.

   If you continue to attack, many soldiers will suffer frostbite and freeze to death, and they will be harassed by the Ross people, and the military will be shaken.

   Fortunately, the Knights Templar has a high belief bonus, morale is high, and it will not collapse soon.

   "This is the dilemma Napoleon once faced. Moscow doesn\'t believe in tears..."

   Louis couldn\'t help wondering.

  According to the original plan, it would be best to end the battle in the fall and divide the Tsarist Russian Empire, but the battle was delayed until winter.

   There is also a rather terrible fact-the War in the River ended and the Golden Family was defeated. There is a possibility that Chutian will deploy part of the main force in Eastern Europe.

   After all, Eastern Europe is a bridgehead that directly threatens Western Europe. You don’t even need to pass through Persia, Asia Minor and other regions to drive straight into it.

   The existence of the teleportation array makes strategic choices more diverse.

   "Your Majesty, the Poles are besieged by the Tsarist army. The Tsarist army seems to have suddenly emerged from the snow and besieged the main Polish forces!"

   When Louis was in a dilemma, the cavalry responsible for contacting the Poles returned and brought back an amazing news!

   "Inform Hohenzollern immediately to rescue the main Polish forces. Without Polish wing cavalry, our combat power will drop by a level."

   Louis immediately dispatched cavalry to inform Hohenzollern.

   At the same time, Hohenzollern also knew that the King of Poland had been attacked by Ekaterina, so he mobilized the Teutonic Knights to come to support.

   The camp of the Polish Army, the Poles were once again subjected to a blitz!

   Only this time, it was Ekaterina who fought the blitz.

The Cossack cavalry marched at night and launched a surprise attack at the end of the night. Just like in the intelligence, Ekaterina’s cavalry appeared to suddenly emerge from the snow, dividing the Polish camp into three sections. , Repeatedly rushed!

  The Queen’s conquest, the Cossack cavalry officers, as loyal supporters of the Tsar, launched an attack feverishly!

   They were suppressed by the Crusaders to the west of Moscow, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com had already suffocated his anger, and launched an attack at this time, fierce and vicious, cutting down the Polish cavalry in the camp!

  Ekaterina held a sharp sword and pierced it sideways and forward, easily defeating the Polish soldiers who broke through.

   When Chutian competed with her in the past, the force was not her opponent, which shows that Ekaterina\'s force is not low.

   The brazier in the Polish Army camp was overturned, the fire was splashing, and wolves were rising!

   In the white snow, two black dragons approached the battlefield where the Poles and the Rus were fighting. The Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights tried to encircle Ekaterina.

  Ekaterina’s Legion cut tens of thousands of enemies in a battle, and Sofia was responsible for calculating the time. When she judged that the Templars and Teutonic Orders were coming, she reminded Ekaterina to retreat.

   Ekaterina did not love war either. After defeating the Polish king, she led the Cossack cavalry to leave like a gust of wind.

   Fierce general Xia Luqi participated in this battle and obtained two Polish generals.

   When the Polish reinforcements arrived, the camp of the Polish Army was in a mess, and the Polish flag was covered with snow.

   The King of Poland was also a little afraid of Ekaterina\'s bravery and this awful winter.


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