Lord of All Gods

Chapter 833

Qiongqi\'s nonsense made Tian Huang believe it was true.

What Qiongqi said was what they were most worried about. As soon as Tian Huang felt nervous, he immediately believed it when he contacted the current situation.

"They discovered the secret of the Fierce Demon Sect! Wouldn\'t the body of the alien race be more ominous?"

Tianhuang didn\'t say another word, and hurriedly took out the sound transmission talisman, and sent a message to suzerain Xiao Wuji.

Qiongqi and Ye Liuyun met each other and smiled.

Qiongqi opened the shield of the formation and asked him to spread the information.

After he put away the sound transmission talisman, Qiongqi turned off the formation shield again.

"Now you can rest assured. They thought that the matter of the alien corpses had been revealed, and they would not chase us any more in the future."

Qiongqi is very satisfied with Tianhuang\'s cooperation.

"It\'s really you! You can fool people by making up nonsense!" Ye Liuyun praised.

"That shows that he has a ghost in his heart, so he believes it. This also proves from the side that they have indeed taken refuge in the alien race. There may be more alien races in the sect!" Qiongqi said to Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also agreed with Qiongqi\'s statement: "Well, after searching for the soul, I\'ll sort out the information and talk to the county king. Let the dynasty send troops to exterminate the alien race, then it\'s not something we should worry about."

Qiongqi intensified his attack, completely burning Tianhuang and others to ashes.

Ye Liuyun unfolded the soul banner, and took Tianhuang\'s spirit into it alone. Everyone else\'s spirits, he took them into the Yin-Yang domain for absorption.

Tianhuang\'s soul has been infected with evil aura, and it seems that he has completely surrendered to a foreign race and obtained the power of a foreign race.

And once Tianhuang entered the Hundred Refining Soul Banner, he could not help but follow Ye Liuyun\'s order, and told all about the situation of the Fierce Demon Sect.

Two years ago, Xiao Wuji, the Patriarch of the Fierce Demon Sect, defected to a foreign race in order to obtain stronger power, and then began to assimilate the elders around him, and then began to aggressively attack other sects.

At the same time, it is also collecting a large number of alien races that have not yet died, and recovering them.

Today, there are already three alien monsters hidden underground in the Fierce Demon Sect, and one of them is a powerful man of high rank.

Among the elders of the Fierce Demon Sect, three of them were also taken away by the spirits of alien evils, and they are currently recovering.

The corpses of the six alien monsters released by the Fierce Demon Sect this time are to expand their influence, let the alien monsters seize more people, and infiltrate the power of the alien race into other sects.

They had repeatedly inquired about the auction and Eagle\'s Mouth Island before, and only started to implement it after confirming that no one would be able to discover their secret.

Unexpectedly, the bodies of the six alien noble ranks that they managed to find were all planted in Ye Liuyun\'s hands.

"A foreign race of respectable rank! Even if he hasn\'t fully recovered, his strength should not be underestimated!" Hearing Ye Liuyun\'s narration, Qiongqi couldn\'t help feeling a little worried.

"I\'d better go to the county prince\'s mansion and let the Great Xia Dynasty deal with these matters!" Ye Liuyun said, and returned to his residence.

Now outside his residence, the surveillance personnel have all been attracted to the stronghold of the Fierce Demon Sect, which is convenient for him to move.

He rushed directly to the county king\'s mansion, originally wanting to find Liang Xinyu first, and then ask to see the county king.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, the county king directly asked someone to take him in.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hide anything, and told the county king the truth about the Fierce Demon Sect.

At the same time, Xiao Wuji, the suzerain of the Fierce Demon Sect, was also discussing countermeasures with the alien race.

"Stop chasing and killing a small person. Expand your power as soon as possible! I\'m afraid someone will attack us soon. If it\'s too late to directly control more people, then cultivate more corpse demons!"

In the basement of the Fierce Demon Sect, a respectable alien ordered Xiao Wuji so.

"Yes!" Xiao Wuji also agreed, and no longer sent people to Yingzui Island, but brought some elders to study how to conquer other sects.

After hearing Ye Liuyun\'s complete narration, the county king didn\'t dare to delay, and immediately sent a message to the dynasty to inform him of the situation.

Aliens are in the dark and usually develop very quickly. Now that they know that they are exposed, they will probably develop more quickly.

Especially things like corpse demons, the infection is very fast.

As for how the dynasty arranges, then he can only wait for orders.

He is not in charge of Chaos Demon Realm, let alone lead troops to attack Fierce Demon Sect.

Moreover, the Fierce Demon Sect has respected aliens, so he is no match. It needs the support of the dynasty to send strong men.

"Young master Ye can make such great achievements at such a young age, what a hero!" The county king started chatting with Ye Liuyun after finishing his business.

"The king of the county has won the award. It\'s just a coincidence for me!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t want him to know how he got this information.

"Coincidentally? You borrowed a knife to kill people, but both sides benefited!" The county king laughed.

"Uh... It seems that my behavior has not been hidden from his eyeliner!" Ye Liuyun was also a little embarrassed.

Ye Liuyun also immediately said: "Your Majesty, there are some things that I am forced to do. After all, I am alone and alone, and I cannot fight against those big forces!"

"Who said you are alone? You are my honored guest when you come to Yingzui Island. With me as your backer, what are you afraid of!" the king said grandly.

"He said this, is he trying to use me as a backer to win me over?" Ye Liuyun thought to himself when he heard this.

There was no way to ask this kind of thing clearly, so he had no choice but to thank the county king first, and then he left and returned to his residence.

Just as he was about to return to his residence, he suddenly discovered that the Chang family had sent someone back to monitor him again.

There were also two elders from the good fortune realm, and a few disciples from the yin and yang realm, and surrounded him.

"You are Ye Liuyun, are you finally willing to come out?" A Chang elder grinned grinningly.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and released the ghost butterfly.

"I\'m too lazy to fight with your Chang family. If you pester me again, I will completely destroy your Chang family!"

Feeling the ferocious power of the ghost butterfly rank, the faces of the two elders immediately turned pale.

Ye Liuyun yelled in a deep voice, "Still leaving? If I find out that your people are staying here to watch me, I\'ll make the Chang family disappear completely!"

"Let\'s go, let\'s go!"

The two elders greeted and called away all those monitoring Ye Liuyun, and they all ran away in a blink of an eye.

Ye Liuyun smiled.

"This Chang family probably doesn\'t dare to provoke me again!"

Thinking of this, he walked back to his residence and continued to practice.

Qiongqi didn\'t stay at the Fierce Demon Sect\'s stronghold, and went back to Ye Liuyun\'s Xuankong Stone to practice. Only some members of the Chang family were left to monitor the empty stronghold.

On the other side, the county king is already arranging people to accept the property of the Chang family.

After several tosses, the Chang family no longer had the strength to fight. He could only watch helplessly as his property was divided up by other big forces.