Lord of All Gods

Chapter 832

When they got there, Qiongqi and Ye Liuyun were there.

"Sure enough, the person in charge of the stronghold has defected again!" Ye Liuyun also admired Qiongqi.

Qiongqi smiled and said: "That\'s for sure! But he absolutely dare not reveal our arrangement!"

"Then what should we do now?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

"Wait, wait for the Chang family to find them, and wait for them to return to the stronghold to rest!" Qiongqi said confidently.

As soon as Tianhuang and the others arrived at Ye Liuyun\'s place, they immediately sent people in to arrest Ye Liuyun.

But the people who went in did not come out again, and they were all swallowed up by the formation.

Before they could send anyone in, the Chang family\'s brigade came to kill them. Although the Chang family is weak now, there are still elders in the sixth level of fortune.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. This is the home of the Chang family.

The Chang family gathered a lot of elders, led hundreds of disciples, and surrounded the members of the Fierce Demon Sect.

"Is there some misunderstanding between us?" Tianhuang still wanted to communicate with the Chang family with the attitude of solving the problem.

"Misunderstanding? Do you think we are all fools? Kill me!" The leading elder of the Chang family gave an order, and all the disciples of the Chang family rushed forward.

"I think the members of Chang\'s family are not normal now." Ye Liuyun said to Qiongqi.

Qiongqi smiled and said: "Even if they are normal, this kind of thing is difficult to solve. The Chang family is a big local force, and they are used to saving face. Even if they want to solve the problem, they will take these people from the Fierce Demon Sect back first." And these people, it is impossible to go back to their homes with them."

Ye Liuyun nodded, he had to admire Qiongqi\'s rich experience.

"Actually, whether they came to you first, went to the stronghold first, or attacked the Chang family, the result is the same! The only difference is that they die in different ways!" Qiongqi said confidently.

Ye Liuyun thought for a while, and nodded in agreement.

"Can you speak clearly before doing anything!" Tianhuang continued to communicate with the confronting elders.

"Okay. If you arrest him without a fight, we can talk, or we will die!" Several elders of the Chang family attacked Tianhuang together.

They have been too frustrated recently, and urgently need to find a soft persimmon to squeeze and vent their anger.

"Too much deceit! Really think I\'m afraid you will fail!" Tianhuang endured again and again, wanting to investigate the matter clearly

But the Chang family didn\'t want to talk to him at all, so they had no choice but to kill him. Otherwise, their people will suffer a lot.

It\'s only been a while, and several disciples have already been mutilated by the Chang family!

Facing the siege of several Chang elders, Tianhuang was not afraid at all, the devil energy in his body erupted, carrying an evil aura.

"The breath of the foreign race? These demon cultivators have taken refuge in the foreign race! Kill them!"

The Chang family is now more confident. Some elders even sent disciples to inform the county king.

The king of the county will not intervene at will in the battle between sects. But when it comes to the appearance of a foreign race, he must also express it.

In fact, he knew the movements of Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi well. Knowing that it was Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi who were playing tricks, framing the Chang family and the Lie Mozong.

"It seems that the Fierce Demon Sect really has something to do with the alien race!"

The king of the county immediately arranged for a layer-by-layer blockade on Yingzui Island. At the same time, he also informed his subordinates: "Let them fight first, and don\'t rush to attack. But we must not let the people of the Fierce Demon Sect escape from Eagle Mouth Island."

"Yes!" Several generals under him agreed, and immediately split up to lead people to arrange.

Tian Huang fought against several elders of the Chang family, and he was not at a disadvantage, and even found time to wound two martial artists who were first and second levels of fortune.

But the elders and disciples he brought were not that strong, and most of them had fallen into a pool of blood.

Tianhuang couldn\'t help worrying: "The boy with the golden pupils has suffered so many casualties before he has taken it down. I\'m afraid he will return without success this time."

"Elder Tianhuang, we can\'t stand it anymore! There are too many people on the other side!" An elder under him also urged.

"Okay, let\'s retreat to the stronghold, take the stronghold back first, and repair it there."

Tianhuang and the others were not very familiar with Yingzui Island, only the stronghold. So after the end of the day, the others rushed to the stronghold.

"Stop them, don\'t let any of them escape!" Chang\'s elder shouted, leading people to chase them down.

The Chang family who were squatting in front of the stronghold also formed a line of defense to intercept Tianhuang and the others.

A few elders around Tianhuang tore open a hole in the Chang family\'s interception team and led them into the stronghold.

The person in charge of the stronghold originally wanted to dissuade Tianhuang from entering the stronghold. But the Chang family chased them too urgently, if they didn\'t go in, they would be killed again.

"It\'s a big deal to surrender again! Anyway, Tianhuang and others will not be able to get out after entering. No one will know that I betrayed the Fierce Demon Sect."

So he gritted his teeth, not only didn\'t remind Tianhuang, but rushed in with Tianhuang and others.

Tianhuang was also hesitant to go in, but facing the onslaught of several Chang elders, he didn\'t have time to hesitate and observe, so he had to follow the others and enter the stronghold together.

When the members of the Chang family saw them go in, they knew that there was a formation inside, so they stopped chasing them. Just surrounded the stronghold.

Qiongqi and Ye Liuyun had already returned to the stronghold through the teleportation array, waiting for Tianhuang and others to take the bait.

"Haha, my plan is not bad!" As soon as Tianhuang and the others entered, Qiongqi\'s laughter came out.

"Amazing!" Ye Liuyun was also overwhelmed with admiration.

"Kill them first, and then you collect souls to search for souls!" Qiongqi immediately launched the attack formation to avoid accidents.

Tianhuang and the others had already consumed a lot, but now they couldn\'t hold on to the nine fire dragons.

The person in charge of the stronghold shouted to Qiongqi for help: "Master Huo! I have brought Tianhuang in, you can\'t kill me!"

"Haha, don\'t you know what you want to do?" Qiongqi sneered, and had no intention of letting him go.

"You traitor!" Tian Huang heard the words, immediately understood, and directly slapped him to death.

"Who are you, you dare to fight against our Fierce Demon Sect? Are you not afraid of our revenge?" Tianhuang didn\'t see the appearance of Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi outside, so it didn\'t match up.

"The Chang family wants to destroy your Fierce Demon Sect, are you still afraid that your revenge will fail? No matter how strong your Fierce Demon Sect is, it is only in the Demon Realm. Dare to come to Yingzui Island to provoke?" Qiongqi replied with disdain imitating the tone of the Chang family he.

"The Chang family? What kind of enmity do you have with our Fierce Demon Sect?" Tian Huang asked in puzzlement.

"The fact that you took refuge in a foreign race has been revealed! Those few evil corpses are the evidence. Now not only our Chang family, but the entire Yingzui Island will destroy you!" Qiongqi continued to babble with Tianhuang.

Tianhuang heard the words, but he was shocked. "Exposed!"