Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 197

Nord turned his head and looked at old Moore, who had been waiting for a long time. He still kept silent and listened attentively to the discussion between Nord and will. If Nord hadn\'t asked him, old Morgan wouldn\'t have opened his mouth.

In fact, old Moore was not distracted. He listened attentively to the discussion between Nord and will. The main reason was that old Moore gradually began to manage some trivial government affairs, which old Moore had never understood before.

According to old Moore\'s character, he won\'t take the initiative to ask others for advice, so every time old Moore attends a meeting, he will silently learn other people\'s ways of doing things, and then summarize his own experience to improve his ability.

Although it is not clear whether this will help, Nord noticed that old Moore took the initiative to learn. In fact, the main reason is that old Moore doesn\'t know many words.

Otherwise, Nord will give him the notes of Nord and Marco. The ability to read is really very important, because after reading, you can learn independently without being taught by Nord or hill scholars, which saves a lot of time.

After all, both Nord and hill scholars are busy people now. They don\'t have much time to teach other people\'s knowledge at all. Unlike those days in winter, when they do nothing all day and have a lot of time to teach, they are busy now. They can only test themselves in learning.

So Nord has consciously made some confidants read and read. For example, Marco learned a lot of words in hill scholar\'s class this winter, but old Moore is not included.

Old Moore didn\'t enjoy such benefits because he was in the South Mountain stronghold. The literacy progress of old Moore has seriously lagged behind others. Nord has tried to make up for old Moore. However, due to the geographical location of the South Mountain stronghold, he couldn\'t find a suitable person to teach him to read and read. Moreover, old Moore\'s grade is also older and his memory ability is declining faster.

So Nord changed his method. Because old Moore was illiterate, he told him the truth about some things orally. In addition, as long as there were any meetings in the future that did not involve confidential nature, old Moore could listen in, learn from them and grow better.

"Sir Moore, you don\'t have to take the soldiers of the South Mountain stronghold back today. Tomorrow I\'ll ask verdo to prepare some goods and transport them to the South Mountain stronghold together. We can also go and see what other strongholds look like outside the far mountain stronghold."

"Yes, Lord Nord, I will arrange for the soldiers to stay in Tami town for two days. I don\'t think they have enough in Tami town."

Old Moore nodded and said that there was no doubt about Nord\'s arrangement, and then Nord asked will to leave to prepare for these two days. While Nord still had time, he began to give some simple guidance to old Moore, just as Nord and Marco had done before, and told old Moore about the specific significance of Nord\'s previous actions with the example of Tami town.

One afternoon passed like this. Looking at the back of old Moore leaving, Nord suddenly thought whether he could set up a counseling class to teach Lehman Marco and others some knowledge of government affairs. But on second thought, Nord gave up again because he had several brushes in his stomach. Nord knew very well, This arduous task should be left to scholar hill.

Early the next morning, Nord took old Moore and the soldiers of Nanshan stronghold to the warehouse near the market. Here, the first batch of goods prepared by will for Nanshan stronghold have been put on the ground, and he will soon leave for isaacburg to develop the market there. Therefore, everyone will be very busy from today on.

Tami town is like a meticulous machine, which starts to run continuously. Nord doesn\'t have too much conversation with will. Nord said what should be said yesterday. Without too much nonsense, Nord and old Moore set foot on the road to the yamon mountains.

Only Marco and the remaining five [warrior] rank [amon senior hunters] were accompanied. As for the remaining spearmen, Nord did not take them because they were still recovering. Not only that, Nord did not even take Abel housekeeper, because Nord needed Abel housekeeper to stay in Tami town to preside over the overall situation when everyone left.

When you leave the workshop area and go north, a road points to the depths of the mountain forest. This is the road that has been built to the South Mountain stronghold. Walking on the hard road is completely different from the previous feeling, especially after entering the mountain forest, this feeling is more direct.

The hard road at the foot is the proof of conquering the ancient mountain. One day, Nord will spread such roads all over the Yameng mountain range and make the mountain stronghold no longer isolated from the world. Unfortunately, it was not long before the brick road at the foot stopped suddenly, and Nord saw the villagers under construction.

It\'s about three or four kilometers from Tami Town, and it\'s been two weeks since Nord ordered them to build roads. Nord didn\'t say much about the current progress, but gave some encouragement to these villagers, because it\'s very hard to build roads in the mountains every day.

Each of them was disheartened. They just looked at Nord with shining eyes. Their eyes were full of respect. They also watched the knighthood ceremony yesterday. They didn\'t expect to see Lord Nord here today, especially when Nord gave them some encouragement.

The villagers of these construction teams think of yesterday\'s knighthood ceremony. Everyone is full of energy. They hope that one day they can stand on the high platform and accept Lord Nord\'s canonization. Thinking of this, the villagers of each construction team are very excited because they have known it before. Lord Nord likes to promote talents from the construction team very much.

Either sent to the workshop as an apprentice or recruited into the army to become a soldier. Compared with the former, becoming a soldier under Lord Nord is what every villager yearns for. Although the monthly salary of soldiers is not as much as those apprentices, it is very glorious to be a soldier.

It is said that the previous group of apprentices regretted that they had been selected to the workshop, because those who lost the election became soldiers of Nord\'s army. Even if they might die in the battle, there were still an endless stream of villagers who wanted to join Nord\'s army, especially after they learned about Nord\'s pension for dead soldiers.

The enthusiasm to become a soldier became very high in Tami Town, but Nord did not blindly expand the recruitment, but selectively expanded the scale of the troops, so as not to affect the development of Tami town. Therefore, Nord has consciously delayed the expansion plan of the spear team.

The incident of the construction team did not affect Nord\'s trip. This time, Nord entered the yamon mountains and did not follow the first road, but chose the road that Nord re planned, that is, the road being built now. In fact, the overall gap is not large, but some changes have been made in some places.

So sometimes Nord had to let the team reopen a road. Although Marco and old Moore felt a little strange. Why not take the previous road and reopen it instead, when they found that the direction Nord chose was a shortcut, their admiration for Nord became deeper and deserved to be Lord Nord.