Lord of All Gods

Chapter 844

"Why, have you taken a fancy to him?" Su Manning asked softly.

The thoughts between women, or only women are easier to understand.

"No way! I\'m just looking forward to what he will develop into in the future!" Of course Liang Xinyu would not admit it.

"Are you afraid that he won\'t be good enough for you? I think that with his potential, he will definitely skyrocket in the future. If you don\'t act quickly, I will do my part!" Su Manning seemed to be joking.

In fact, she has seen many men lose their composure in front of her. Only Ye Liuyun can stick to her heart, which has already moved her mind.

"I have to look at his character again. Are you optimistic about him?" Liang Xinyu asked in surprise.

Su Manning looked in Ye Liuyun\'s direction and didn\'t reply directly, but asked instead: "Don\'t you think he is excellent?"

She felt that Ye Liuyun\'s ability to resist her charm was enough to show that Ye Liuyun\'s character was qualified and there was no need to test it again.

The two women just silently watched Ye Liuyun kill the corpse demon, the more they watched, the more reluctant to look away

Fatty Wei glanced at the two of them, and murmured in his heart: "Why is no one looking at me? I\'m not bad!"

But he looked up at Ye Liuyun again, and curled his lips helplessly: "It\'s just a little worse than him!"

Ye Liuyun tapped and tapped, then suddenly backed away.

"Be careful, someone is sneaking up!"

Ye Liuyun yelled and let Guidie out.

Ghost Butterfly rushed in one direction.

It turned out that they were all watching Ye Liuyun fight, and they were negligent in guarding against them. They didn\'t even notice that the people from the Fierce Demon Sect came out of the formation to attack them secretly.

Fortunately, Ye Liuyun had been paying attention to the Fierce Demon Sect, otherwise those few people might have been arrested by the Fierce Demon Sect and asked about the situation here.

As soon as the ghost butterfly arrived, the two elders of the Creation Realm of the Fierce Demon Sect could no longer hide their figures, and immediately exposed themselves, turning around and trying to escape.

"One per person!" Ye Liuyun ordered Guidie, and pulled the spirit of an elder with a lower level into his Yin-Yang domain.

Ghost Butterfly also directly killed the soul of another Elder of Good Fortune Realm.

Liang Xinyu and the others had a false alarm and broke out in a cold sweat.

The two elders of the Creation Realm were within a mile of them. This distance can be reached in the blink of an eye for a master in the realm of creation.

"Didn\'t I ask you to pay attention to the movements of the Fierce Demon Sect?" Ye Liuyun asked Su Manning.

"I\'m sorry! I just saw Mr. Ye bravely kill the enemy, and I was fascinated by your back for a while, and ignored my mission!"

Su Manning confessed her mistake coquettishly, and also expressed her thoughts by the way.

It\'s hard for Ye Liuyun to say too much about her, after all, it\'s the first time they\'re working together.

Immediately, he concentrated on searching for the soul that was brought in.

After a search, he was also taken aback.

Ye Liuyun learned from the elder\'s soul that only about half of the people in the Fierce Demon Sect\'s sect are left behind.

Although none of the strong men of the foreign race escaped and were stared to death by the strong men of high rank, half of the elders and disciples of the Fierce Demon Sect had already ambushed in the two nearby sects, just waiting for the dynasty\'s attack. When the army attacked the Fierce Demon Sect, they couldn\'t beat them.

Moreover, not only the tens of thousands of disciples of the Fierce Demon Sect were ambushed, but also nearly a hundred thousand corpse demons.

"Magic Vine, clean up all the enemies quickly. Yuan Datou, quickly withdraw, or you will not be able to fight in the future!" Ye Liuyun issued orders to both Demon Vine and Yuan Datou.

He has a good grasp of the big ape\'s psychology.

Hearing the words, Yuan Datou ran back immediately.

"What\'s wrong?" Liang Xinyu and Fatty Wei also noticed something strange.

"Now there is important information that needs to be sent back!" Ye Liuyun immediately told everyone about his discovery.

"I\'m afraid it\'s too late! I guess the army should have already set off by this time!" Everyone became worried.

"No matter what, if you go back earlier, the army will be safe."

Ye Liuyun made a decisive decision and arranged a task: "Yu Datou, you protect Xin Yu and others, go back through the dense forest, and report to the captain of the Golden Armored Guard. Let\'s split up."

"What about you?" Liang Xinyu asked Ye Liuyun.

"I\'ll rush to the ambush location of the Fierce Demon Sect first, and try to hold them back if I can."

Ye Liuyun replied, turned around and was about to disappear into the void. But Liang Xinyu grabbed her.

Liang Xinyu was also in a moment of anxiety, and after holding Ye Liuyun back, her face also turned slightly red. But he still said: "No, it\'s too dangerous for you to go by yourself!"

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t be stupid enough to take risks. I\'ll go and see the situation first, and I won\'t fight them head-on. Go report it!"

Ye Liuyun comforted Liang Xinyu, then disappeared into the void and rushed to a place where members of the Fierce Demon Sect were ambushing.

Ape Datou is very reliable this time. He was mainly afraid that Ye Liuyun would really not arrange battles for him in the future. So on the way back, there was no love for fighting, and after opening a path, they rushed back with Liang Xinyu and others.

When they arrived in the dense forest, they had already swept it, and the beasts and corpses had been cleaned up a lot. So Liang Xinyu and the others finally rushed back shortly after the army was launched.

The general of the Golden Armored Guard immediately reported to the commander-in-chief of the army after receiving the information. The army also stopped immediately and made adjustments.

In fact, no matter how the army of the Dynasty fights, it will definitely be the final winner, because the gap in numbers and strength is too great.

But if they were attacked by the Fierce Demon Sect, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, Ye Liuyun and others have made great contributions.

After the army adjusted its response plan, it set off again. On the surface, they still rushed to the Fierce Demon Sect, but in fact they had arranged the Fire Wolf Corps at the end to intercept the Fierce Demon Sect\'s ambush.

Ye Liuyun himself, before the army moved out again, rushed to a position where the Fierce Demon Sect was ambush.

This sect looks like ruins, it doesn\'t look like there are people living there. But Ye Liuyun used his spiritual sense to investigate carefully, and found the trace of Moxiu.

Then use the golden pupil to confirm. "So it\'s all hidden underground!"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and took out the magic vine seeds. "It depends on whether you can eat so much!"

The magic vine seed also transmitted the wave of consciousness, and it was very excited.

"If you move faster, maybe we can also absorb all the demon cultivators who are ambushing in another place!"

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he threw the magic vine seeds out.

In the basement, the demon cultivators of the Fierce Demon Sect were waiting patiently. And those corpse demons are all crowded together, there is no room for fighting at all.

They also wanted to avoid people\'s eyes and ears, so they didn\'t build the basement very large.