Lord of All Gods

Chapter 836

The surrounding monsters gradually dispersed.

"When are we going back to Demon God Island?" Jin Dali asked Xiang Qiongqi and the others.

As soon as Lei Ming heard that he was going to leave, he immediately hugged Ye Liuyun tightly, his head stuck in his arms and could not come out.

Qiongqi looked at it, and looked at Jin Dali helplessly and smiled.

Jin Dali and Lan Wangxin also noticed that the Thunder Dragon was the most difficult to deal with. And Ye Liuyun obviously dotes on her very much.

"Why don\'t we find a restaurant to have something to eat? Don\'t just stand here! Give you a little time to say goodbye?" Lan Wangxin suggested.

Ordinary monsters, as long as they talk about eating, they will immediately forget other things temporarily.

"That\'s good!" Ye Liuyun also had nothing to do with Lei Ming. He patted her on the shoulder and led her to the restaurant.

During the dinner, Jin Dali and Lan Wangxin introduced many delicious and fun places on Yaoshen Island to Lei Ming and the others.

Lei Ming was indeed attracted, so he released Ye Liuyun a little.

They ordered a lot of delicious food for Lei Ming, and after Lei Ming had a full meal, he was willing to leave Ye Liuyun.

But in the end, she was also taken away by the Dragon Girl!

Turning around step by step, tears kept dripping down, making Ye Liuyun very worried.

Ye Liuyun sent them to the flying boat, watched them leave, and then returned to the residence in a daze.

On the way, several firescale lizards surrounded Ye Liuyun.

"Hmph, don\'t think that if your pet gets into trouble, you\'ll be fine! If you don\'t make compensation today, you won\'t be able to leave alive!" a firescale lizard threatened.

They only dared to bully Ye Liuyun after watching the strong people around Ye Liuyun leave.

Ye Liuyun was in a bad mood, and didn\'t bother to leave them, so he released the ghost butterfly directly, only said one word, "Kill!", and continued to walk forward regardless.

Since Gui Die reached the Zun Rank, she finally had a chance to fight and wanted to test her own strength. Immediately began to launch the soul attack.

Those few firescale lizards couldn\'t last two breaths under its hands, and they all turned into corpses.

Their souls were all absorbed by the ghost butterfly to strengthen themselves.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t even bother to collect their bodies, so he took the ghost butterfly and left directly, letting passers-by snatch the bodies of the firescale lizards.

After returning to the residence, he released the skeleton puppet to guard the formation, and he himself went back to the Xuankong Stone to practice.

The entire Xuankong Stone was also empty, leaving him alone.

For the first time in such a long time, he didn\'t even have a person to talk to, and he really felt a little lost.

But soon, he began to practice.

"Be stronger, become stronger!" Now this belief has become the only motivation to support his cultivation.

"Only by becoming stronger will you not be separated from the people around you."

Now he not only has to think about Liang Xue, but also Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and others, this kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

"I don\'t know if Xue\'er has come here now!" Ye Liuyun sighed and forced himself to concentrate on cultivation.

During the nearly hundred days in the Xuankong Stone, Ye Liuyun spent a lot of time improving his cultivation, and he has already raised his realm to the late stage of the sixth level of yin and yang.

Now he took out the alien Yuandan and the magic crystal, and began to absorb them, concentrating on attacking the peak of the six layers of yin and yang.

In the hundred-refined soul banner, the seven gods and souls of different races and ranks have all recovered to their original state, ready to fight at any time.

Ye Liuyun is not worried at all even if he is facing a strong man in the realm of good fortune. With Ghost Butterfly and these seven ranks of foreign spirits, he is almost invincible in the realm of good fortune.

"It\'s just that the attack of the physical body is still a lot worse!"

Ye Liuyun\'s own strength is also his soul. The strength of treasures and beasts is also the soul.

As for physical attacks, he really didn\'t have any effective methods that could hurt martial arts in the realm of good fortune.

Now he needs to count all the power, so that he has enough countermeasures when facing the enemy.

His demon hunter armor and demon hunter bow, of course, can hurt martial artists in the realm of good fortune, but they are special surprises prepared for the god of the underworld, and they cannot be used lightly.

Demon Sealing Monument can also be used. But sometimes it doesn\'t work, it depends on its mood.

The death knell is also available, but it is only effective if the opponent hits it or rings it.

The demon-slaying sword and the long sword, an artifact, could barely kill a martial artist in the early stages of the Creation Realm if given the chance, but he didn\'t have that strength even if he was too high.

For the rest, he still has a high-level magic net and a nine-dragon Jiangshan cauldron, but they can\'t exert much power against the strong in the realm of good fortune, and many martial arts also have high-level treasures, which have no advantage.

After thinking about it, Ye Liuyun suddenly thought of the magic vine seed.

He hasn\'t used this thing for a long time. If it is used for fighting, it should be somewhat helpful.

So he came to his own space world, put the seeds of the magic vine into the ground, and used the corpses of Chang family martial artists collected some time ago as nourishment, and threw them to the magic vine to absorb.

Ye Liuyun also couldn\'t see the state of the magic vine, he only knew that it would not refuse energy and could absorb any amount of energy.

Seeing that the magic vine quickly sucked up the corpse, it was obvious that he was not full.

"It seems that we still have to find the Chang family to provide resources for the magic vine, and test the magic vine to see if it can deal with the strong in the realm of good fortune."

Thinking of this, Ye Liuyun put away the magic vine seeds, passed through the teleportation array, and came to the stronghold.

The corpses of Tianhuang and others in the stronghold had been thrown in the yard by Qiongqi, and after Ye Liuyun came, they were also given to the magic vine.

Afterwards, he took the magic vine and rushed to Chang\'s house.

The Chang family is no longer what it used to be.

Except for some of their own people who stayed behind, many of them were occupied by outsiders, and they were all planning to divide up the resources of the Chang family.

After Ye Liuyun mixed in, he released the magic vine directly.

"Don\'t go beyond the scope of Chang\'s family, you can absorb it at will!"

Ye Liuyun limited the range of the magic vine to prevent it from being discovered by others. Then he hid in the dark to observe the strength of the magic vine.

This magic vine is actually stronger than it imagined. After it took root in the soil, the vines protruding out made it impossible for people to find where his body was.

But the protruding vines can continue to grow. As soon as it landed, several rattans emerged. Almost a vine can wrap around a martial artist in the yin and yang realm and suck him dry. The effect is faster when the two rattans are combined.

These vines have no soul, no pain, only know how to absorb energy.

Even if it is a high-ranking weapon, it takes a few knives to cut it off. It\'s not particularly sensitive to fire, either. It is not an easy task to burn off the thick vines.

Some martial artists let out flames, and before they could burn the vines, they would be entangled by it, draining their blood and true energy and dying.