Lord of All Gods

Chapter 831

The formations in the stronghold are all arranged by Qiongqi, how could there be a sound!

Even if he blew himself up inside, no one outside would notice anything unusual.

Qiongqi also came out at this time.

"You\'re not bad, you caught a big fish!"

"He insisted on chasing him himself. I guess he has been tortured by us for the past few days and has become restless!" Ye Liuyun laughed.

The elder of the Chang family has indeed become a little impulsive these days because of Ye Liuyun.

Unexpectedly, he was careless for a while and fell into the trick.

"Ye Liuyun?"

Although the Great Elder couldn\'t see Ye Liuyun in the formation, he recognized Ye Liuyun when he heard the voice.

"You only know now? It\'s too late!" Ye Liuyun deliberately angered him.

At this time, Qiongqi had activated the formation attack, and nine fire dragons burned towards the great elder.

The fire that Qiongqi used this time is not just the source of fire in the formation. He buried his artifact, the broken furnace, at the core of the formation.

So the current fire dragons are all formed from the flames ejected from the sacred furnace.

The high temperature of the flame made even Ye Liuyun feel terrified, so he took a step back involuntarily.

Even though the elder of the Chang family held the divine weapon, he couldn\'t withstand the attacks of the nine fire dragons in turn, and was burned to ashes in the end.

Ye Liuyun put away his soul power, the hammer and the storage ring.

"Nothing, I\'ll go back first?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

"Go back, the few miscellaneous fish outside can\'t make any big waves! When that Elder Tian Huang arrives, I will call you to help."

Qiongqi also asked him to go back. He will arrive in a day, and it is useless for him to wait here.

So Ye Liuyun returned to his residence through the teleportation array and continued to practice.

The Chang elders outside waited for a long time, but their great elder came out.

Two people were sent in one after another, but they never came out again.

"There won\'t be another formation in it, right?" An elder doubted, "Why is the method of Fierce Demon Sect so similar to that kid named Ye Liuyun?"

"What do we do now?"

The remaining three regular elders, you look at me, I look at you, completely out of ideas.

Ye Liuyun\'s business is not over yet, and now there is another Fierce Demon Sect. And the methods on both sides are actually the same.

As for whether there is any connection between the two groups, they have already taken care of it.

Immediately, the three of them returned to the family, summoned their disciples, and attacked the stronghold in an attempt to rescue the Great Elder.

But after fighting for a long time, just like Ye Liuyun\'s situation, there was no progress at all.

In the end, these people had no choice but to retreat to Chang\'s house, leaving behind people to monitor the movement in the stronghold.

The Chang family is now suffering from internal and external troubles.

The internal opinions are not unified, and each has its own calculations.

Many former partners came to make things worse and took advantage of the opportunity.

Those who had hatred before also came up and stepped on it.

Coupled with Ye Liuyun and Fierce Demon Sect, the entire Chang family was pushed into a precarious state, on the verge of collapse.

And the last straw that overwhelmed the Chang family was about to land on Yingzui Island.

Elder Tian Huang of the Fierce Demon Sect, leading a group of people, is speeding up towards here.

"How could the Chang family attack our stronghold!"

He didn\'t believe it at all.

But the person in charge of the stronghold has also served in the Fierce Demon Sect for many years, so it is unlikely that he would lie about this kind of matter.

"We can only go to Yingzui Island to find out everything!"

Elder Tianhuang closed his eyes, thinking about how to deal with it.

He had a hunch. When they arrived at Yingzui Island, there might be a big battle waiting for them.

Just before Elder Tianhuang landed, Qiongqi suddenly appeared in front of the person in charge of the stronghold, helped him and the guard, and terminated the master-servant contract, but took away their sound transmission talisman.

The person in charge of the stronghold didn\'t understand what Qiongqi meant.

Qiongqi smiled sullenly and said: "You have already betrayed the Fierce Demon Sect, so there is no need to use the master-servant contract to restrict you!"

Immediately, Qiongqi left directly, leaving the two of them in a daze.

"Elder, what does he mean by this? Are you afraid that we will inform you?" the guard asked the person in charge of the stronghold.

"Informant? Didn\'t that put us in it?" The person in charge of the stronghold shook his head: "We must not tell about our betrayal of the sect."

"Then what should we do? Even if we don\'t say it, he will say it!" The guard was completely dumbfounded.

The person in charge of the stronghold thought for a while: "There is only one way, let Elder Tianhuang kill that old man Huo, and completely silence him! Then we will be safe."

"I\'ll listen to you!" the guard promised.

The person in charge of the stronghold looked at the guard and smiled: "I think the dead are better at keeping secrets!"


The guard was begging for mercy, but was slapped on the top of the head by the person in charge of the stronghold, and all the blood in his body was directly sucked by him.

Taking advantage of Elder Tianhuang\'s arrival, he immediately returned to the stronghold, preparing to kill the other guards to prevent future troubles.

But when he was looking for the guard, he was discovered by the guards of the Chang family.

Although he got rid of the guard, there was also a group of people from the Chang family chasing him.

He had nowhere to hide, so he had no choice but to run to the landing site and wait for Elder Tianhuang to rescue him.

Before Tianhuang landed, he discovered that the person in charge of the stronghold was being hunted down by members of the Chang family.

"Quick, save him." Tianhuang gave an order, and his subordinates rushed out together, killing all the Chang family members who were chasing and killing the person in charge of the stronghold.

"Elder Tianhuang, you are here!" The person in charge of the stronghold cried, "The stronghold has been taken over, and people from the Chang family are also chasing and killing us..."

Before he finished speaking, Tianhuang rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness with his soul and checked his soul.

After checking, he found that his spirit was not controlled by anyone, so he believed his words a little bit.

"What\'s going on?" Elder Tianhuang asked.

"I don\'t know, everything is messed up. First someone captured our stronghold, and then the Chang family is chasing us!" The person in charge of the stronghold dared not tell how Qiongqi captured him, so he had no choice but to say that everything was unclear.

"In your sound transmission talisman, doesn\'t it say that the Chang family captured the stronghold?" Tianhuang began to investigate carefully.

"Yes, at the beginning that person also said that he was from the Chang family. But I just found out that the Chang family is monitoring him outside the stronghold, so I\'m not sure now."

"Where\'s the group of people I asked you to find?" Tianhuang was most concerned about the whereabouts of Ye Liuyun and others.

"They are all still there! But there are Chang family members watching outside the residence." The person in charge of the stronghold replied truthfully.

"Then let\'s go find him first!"

Tianhuang Road has already thought about it, no matter what, let\'s find the body of the foreign adult first.

"Yes. The villain will lead you the way!" The person in charge of the stronghold immediately rushed to Ye Liuyun\'s residence with Tianhuang and others.