Lord of All Gods

Chapter 845

Now the magic vine took advantage of it.

He first went to absorb the 50,000 or so Corpse Demon Primordial Pills.

Those corpse demons were all crowded together, in a deep sleep state, and they were not awakened at all. So the magic vine absorbed their power piece by piece effortlessly, turning them into mummies one by one.

Wait until it is almost absorbed, then go to absorb the personnel of the Fierce Demon Sect. But at this time, the power of the magic vine is not even afraid of the elders of the Ninth Layer of Creation.

In order to save time, Ye Liuyun released the alien spirits from the Hundred Refining Soul Banner, and asked them to help the magic vines kill those strong men.

At the same time, the Hundred Refining Soul Banner also absorbed the souls of the members of the Fierce Demon Sect, and strengthened the team of ghosts inside.

The Fierce Demon Sect ambushed tens of thousands of demon cultivators in this basement. Under the pressure of the seven high-level spirits, it was almost difficult to even move.

Basically, without much resistance, they were killed one by one.

The whole battle went very smoothly, there was no big storm in the basement, and it soon became quiet.

The seven high-ranking spirits of different races, after sweeping again, found that there were no omissions, and returned to the Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

Ye Liuyun went into the basement, collected the corpses of the Corpse Demon and the Fierce Demon Sect, kept them as evidence, and rushed directly to another ambush location.

There were also some corpses that the magic vines hadn\'t had time to absorb, but Ye Liuyun put them into the storage space and let the magic vines go inside to absorb them.

"I hope there is still time!" Ye Liuyun ran wildly through the void.

At this moment, he could already feel the huge energy in the magic vine being digested bit by bit.

The magic vine absorbed too much energy at once, and couldn\'t digest it all at once.

If he absorbed all these demons and corpses, Ye Liuyun reckoned that it could be a strong fighter of the Zhan Zun rank.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun\'s expectations for the magic vine are also getting bigger and bigger, hoping to make him stronger and become his help.

When Ye Liuyun arrived at another ambush location of the Fierce Demon Sect, it happened that those members of the Fierce Demon Sect were about to come out. The corpse demon underground is also being awakened, but has not rushed out yet.

"You still have time!"

Ye Liuyun was overjoyed, and immediately released those high-ranking alien spirits, threw out the magic vine seeds, and killed them!

At this time, Ye Liuyun also noticed that the vines protruding from the magic vine had changed.

Not only are there more spikes on the vines, but the color of some vines has become darker, and some of the vines\' heads have fangs and big mouths that can swallow people directly.

"Leave me the physical body, you can swallow energy!"

Ye Liuyun reminded Demon Vine that he was afraid that he would swallow all the evidence. Without these evidences, it would be difficult for him to go back and explain.

After receiving its message, the magic vine no longer devoured the body, but directly absorbed energy.

Under the protection of Gui Die, Ye Liuyun first took off the storage rings from the corpses of the demon cultivators just now.

He just needs to turn in the body. Storage rings, those are all his spoils.

It wasn\'t until these ambush people were dealt with that Ye Liuyun took back the spirit of the foreign race. On the side of the magic vine, the corpse demon has not been completely absorbed.

Ye Liuyun was not in a hurry, first packed up the corpses and took off the storage rings.

It wasn\'t until the magic vines absorbed all the corpses that he put them together, and then let the magic vines go into the storage ring to absorb the energy from the corpses.

He himself rushed directly to the direction of the army to report the situation.

As he walked, he put all the mummies into several storage rings, waiting to hand them in.

Liang Xinyu and the others were all following the Golden Armored Guards, and they were all relieved when they saw Ye Liuyun come back.

The general of the Golden Armored Guard also hurriedly asked about the situation at the two ambush locations.

"I killed all the demon cultivators and corpse demons in ambush. They are all here!"

Saying that, Ye Liuyun took out more than twenty storage rings and handed them over to the general. Ask him to test it.

Ye Liuyun\'s words shocked the general and the people around him!

"Nearly 100,000 corpse demons and more than 20,000 fierce demon cultivators were all killed by you alone?" They didn\'t believe it at first.

But when the general\'s consciousness swept across the storage ring, he was so shocked that he couldn\'t even close his mouth.

"This...how did you do it?" The general stuttered a little.

"I have a special treasure that can drain their energy."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t say what kind of treasure it was. It is only said that these corpses are all hiding in the basement, which is very dense, so it is easier to deal with.

After the general regained his composure, he immediately went to report.

The army also immediately sent a small team to check and confirmed the traces of the battle.

Because of this, Ye Liuyun became famous among the army. One person killed more than 100,000 demon cultivators and corpse demons. This achievement, if it is reported up, can be awarded as a marquis!

After the general of the Golden Armored Guard came back, he also told Ye Liuyun the good news.

"Your credit has been confirmed. The information has been sent back to the dynasty, you just wait to receive the reward!"

"What about them? They also participated in obtaining information!" Ye Liuyun was more concerned about whether the princess and others could get rewards.

"Haha, don\'t worry, they also have merit, but it\'s not as great as yours! You killed more than 100,000 demon cultivators and corpse demons by yourself! Probably the biggest credit for this battle!

And this credit, others can\'t take it away, no one has the strength to dare to claim your credit! "

The general laughed and comforted Ye Liuyun.

After that, Ye Liuyun and the others didn\'t need to go out to take risks anymore. The sect disciples outside have almost wiped out the corpse demons in the periphery.

For the rest of the battle, the battleship blasted away the mountain guard formation of the Fierce Demon Sect, and then a few high-ranking strong men killed the high-ranking alien strong men.

It\'s just that those high-ranking strongmen fight, they all enter the void, for fear of hurting innocent people.

Ye Liuyun and the others originally wanted to watch the gods fight, but they didn\'t.

But they saw the strength of the Fire Wolf Corps.

After several rounds of bombardment by warships, the remaining demon cultivators of the Fierce Demon Sect couldn\'t even count as resistance in front of the Fire Wolf Corps, it was simply a massacre.

"These soldiers of the Fire Wolf Corps are really strong in combat. The key is their cooperation, which is simply flawless!"

Ye Liuyun found that these soldiers were not only high-level, but also coordinated with each other, humans and beasts, and had rich combat experience.

"That\'s right, it\'s really rare to have such a sense of cooperation in a battle, covering the surrounding area!" Fatty Wei also praised it constantly.