Lord of All Gods

Chapter 843

Ye Liuyun immediately threw out the magic vine seed, and at the same time told Yuan Datou: "Leave it alone, speed up and charge forward!"

However, Yuan Datou was in the midst of a fight and couldn\'t listen to other people\'s advice at all.

As soon as the magic vine seed fell to the ground, it immediately stretched out the pitch-black vines and began to attack the surrounding beasts.

It can stretch out countless vines at the same time, and its efficiency is much higher than that of others.

Soon, all the ferocious beasts around were wiped out.

Ye Liuyun collected the magic vine seeds, rushed into Yuan Datou\'s battle circle, and slashed at the beast, cutting it to pieces.

Then he beckoned, "Go quickly", and continued to rush forward with a few people.

This time, he rushed to open the way in front of the crowd again, and his speed increased again.

Yuan Datou also knew that he had caused trouble, so he followed behind silently. Moreover, he had just fought a battle and needed time to recover his true energy.

After running wildly for a while, Ye Liuyun stopped.

"Finally ran out of the encirclement of the corpse demon!" Su Manning let out a long breath.

Her soul was also discovered. If they were slower, they would be surrounded by a group of corpse demons.

Although Ye Liuyun has the magic vine and is not afraid of those corpse demons, time must be wasted there.

There are so many sect disciples rushing to the Fierce Demon Sect, they must rush there as soon as possible to get ahead of others.

Those who fall behind will definitely not get any credit.

Several people stopped to rest for a while, Su Manning and Liang Xinyu were educating Yuan Datou.

Yuan Datou looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, no matter what they said, he was indifferent.

"If you cause trouble again, we\'ll leave you alone!" Su Manning threatened Yuan Datou and even used charm.

Ape Datou immediately used his soul to defend, and frowned at her, a little angry.

"Save your energy. Yuan Datou, there will be plenty of fights for you to fight later, you need to recover your true energy first!"

Ye Liuyun stopped them and led them on their way.

"Okay!" Yuan Datou actually agreed.

In his heart, he only obeys Ye Liuyun. Therefore, he should only listen to Ye Liuyun\'s words.

Everyone else shook their heads, there was nothing they could do about him.

Ye Liuyun and the others moved quickly through the dense forest, and arrived at the end of the dense forest ahead of all the sect disciples.

But they didn\'t go out, but hid in the dense forest.

Ye Liuyun released his divine sense to inquire about the Fierce Demon Sect, and found that the Fierce Demon Sect had already activated a large formation to protect the mountain, preventing the investigation of the Divine Consciousness.

His soul has reached the strength of the rank of respect. If he can\'t detect it, others should be the same.

"It seems that the Fierce Demon Sect is planning to defend the sect to the death! They should not dare to come out to confront the enemy at this time!"

Ye Liuyun also reported the situation to the others.

"Then what should we do? Isn\'t it for nothing?" Liang Xinyu was a little disappointed.

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t think so: "Why did you come in vain? Let\'s start a fight to see if we can attract the people from the Fierce Demon Sect. Even if they don\'t come out, we can kill more corpse demons and go back to claim the merits !"

Ye Liuyun immediately told Yuan Datou: "Your chance has come. Go find corpses or beasts to fight. The bigger the movement, the better, and the more corpses and beasts you attract, the better. Let you enjoy yourself!"

"Haha, good, I like this task!"

Ape Datou agreed, picked up the iron rod, and rushed towards a corpse not far away.

He yelled loudly, and his voice could be heard in the whole area, and the movement was loud enough!

Then he smashed the iron rod at the corpse demon, making a loud bang. The vicious beasts and corpse demons around were immediately attracted by the movement he made.

Ye Liuyun threw out the magic vine seeds to help Ape Datou fight.

He and the others stayed far away to observe the movements of the Fierce Demon Sect.

The magic vine seed is very smart, Ye Liuyun told it not to kill the beasts and corpses, so as to attract more beasts and corpses.

It is also very obedient, always leaving some of the same level for the big ape to practice.

So the two of them cooperated very tacitly, the big ape was playing well, and it was getting rich silently.

It\'s just that after being absorbed by the magic vine, the Yuandan in the body of the corpse demon is also absorbed. Ye Liuyun and the others could only collect the corpses to receive the merit.

After observing for a while, they found that the Fierce Demon Sect hadn\'t moved.

However, a large number of corpse demons were attracted into the dense forest and rushed towards them.

"Since the people from the Fierce Demon Sect don\'t plan to come out for the time being, let\'s kill some corpse demons first and go back to claim the credit. Miss Su, you stay and continue to monitor the Fierce Demon Sect, and let us know immediately if there is any movement."

Su Manning\'s coquettish technique had no effect on the corpse demon, and she had to protect her during the battle, so she was kept.

"Others, when you\'re tired, go back to Miss Su to rest and restore your true energy. Remember, don\'t wait until all your true energy is exhausted before returning, at least half of your true energy should be kept."

Ye Liuyun had experience in fighting corpse demons, so after explaining, he rushed forward with everyone.

After they killed the corpse demon, after the magic vines absorbed it, they put the corpse away and kept it to receive the merit.

And the more commotion they make, the more corpse demons will be attracted.

There were even corpse demons of the third or fourth level of good luck, all of which rushed over, but they were all dealt with by the magic vines, so there was no need for Ye Liuyun and the others to take risks.

The more energy the magic vine absorbs, the stronger its fighting power will be. Ye Liuyun and the others just killed some corpse demons with the ninth level of yin and yang or the first level of good fortune.

The magic vine always leaves the corpse demons of this realm to them, and has a clear division of labor with them.

The few of them also took turns to fight. After a fight, they would go back to Su Manning to recover their true essence, and then fight again.

Only Ye Liuyun kept killing the corpse demons.

He himself has a double element pill, which is abundant with true energy. In addition, when he uses sword intent, the consumption is very small.

His consumption was almost made up for by the quick absorption ability of Yuanling Secret Art.

Yuan Datou admired Ye Liuyun even more.

He had already gone back to rest for two times, but Ye Liuyun fought for a whole day without resting for a moment.

Fatty Wei and the others were also full of admiration for Ye Liuyun: "Is this still a human being? Even if I use sword intent, if I keep beating like this, I will be exhausted to death!"

"He must have some way to recover quickly, otherwise he wouldn\'t have been fighting like this. No matter how small the consumption is, the real energy should be exhausted!" Su Manning saw some tricks.

Liang Xinyu looked at Ye Liuyun\'s back and also admired her endlessly.

Now he feels that Ye Liuyun is good everywhere. If Ye Liuyun can achieve some fame in the Qianlongyuan, then he is really worthy of him.

And just based on Ye Liuyun\'s ability, he should also stand out in Qianlongyuan.