Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 198

In the afternoon, Nord and his party came to the place previously called Cindy stronghold by Nord. At first, Nord planned to build a small stronghold here. The surrounding open space has been cleared and even the foundation has been laid.

However, due to the arrival of heavy snow, it has not been completed. Nord wants to take advantage of this road construction opportunity to build this stronghold together. Compared with the large-scale project of road construction, the workload of building the stronghold is nothing at all.

Although the stronghold was named after Cindy and the place where she met Cindy, Nord did not establish the stronghold for this reason, nor was Nord willful enough to build some useless facilities at will because of his preferences.

It\'s still a long way from Nanshan stronghold. It\'s just a place to rest. Especially after the road is repaired, it should be just after noon when you walk from Tami town in the morning. You can have lunch here. At that time, you chose here for the night. Unexpectedly, the time is greatly shortened after the road is unobstructed, In the future, it will only take more than half a day.

However, it is necessary for this stronghold to exist. For example, Nord and his party will stay here and have a rest. In particular, Nord also brought a lot of goods. There are 100 linen goods alone. Nord wants to do a big business with them and let these cottage people see Nord\'s skills.

Then Nord can ask them to lead the way for themselves. Otherwise, these mountain people will not actively help Nord find the cottage, so they should also taste some sweets. In addition to most of these materials to be exchanged, some Nord will offer a reward.

Every time you provide Nord with information about a stronghold and lead Nord to find the stronghold, you can get a piece of linen. In the depths of the mountain where materials are extremely scarce, the value of a piece of linen is still very high. Outside, the value of a piece of linen has a silver coin, let alone several times in the stronghold, although these mountain people have no money, But the value of goods will not change.

In the evening, Nord and his party arrived at Nanshan stronghold in large bags. Compared with the time when they left before, Nanshan stronghold has changed a lot. Although Nord has seen the overall appearance of Nanshan stronghold on the map, it is a cold map after all, and there are no fireworks between people.

However, the real Nanshan stronghold is different. Even if the sky is dark, there can be some smoke and fire in each house. It may be cooking, especially firewood in this era. Moreover, the houses in Nanshan stronghold are relatively dense, so the whole cottage becomes smoky.

But it was a peaceful scene for the mountain people. Nord was very pleased, so he praised old Moore on the side;

"Knight Moore, it seems that you have done a good job in the South Mountain stronghold."

"You flatter me, Lord Nord. I just did a little work, or did you and Abbot contribute a lot."

Nord looked at the modest old Moore, shook his head, and then took the initiative to walk into Nanshan stronghold. As it was getting late, Nord didn\'t disturb these mountain people, but many people watched Nord and others with a lot of materials and talked about it one after another.

Housekeeper Abel had already prepared rooms for Nord in the South Mountain stronghold, which was a matter of great concern. When the South Mountain stronghold was just established, housekeeper Abel first built a small wooden building for Nord to live alone. Although the conditions were not as good as the manor in Tami Town, the specifications of the wooden building were obviously much larger than those of other mountain people, It\'s just that Nord hasn\'t lived here all day.

Just after entering Nanshan stronghold, old Moore told Nord the news. Nord also knew for the first time that Nanshan stronghold had its own real estate. Nord must be very excited if it was a previous life, but in this world, the whole Nanshan stronghold belongs to Nord.

Abbot\'s meticulous care made Nord not know what to say, but he was warm in his heart. Even sleeping in this strange cabin felt very sweet.

Early the next morning, Nord didn\'t let old Moore go, but took him around the South Mountain stronghold. Although the whole South Mountain stronghold was planned by Nord, Nord felt a great sense of achievement when walking here. In particular, the stronghold was built by Nord from scratch. Now it has such a scale, and Nord is very proud of it.

Soon Nord came to the construction site of Nanshan stronghold. The market and some warehouses are under construction. Among these people, there is the construction team in Tami town. But last time they came to Nanshan stronghold with old Moore and missed the knighthood ceremony. It is estimated that they will regret it when they return to Tami town.

In addition, there is the construction team that built the subgrade and cut down trees outside Nanshan stronghold. It was very late yesterday, so they had finished work when Nord arrived at Nanshan stronghold, but Nord still saw signs of their work outside.

There are four construction teams in Nanshan stronghold, almost more than 50 people. The arrival of these people has brought a different atmosphere to Nanshan stronghold, because these construction teams are outside people, which is different from the mountain people with closed news, and these construction teams eat and live in Nanshan stronghold, so it is inevitable to have a lot of contact with these mountain people in daily life.

In particular, the mountain people like to get news about the outside world from the members of these construction teams, just like telling stories. They tell these mountain people about the rapidly changing Tami town. At this time, the members of the construction team will be surrounded by mountain people.

This is one of their few pastimes, but the mountain people also have fun things to share with the members of these construction teams, that is, they once watched Lord Nord\'s trial. The mountain people used simple words to describe a lively and grand scene. Although the language was dry, the members of these construction teams were attracted.

They were thinking when Lord Nord could hold such a lively competition in Tami town. They heard the mountain people say. When the competition is fierce, the whole venue is shouting for oil. It\'s earth shaking. What kind of scene should it be.

Moreover, the members of the construction team are also very clear about the word "refueling". This is the vocabulary invented by Lord Nord, because when they are doing heavy work, they will shout refueling together, as if they are full of power. They don\'t know what magic this vocabulary has, so they can only attribute the credit to Lord Nord, This makes them worship Lord Nord more.

However, the market in Tami Town, which is the envy of these mountain people, is rich in various commodities. At the time of the last transaction, the commodities in Tami town were not so rich, so only some linen cloth could be traded.

But even so, not every mountain people can have it. Many people in Nanshan stronghold are still wearing primitive animal skins, which makes them feel very low self-esteem. Especially the members of the construction team have new clothes, which are beautiful in the eyes of mountain people, and some even have two pieces to replace.