Lord of All Gods

Chapter 846

"Our cooperation this time is considered a pass!"

Seeing that the battle was about to end, Ye Liuyun led them to summarize the cooperation.

"We will go to Qianlong Academy in the future, and we may have the opportunity to cooperate again, so it is necessary to summarize this cooperation so that we can cooperate better in the future!"

So the few of them worked together to study what kind of formation to use in the face of different dangers, how to attack and defend, and the division of labor between each of them, laying the foundation for future cooperation.

Just as they were getting excited about their research, Yu Tianxiang ran to their battleship to look for Liang Xinyu.

"Xin Yu, I heard that you have made great contributions! I\'ll come and see you!" Yu Tianxiang said proactively.

"It\'s just luck, there\'s nothing to see! You go back!" Liang Xinyu was really indifferent to Yu Tianxiang.

After a casual sentence, he continued to chat with Ye Liuyun and the others.

But Yu Tianxiang didn\'t seem to be able to see it, and he didn\'t have the slightest intention to leave.

"Which of you is Ye Liuyun?"

Yu Tianxiang asked Ye Liuyun and others condescendingly, trying to attract Liang Xinyu\'s attention.

Ye Liuyun was very disgusted with this arrogant attitude.

He\'s just the son of a county king, so there\'s nothing to be arrogant about. He is also under no obligation to answer his questions.

So although he heard it, it was as if he didn\'t hear it. After a short pause, he continued to chat with other people without raising his head.

Yu Tianxiang didn\'t expect that the guards around Liang Xinyu dared to ignore him, so they became angry immediately.

"Are you deaf? This son is asking you questions, but he didn\'t answer!"

"Enough, Yu Tianxiang."

Liang Xinyu also knew that Ye Liuyun ignored him, so she must be dissatisfied with his attitude.

Immediately stopped Yu Tianxiang and said to him: "They are all my friends, there is no need to answer your question."

"Friend? Isn\'t it your bodyguard? I heard that King Liang found you a bodyguard!"

Yu Tianxiang sized up Ye Liuyun and the others again, and found that he didn\'t know them, so they shouldn\'t be the children of princes.

"It has nothing to do with you! Let\'s go, don\'t delay our discussion." Liang Xinyu directly issued the order to evict the guest.

She also felt very upset. I feel that Yu Tianxiang is really annoying, even secretly investigating her affairs.

"Xin Yu, after entering Qianlongyuan, I will have to protect you at that time. You actually drove me away?"

Yu Tianxiang didn\'t expect Liang Xinyu to pick it out and drive him away directly.

He thought that Liang Xinyu had to rely on him when she arrived at Qianlongyuan, so he was a little bit confident.

"When I get to Qianlongyuan, I don\'t need your protection. They will protect me!" Liang Xinyu refused directly.

"They? Go to Qianlongyuan too?" Yu Tianxiang looked again, and then said contemptuously: "It\'s not that I look down on them. It\'s hard for them to protect themselves, let alone protect you! You don\'t even Understand how difficult it is to survive in Qianlongyuan!"

"Then you don\'t need to worry about it!" Liang Xin said firmly, raising her head in the rain.

She also knew that in Qianlongyuan, Yu Tianxiang was not considered a character. Relying on him, not only would he be in danger, but he would also have to be restricted by him.

"Okay, okay!" Yu Tianxiang had nothing to say.

"You guys, how dare you ignore me! We\'ll deal with you when we get to Qianlongyuan!"

In the end, he said a cruel word and left directly!

Both Su Manning and Fatty Wei had worried expressions on their faces. Before entering the Qianlongyuan, he offended a prince\'s son.

Liang Xinyu saw them, and comforted them: "Don\'t pay attention to him. He himself is in the Qianlongyuan, and he is not a very important person, and he doesn\'t have that much energy!"

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t take Yu Tianxiang seriously from the beginning to the end.

Ape Datou didn\'t take it to heart at all. He can\'t wait for Qianlongyuan to have a fight!

What he is thinking now is how to improve his realm quickly. When he is promoted to the first stage of Creation, he doesn\'t have to worry about Yu Tianxiang.

After the battle to exterminate the alien race and the Fierce Demon Sect, Ye Liuyun also returned to Yingzui Island with the battleship of the Golden Armored Guards.

The other sect disciples also returned separately.

As soon as they arrived at Yingzui Island, the county king actually greeted Ye Liuyun and others in person.

"Hahaha!" The county king laughed before he could speak.

"Congratulations to all of you for making great contributions! Especially Ye Liuyun, your contribution is the biggest contribution in this battle!"

It seems that the king of the county has already got the exact news.

"Don\'t be in a hurry to go to the Qianlongyuan, the time is completely in time. The rewards of the dynasty will come down in these two days, so you just wait, and it will not be too late to leave after receiving the rewards!"

After the county king finished speaking, he took them back to the palace and held a banquet to celebrate them.

Seeing that the county king was so enthusiastic, Ye Liuyun couldn\'t refuse, so he agreed and waited for news from the dynasty with everyone.

Two days later, the dynasty\'s reward message came over.

Ye Liuyun was indeed conferred the title of Marquis by the downed dynasty, and was granted the title of Marquis of Bravery, and was given a fief, which is an unnamed small island not far from Yingzui Island.

It is said to be a small island, but its area is not small, one-third the size of Yingzui Island.

Within the scope of the territory, it takes half a day to punch around the island in a super warship.

It\'s just that the small island is not well-known, and there are many demon cultivators, fugitives and others living there.

If you want to settle in, you need to clean up, build a mansion, and train private troops to guard it.

Although the Great Xia Dynasty didn\'t give Ye Liuyun soldiers, they gave him two billion high-grade spirit stones and asked him to build a mansion and guards by himself.

He was also rewarded with a ferocious beast that guards the house, a golden-haired lion at the sixth level of good fortune, and a set of transformable armor.

In addition, there are corresponding 10,000 sets of soldier armor, two super battleships, two first-class battleships and other private army equipment.

Others have also received corresponding rewards. Everyone was overjoyed.

It\'s just that these rewards are still on the way, and it will take a few days before they can be delivered here.

Everyone also congratulated Ye Liuyun one after another.

After all, with the title of marquis issued by the dynasty, his status is different.

At least he now has a background. Although it is just a virtual position, it has no real power.

But no matter what, he is also a Marquis, and his status is higher than those of the prince\'s heirs.

Moreover, it is possible to dominate one side reasonably and legally, and become a local emperor.

Now ordinary people have to bow and salute when they see him, and call him Lord Marquis.

Even the princess is no exception. After all, she was only the heir of the county king, but she did not inherit the throne, nor did she have a title recognized by the dynasty.

"Yong Lie Hou! Haha, I met Yong Lie Hou! I need Ye Hou to take care of me in the future!" Fatty Wei greeted Ye Liuyun seriously, making everyone laugh.