Lord of All Gods

Chapter 826

"I don\'t care about life or death, whoever kills my son, I will make him pay for it."

The head of the Chang family said unreasonably: "Your Majesty, you won\'t protect an outsider, will you?"

Based on the relationship between the Chang family and the Prince\'s Mansion, he thought that the Prince would not speak for a boy from outside.

Unexpectedly, the county king did not back down.

"Their life and death certificates were signed in front of me. It was another contest in our county palace. If I let you take them away, it would not damage the reputation of our county palace. Who will dare to come to me in the future? The county palace is a guest!"

"Huh?" The head of the Chang family did not expect that the county king would reject him because of a foreign hairy child.

"Could it be that this kid has some background?" The head of the Chang family couldn\'t help but wonder.

Although he had never seen Ye Liuyun show his strength, he should be considered a genius if he could kill Chang Wanshan.

This kind of genius is usually a disciple of some big sect who came out to practice.

Maybe the king of the county knew something about it, so he protected him specially.

But now it was his son who died. If he doesn\'t take Ye Liuyun down, then the members of their Chang family will not be killed casually!

Therefore, this precedent must not be set, otherwise it will affect the status of their Chang family in Yingzui Island.

"What if I have to take him back?" The head of the Chang family asked tentatively, and at the same time released his aura, ready to snatch him.

He also wanted to see how determined the county king was to protect Ye Liuyun.

The county king was not to be outdone, and immediately released his arrogance, suppressing the arrogance of the head of the Chang family.

"Chang Hong, do you still want to fight with me?"

The king of the county is not afraid of offending the Chang family. Although the Chang family is a big family, it\'s not that he can\'t do without the Chang family.

Seeing that the county king was so determined to protect Ye Liuyun, Chang Hong couldn\'t help beating his heart.

Although he is angry now, he has not lost his mind. Let him fight desperately with the county king, even if he has ten guts.

Chang Hong immediately withdrew his momentum, and said to the prince: "Since the prince insists on protecting him, then I have nothing to say. But you can protect him for a while, but you can\'t protect him forever. I don\'t believe that he can protect him in the prince\'s mansion." Forever."

What he meant was obvious, when he left the county palace, he was no longer under the jurisdiction of the county king.

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and was about to leave.

The king of the county also wanted Ye Liuyun to stay, so he didn\'t argue, he tacitly agreed that his protection was only within the scope of the king\'s mansion.

Ye Liuyun stood calmly on the ring the whole time, watching the confrontation between the king of the county and Chang Hong.

Hearing what Chang Hong said, he immediately stopped him. He didn\'t want Chang Hong to bring people around to intercept him after he returned.

"Chang Hong, did I let you go?"

Ye Liuyun\'s words surprised everyone.

Especially the county king frowned. Under such circumstances, Ye Liuyun should not have spoken!

He was afraid that things would get more and more complicated, so he hurriedly stopped Ye Liuyun: "If you get into trouble, don\'t say a few words!"

Ye Liuyun ignored the county king\'s dissatisfaction, and said directly to Chang Hong: "You came here and scolded me, and you want to leave now? Do you think I don\'t exist?"

Everyone gasped when they heard Ye Liuyun speak.

The head of the Chang family, who is also a big shot in Yingzui Island, was reprimanded by Ye Liuyun by calling him by his first name. They didn\'t even dare to think about such a thing.

Even the county king didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun would dare to talk to Chang Hong like that.

"What is this kid going to do?" He was a little puzzled.

"Oh?" Chang Hong was almost annoyed by him. "What do you want?"

"Since you\'re here, you have to do something! Don\'t you want to avenge your son? Come on stage and fight to the death, dare you?"


Everyone in the audience gasped together.

Even the county king was taken aback.

"You are a yin and yang sixth level, and you want to challenge Chang Patriarch? He is in the eighth level of good fortune."

No one else dared to say this, but the county king asked directly.

Everyone finds this a bit unbelievable.

"I\'ll go! Didn\'t I meet a lunatic just now?" Fatty Wei felt a little scared.

But Ye Liuyun made a please gesture to Chang Hong.

Chang Hong never expected that Ye Liuyun would dare to challenge him.

But no matter what, it is impossible for him to lose to a kid who is in the sixth level of yin and yang at the eighth level of fortune.

"What\'s going on here? What is this kid going to do?" Everyone in the hall was a little dazed.

Seeing this, the county king didn\'t know whether he should stop Chang Hong or not.

"Are you sure?" the county king asked Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun said calmly: "I don\'t want to be hunted down when I leave the county palace!"

The king of the county also knew that maybe he didn\'t protect Ye Liuyun thoroughly, so Ye Liuyun was a little dissatisfied.

But he can\'t help it now, Ye Liuyun has said so, he can\'t stop Chang Hong anymore.

Chang Hong stepped onto the ring in one step.

"Hmph, don\'t play tricks there. No matter what happens, you will die!"

Ye Liuyun directly took out the Hundred Refinement Soul Banner, and released a respectable alien spirit!

"You win it first!" Ye Liuyun said disdainfully.

"Divine weapon?" Chang Hong never thought that Ye Liuyun\'s divine weapon could release a respectable soul.

He rushed over when he heard the news of his son\'s death just now, and he didn\'t have time to bring a divine weapon.

He himself usually has two high-ranking treasures, but they are obviously not enough for divine weapons.

Moreover, that alien spirit didn\'t even give him time to think about it, as soon as it was released, it immediately attacked his sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Liuyun was afraid that one soul would be insecure, so he shook it twice, released two ghosts with a lower level, and rushed towards Chang Hong\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

When the Hundred Refining Soul Banner swayed, the spooky aura emitted made the entire hall chilly.

That kind of ghostly breath makes people shudder.

But at the moment Chang Hong is the most unlucky one.

His master and deputy spirits, together, are no match for that alien spirit. What\'s more, there are two ghost helpers with low realms.

It didn\'t take long for Chang Hong\'s soul to be dragged out by the soul of a foreign race, and pulled into the Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

Ye Liuyun took the soul flag away, and then sucked Chang Hong\'s storage ring over.

"Thank you for the hospitality, the king of the county, I will take my leave!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to stay any longer, for fear that the Chang family would find him and beat him up.

He had to rush back to his residence and use the power of the formation to help him defend. Only in this way can he resist the revenge of a family.

In fact, at this moment, he has already told Qiongqi what happened through the soul contract.

"Don\'t be in a hurry, I suggest you use the Hundred Refinement Soul Banner and go directly to Chang\'s house! Kill them first so they won\'t be caught off guard!" Qiongqi suggested to Ye Liuyun.