Lord of All Gods

Chapter 838

The king of the county smiled and said: "With his strength, he doesn\'t need to study at all. What he needs is resources. Only with enough resources can he be tempted. I have a thing that he is interested in, which is recruiting students from the sect." , there is some conflict."

"What\'s the matter?" the princess became curious.

"Let\'s wait and see, and see if he is satisfied with the Qianlongyuan." The king of the county kept a secret and didn\'t tell the owner of the county.

On the last day of bulk enrollment, Ye Liuyun also came to the enrollment venue early.

The princess, Fatty Wei, and Su Manning, their enrollment quotas are all set by default, and they are not within the scope of enrollment here.

The reason why he came here early was to hear the introduction of the school\'s resources and their attitude towards the students.

The recruiting elders stood on the ring and began to introduce Qianlongyuan.

"Many people know that there are many princely disciples in Qianlongyuan, even the princes, princes, and princesses of the Great Xia Dynasty are disciples of Qianlongyuan.

So before you go, you have to know in your heart that if you are not strong, you are destined to become the slaves of others.

Qianlongyuan will not care about the fight between you, everything is up to you to fight for! "

"Everything is up to you!" Ye Liuyun hadn\'t heard these words for a long time, so he immediately became interested.

"On the contrary, even if you killed the prince in Qianlongyuan, the Great Xia Dynasty would not dare to touch you in the academy! This is the confidence of Qianlongyuan!"

The recruiting elder smiled and introduced to the young people in the audience. It seems that killing the prince is a common thing for him.

This was undoubtedly unheard of for the young people on Yingzui Island, and the discussions in the audience could not be stopped.

"I didn\'t even dare to think about killing the prince before!"

"That\'s right! Qianlongyuan must have so much confidence, it dares to say such outrageous words!"

Ye Liuyun\'s interest was also completely aroused.

At this moment, he thought to himself: "Is it even possible for the prince to be killed? No wonder the county king wants to find a personal bodyguard for the princess. It seems that the competition in Qianlong Academy is not as fierce as usual. This academy is interesting!"

Of course, there are some people who feel that this academy is too chaotic and there is no guarantee for ordinary disciples, so they directly gave up the idea of ​​joining it.

"You also want to enter Qianlong Academy?" A bell-like voice exploded beside Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun turned his head to look, and when he saw that it was the big ape, he nodded to him.

"I just got a little interested! You also want to enter Qianlong Academy?"

"Haha, I knew you were not a fuel-efficient lamp. I heard that it was chaotic inside, so you want to go there, right? I am the same!" Yuan Datou opened his mouth and laughed.

"Why didn\'t you go to Demon God Island?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled.

"I grew up there since I was a child, and I know all the monsters in it, it\'s boring!" Yuan Datou said carelessly.

The recruiting elder on the stage continued to introduce: "The academy has various secret realms, which are all open to disciples. The disciples of the college can accumulate high points and exchange them for resources just by guarding these secret realms..."

"... There are even two new secret realms, the exploration level is less than 10%. But the death rate is quite high, close to 80%!"

As soon as the Great Elder finished speaking, many people turned around and left.

"The mortality rate is 80%, what a joke! What\'s the difference between that and narrow escape!"

The recruiting elder didn\'t care, instead he said with a smile: "That\'s right, that\'s right, it\'s a narrow escape! I\'m being more tactful!"

At this moment, Ye Liuyun had actually decided to take a look.

"Haha, good, I must go and have a look!" Yuan Datou yelled directly.

Someone in the distance muttered in a low voice: "This kind of college is only suitable for lunatics like Yuan Datou!"

After finishing speaking, those few people quietly retreated out again.

Yuan Datou also heard it, but he didn\'t care at all.

Next, the admissions elder introduced many rules of the academy.

To sum it up in one sentence, if you want resources, you basically have to fight and grab them by yourself.

But the welfare of the disciples is also quite attractive. Just the redemption of points makes people jealous.

"Okay, that\'s about it for the general situation! Anyone who wants to sign up, just stand up and lift it up."

The recruiting elders didn\'t let people sign up, but let people go directly to the stage.

"I\'m going, are you going?" Yuan Datou stood up and was about to walk up the stage.

Ye Liuyun also stood up at the same time: "Go, go and kill some princes!"

"Hahaha! You really have talent!" Yuan Datou smiled, and jumped onto the ring with Ye Liuyun.

There were more than a dozen young people who took the stage one after another. The realm of these people is basically between Yin and Yang.

So Ye Liuyun\'s realm is particularly conspicuous inside.

But no one dared to underestimate him. His reputation had already spread throughout Eagle Mouth Island during this period of time. As soon as they saw his pair of golden pupils, everyone stood a little further away.

The recruiting elder originally wanted to persuade Ye Liuyun to go down, because his realm was too low, and there was no good fruit to eat if he went there.

But seeing the reaction of the crowd, he swallowed back what he was about to say.

"Okay! Since you all volunteered to take the stage, I\'ll start the test directly!"

Seeing that there was no objection from the crowd, he immediately released his spirit and began to attack these people on the stage.

Immediately, someone\'s soul was damaged, and he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

But when the elder\'s spirit rushed towards Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Liuyun directly released his own spirit, blocking the elder\'s spirit back.

He didn\'t dare to let the elder\'s soul rush into his sea of ​​consciousness, for fear that the Ten Thousand Gods Order would directly swallow his soul!

"It\'s no wonder these people are afraid of him with the power of Zunji\'s soul!" The elder knew it well, but he was not too surprised.

Then tried the others again.

Now on the stage, there are only six people left. Including Ye Liuyun and Yuan Datou.

"Okay, there are six of you left, fight as you please, until there are two people left on the stage, we will be selected!"

The admissions elder said casually. It seems that because he is too lazy to move, it is a temporary rule.

"What? So casual?" A disciple asked dissatisfied.

But Ye Liuyun understood that this was Qianlongyuan\'s behavior style. Everything has to be fought for. So without saying a word, he slapped the dissatisfied disciple away with his palm.

The disciple\'s vigilance was also too low, he didn\'t even burst out his true energy body protection, and he was not vigilant at all.

And Yuan Datou also slammed at another disciple at this time, although he was half a beat slower than Ye Liuyun, he reacted faster than the others.