Lord of All Gods

Chapter 837

"What a scary thing!"

Ye Liuyun himself felt that if he didn\'t have those two powerful flames, the vines would be really hard to deal with.

Although the vine looks like a plant, its intelligence is not low.

It always chooses martial arts with low realms to start attacking, and after absorbing more energy, it gradually starts to attack martial arts with good fortune realms.

Ye Liuyun discovered that the vines could only attack martial artists of the first and second levels of creation at most.

Because no matter how strong a martial artist he meets, he will take the initiative to avoid and not attack.

"It seems that there is still not enough energy!" Ye Liuyun immediately released seven alien spirits to kill those strong people in the realm of good fortune.

But the magic vines cooperated seamlessly. No matter where, as long as a strong person in the realm of good fortune falls, vines will immediately stretch out from the ground to absorb the energy of his physical body.

When the Chang Mansion was completely quiet, the magic vines were almost absorbed.

Ye Liuyun collected the alien spirit and the magic vine, quietly slipped back to the base, and returned to his residence through the teleportation array.

In the Chang family mansion, all the shriveled corpses were left behind.

In the Prince\'s Mansion, a man in black was reporting Ye Liuyun\'s whereabouts to the Prince.

"This kid, how can there be so many strange things on him!"

The county king also couldn\'t help but lament the various treasures on Ye Liuyun\'s body, emerging one after another.

"Since he wants to train helpers, we can help him!"

The king of the county took out a map of Yingzui Island and marked several locations on it. The marked patterns are all the vines of the magic vine.

After drawing, the king of the county handed over a roll of the map to the man in black: "Give this secret to Ye Liuyun."

"Yes!" The man in black agreed, and his figure disappeared into the room.

That night, Ye Liuyun received this map.

He understood the implication at a glance, and guessed who sent the map.

"The king of the county wants to use my hand to eradicate dissidents! Anyway, I also need to cultivate magic vines, so why not cooperate once!"

Ye Liuyun immediately printed the map in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Due to the long distance, Ye Liuyun asked Cyclops and the others to drive the third-tier battleship and set off overnight.

With the speed of a Tier 3 battleship, that little distance is nothing.

Ye Liuyun did not launch an attack in a hurry, but checked the several places marked on the map before determining the order of attack.

In the places marked on the map, there are three aristocratic families, a gang of robbers, and a settlement of ferocious beasts.

Ye Liuyun decided to attack the habitat of the beasts first. The vicious beast\'s blood is strong, which can make the magic vine grow faster.

When he arrived at the place, Ye Liuyun directly sowed the seeds of the magic vine, allowing the magic vine to play freely.

Ye Liuyun released ghost butterflies to attack his spirit and cooperate with the magic vine only when he met a strong person in the realm of good fortune.

After the magic vine fell to the ground, it also wisely stretched the vines to the outside first, and then gathered them from the outside to the inside to prevent the beasts from escaping and wasting resources.

"This magic vine seed is really smart!" Ye Liuyun admired the wisdom of this plant.

In the end, with the cooperation of Ghost Butterfly, none of the nearly a thousand beasts of different realms ran away, and they were all sucked dry by the magic vines.

"Let\'s go, continue in another place!" Ye Liuyun greeted, and the magic vine immediately retracted the vine, and returned it to Ye Liuyun\'s hands after shrinking.

Next, they wiped out the three families first, and then went to kill the gang of robbers last.

There are not many robbers in the gang, but the ones with the lowest level are all martial artists in the yin and yang level, and there are nearly fifty people in the good fortune level. It\'s no wonder that the king of the county regards them as a thorn in his side.

The strength of this robber is already comparable to a big family. It is stronger than the few families that Ye Liuyun just wiped out.

And this time the magic vine also changed its style, and it was an all-out attack when it went up. He even directly provoked those high-level bandit leaders.

It seems to be telling Ye Liuyun that he has absorbed enough energy, and he is afraid that the ghost butterfly will steal its business.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t release the ghost butterfly either, and just watched the magic vine fight by himself.

Among the robbers was a nine-fold good fortune and a strong man with an eight-fold good fortune, so the battle was fierce, and the magic vine also lost a lot of vines. But eventually as more and more robbers are absorbed by it, it becomes stronger and stronger.

In the end, it reduced the redundant vines, and the vines stretched out with concentrated strength were already as thick as thighs.

The robber at the eighth level of good luck was killed by him, but the bandit leader at the ninth level of good luck couldn\'t hold back.

In order to prevent it from losing more vines, Ye Liuyun finally released Ghost Butterfly to help it, killing the spirit of the bandit leader, and let the magic vine absorb his body.

After the magic vine absorbed the energy, it took the initiative to turn into a seed and returned to Ye Liuyun\'s hands. There was also a wave of spiritual consciousness, asking Ye Liuyun to continue to take it to find energy to absorb.

"Haha, you\'re still addicted! It\'s almost dawn, you go back to rest first. I have to look for it again, don\'t mess around!"

Ye Liuyun put away the magic vines, let Cyclops drive the battleship, and returned to his residence.

The county king also received a message from the man in black.

"All destroyed, no survivors!"

"Good boy!" The county king was overjoyed, and immediately arranged for someone to take over the properties of those families.

Ye Liuyun just took away the belongings in their treasury and the contents of the storage ring. However, these families still have a lot of property on Yingzui Island, and these also belong to the county king.

For the two of them, the division of labor is clear, and both parties are very satisfied with the distribution of spoils.

Ye Liuyun also found many high-ranking treasures in the robber\'s storage ring, took out a few more, and distributed them to Duyan and the others.

They have also been practicing quietly these days, and did not disturb Ye Liuyun and others.

"When are we leaving?" Cyclops took the opportunity to ask Ye Liuyun again.

"I\'ll check the enrollment situation in the next few days, and then I\'ll make an appointment with you! It\'s not a month yet, don\'t worry!"

Ye Liuyun hadn\'t decided when to leave.

The next day, Ye Liuyun went to watch the recruitment competition.

Now the enrollment is coming to an end, and the sects that come to enroll are also some super big sects, and the conditions are also very strict.

Many martial arts without strength are not accepted by the sect at all.

Ye Liuyun went to see them for two days, and felt that there was nothing special about those sects, so he found them boring.

He also didn\'t want to expose his bloodline, soul and other strengths before these sects.

So he didn\'t sign up all the time, he just waited for the last day, when the Qianlong Academy mentioned by the princess came to recruit students, he would go and have a look.

If you are still not satisfied, then leave Eagle Mouth Island directly and rush to the Central Continent.

The county king and princess naturally got the news from Ye Liuyun. They also guessed that he was not too satisfied with the current sect.

The princess sighed to the prince, "This guy\'s vision is too high!"