Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 199

Nord and old Moore came directly to the location of Nanshan village market. Because the open space available to Nanshan village is not very large, the layout is very compact.

For this reason, Nord did not choose to build a central square in the middle of the South Mountain stronghold as planned by Tami town. The core location of this area was transformed into a large market by Nord.

After several days of rush work, especially when the mountain people knew that they would sell the same goods as Tami Town, the enthusiasm of the mountain people was high, and the work progress of the market was accelerated.

When Nord came here, the market was almost completed, because many mountain people came here spontaneously to help. Especially yesterday, when Nord and others brought so many goods, there are so many mountain people coming to the market today.

Although some mountain people are waiting for the opening of the market, they will also help build the market. Especially when they see Nord and old Moore coming, they are very excited. It is estimated that they think the market is about to open, but no one dares to ask Nord and old Moore. They just look at it. Nord can\'t help laughing, It\'s like seeing people queuing up early to grab tickets in previous lives.

However, Nord doesn\'t want to sympathize with the poor mountain people as before. After the lessons of Tami Town, Nord has learned to control his emotions. Some things can\'t be let go. If a lord is too good to his people, he may feel that the Lord is very weak.

It\'s a pity that Nord can\'t do this now, but Nord is already working in this direction, so Nord checked the progress of the market here, and then asked old Moore to tell these mountain people that as long as the market is built, the goods can be sold.

However, the villagers in Nanshan stronghold are not as rich as the residents in Tami town. They don\'t have much income. The only money left in their hands is that they exchanged fur when the caravan came to trade last time. There are not so many job opportunities here as in Tami town. Moreover, they said that there was no salary for the construction they did in Nanshan stronghold.

Because these mountain people are prisoners of Nord, Nord doesn\'t have to pay them, but the situation is different now. Because Nord wants to develop the mountains and the process of road construction is so slow, Nord has to use all his power.

The temporary way is to mobilize the enthusiasm of Nanshan stronghold mountain people and let them actively participate in the construction. The best way to mobilize their enthusiasm is to pay them. If these mountain people don\'t use too much concept of money, they can be replaced by equivalent goods.

Compared with shiny copper shells, real materials are more attractive to them. There is no way. Since Nord does not intend to establish workshops in the South Mountain stronghold, it is important to find something for these mountain people to do. If they are allowed to farm or hunt, it will be a waste of human resources, and there will not be much income.

Although Nord wants these mountain people to undertake the task of road construction, he will not waste their hunting skills. Nord plans to reorganize every hunter in the mountain stronghold into a hunter team, which is similar to the militia and reserve. Nord has not forgotten that in addition to rich materials, Nord values these tough mountain people most, They will not be allowed to neglect their hunting skills because of road construction.

The road construction is just to make these mountain people richer, not to make them like those civilians outside. They don\'t have the ability to fight. But now Nord can only control Nanshan stronghold to do so. In other strongholds, Nord doesn\'t have so much influence and can change their hunting mode, After all, these cottages have no ownership relationship with Nord.

Only Nanshan stronghold is completely dominated by Nord, which makes Nord feel that he did not make a mistake in his original decision. Although the establishment of Nanshan stronghold is an unintentional move of Nord, like a free child, it has played an unexpected role. Nord can let Nanshan stronghold play a leading role and promote it to other strongholds.

Nord relayed his ideas to old Moore and asked him to do it immediately. First, he arranged the mountain people of the South Mountain stronghold to join the road construction team to speed up the pace of road construction. As for the establishment of the hunter team, it can be delayed temporarily, while Nord is going to go to the far mountain stronghold with some manpower and materials.

Along with Nord, in addition to Marko and other guard soldiers, he also took Wagner. After Wagner wandered around the mountain and participated in the battle, his whole person changed a lot. He didn\'t care about anything as before, but became a little silent, making Nord feel like a different person.

Especially in this knighthood ceremony, Nord felt that it had a great impact on Wagner. From his absent-minded look, Nord could see that Nord was a very sensitive person, and he could capture the emotional changes of the people around him at the first time. From Wagner\'s reaction, maybe Nord\'s previous guess was correct.

The harlems must have hidden some secrets. Their relationship with the outside world must be different from that of ordinary mountain people, but old Harlem\'s mouth is very strict and he is mature. Nord can\'t get any news from him, but this time may be different. If Nord wants to go deep into the Amun mountains, he must be able to find some clues.

In addition to Nord going to the remote stronghold, Nord also asked the soldiers of the South stronghold to return to their own stronghold and invite the principal of the stronghold to the South stronghold to discuss things. Of course, the elderly Harlan with unique status needs Nord to invite him personally. Regardless of Harlan\'s status, Nord should also respect him for his age.

Because yuanshanzhai has special significance, it is not only the first Shanzhai discovered by Nord, but also the largest Shanzhai in this mountainous area, but also has done several trade with Nord, so these mountain people will look forward to Nord\'s arrival again, and Nord can\'t go empty handed.

Bringing some goods is not only to trade with the villagers of remote mountain stronghold, but also to promote the upcoming Nanshan stronghold market. After all, the distance between Nanshan stronghold and remote mountain stronghold is not far away. If the villagers want to buy goods in Nanshan stronghold, it is very simple.

Two or three hours later, Nord came to Yuanshan stronghold. There was no big difference between here and before. It was still so quiet and harmonious, but the mountain people who came in and out of the gate of the stronghold could still see that some changes had taken place here.

Many mountain people have got rid of the costume of animal skin and put on linen clothes. If they are not located in the deep mountains, they are not much different from the civilians outside. Nord\'s arrival has not had no impact, but earth shaking changes have not taken place, but Nord believes that it is not far from that day.

After entering the remote mountain stronghold, many mountain people will salute respectfully when they see Nord. Although there is a gap between the etiquette of the mountain people and that of the outside world, it is still in the same line on the whole, but the etiquette of the mountain people is more ancient and traditional, which makes Nord believe that the mountain people are not always isolated from the world, and they must have maintained contact with the outside world before, I just don\'t know what happened, which led to the isolation of the Amun mountains.