Lord of All Gods

Chapter 825

Ye Liuyun could feel that Fatty Wei\'s strength was also impressive.

Although I don\'t know what housekeeping skills he has, at least the quality of his true essence is no worse than Qiao Yunhai.

And Qiao Yunhai had already stood up. But everyone\'s eyes were drawn to Fatty Wei by Ye Liuyun, so they were very dissatisfied with Ye Liuyun.

"Why, does Mr. Ye think that my sword intent is not worthy of fighting with you?" Qiao Yunhai said coldly.

Ye Liuyun looked at him and heard the dissatisfaction in his tone. But he didn\'t say anything, just made a gesture of please.

"Your performance should end here!"

Qiao Yunhai stepped onto the ring and said proudly.

In his opinion, Ye Liuyun and Yuan Datou fought hard for their bodies, just to win attention.

Only when children fight, they fight recklessly with their flesh.

Real masters always attack the enemy with one move. For example, his sword intent, among his peers, does not require a second move.

Ye Liuyun has seen arrogant people before, and understands their psychology. So instead of talking nonsense with him, he directly took out the Demon Slayer Knife from the storage ring.

Recently, he hasn\'t carried the Demon Slayer Knife on his back, and has always put it in the storage ring. When fighting, he mainly focuses on honing the Qiankun Palm.

Seeing Ye Liuyun take out the knife, Qiao Yunhai laughed even more disdainfully.

"With weapons, you will lose even worse! Let you make the first move, otherwise you will have no chance!"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and began to gather his saber intent.

Qiao Yunhai didn\'t care about it at first, but when Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent exploded, he was immediately shocked.

As soon as Ye Liuyun gained momentum, the saber intent immediately hit him, and it was obvious that the seeds of the saber intent had condensed.

Not only that, but Ye Liuyun\'s sword intent continued to soar, and soon surpassed his sword intent.

When he came to his senses and wanted to draw his sword, Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent had exploded to the extreme, and he was so oppressed that he couldn\'t even pull out the sword, let alone resist it.

Sword intent and sword intent are the same, people with high artistic conception can see through those with low artistic conception at a glance. But those with low artistic conception can\'t see how strong the person with high artistic conception is.

The proud Qiao Yunhai realized only at this moment that Ye Liuyun\'s sword intent far surpassed him.

The county king, princess, Fatty Wei, Su Manning, Yuan Datou and others were also shocked by Ye Liuyun at this moment.

"It turns out that his strongest is Saber Intent!" Yuan Datou murmured, a little dazed.

But he has a loud voice, even when he is talking to himself, others can hear him clearly.

At this moment, not only Qiao Yunhai, but everyone in the banquet hall felt it.

Ye Liuyun\'s domineering sword intent made them all feel suffocated.

Princess Liang Xinyu was even more surprised. "I didn\'t expect that his strongest is not his eyes, not his soul, not his body, but his sword intent!"

Coupled with the various powers displayed by Ye Liuyun. Now everyone knew that none of them was Ye Liuyun\'s opponent.

Some people immediately became curious about Ye Liuyun\'s identity.

It stands to reason that such a strong genius must be a disciple of Tianjiao cultivated by some big sect.

Although Ye Liuyun\'s realm is low, no one dares to underestimate him now. With his strength, it is easy to kill Wuxiu who has nine levels of yin and yang!

Even the county king\'s aura was suppressed by Ye Liuyun at the moment. Even though he is in the Ninth Layer of Creation, he has never seen such a strong sword intent.

This domineering artistic conception made him feel small.

In his heart, he also strengthened his determination to win over Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t use the knife because he knew that Qiao Yunhai couldn\'t catch his knife. Once he slashed out with this knife, Qiao Yunhai would not be much better off if he did not die.

As for Qiao Yunhai, under the oppression of Ye Liuyun\'s saber intent, he still hasn\'t pulled out his sword.

"After condensing the seeds of sword intent, there is such a big difference between the condensed shape of the sword and the state of the seeds!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that there would be such an effect. He originally thought that Qiao Yunhai could at least draw his sword to fight him.

Unexpectedly, a slight difference in the seeds of the sword will lead to such a big difference in artistic conception.

In Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness at this moment, the seed of sword intent has completely turned into the shape of a knife.

And Qiao Yunhai is just a seed state.

Strictly speaking, the gap between these two states is worlds apart. Many people have never been able to breed seeds into swords in their entire lives.

However, Ye Liuyun didn\'t know this.

What he saw was only a gap in form.


Qiao Yunhai spat out a mouthful of blood, and sat down on the ground wearily, his aura completely dissipated.

Ye Liuyun immediately put away his saber intent, and put the saber into the storage ring.

"I lost! I was defeated by the sword intent!"

Qiao Yunhai was a little unbelievable!

He could actually see a stronger sword intent in a person younger than him!

Ye Liuyun didn\'t say a word to Qiao Yunhai from the beginning to the end, and turned around to walk off the ring.

The best way to deal with such arrogant people is to slap them in the face with practical actions.

Suddenly, a coercion of a strong man in the realm of fortune rushed directly into the banquet hall.

Then, an old man rushed in angrily.

"Which bastard killed my son? Get out and pay for your life!" The old man yelled loudly as soon as he entered.

Ye Liuyun stood still and looked at the old man, who turned out to be in the eighth stage of good fortune.

"It\'s not an opponent, it seems that we can only use the alien spirit in the soul banner!"

Only one elder came to the Chang family, even if the county king did not protect Ye Liuyun, he was not worried.

He was afraid that a group of strong men from the Chang family would come up and besiege him.

Fighting alone, he has a hundred refining soul banners, so he doesn\'t worry at all.

Ye Liuyun stood calmly on the stage, wanting to see how the county king would handle this matter.

The county king immediately went up to meet him, standing between Ye Liuyun and the old man calmly.

"Patriarch Chang, there is a reason for what happened, and I hope you will forgive me. Please sit down and talk about it first!"

"No need! I just want to bring back the murderer who killed my son and avenge my son. The county king won\'t destroy the relationship between our two families for an outsider, right?"

Patriarch Chang also found Ye Liuyun behind the king of the county, and immediately understood that the king of the county wanted to protect Ye Liuyun, so he was not very polite.

With the county king in the middle, he couldn\'t make a direct move.

Even if he wanted to make a move, he couldn\'t beat the county king.

"Your son signed the certificate of life and death before going to the ring. It\'s not easy for the older generation to participate in the affairs between the younger generation?" The county king persuaded him.

Under normal circumstances, when young people have disputes, once the life and death certificate is signed, the elders will not participate.

But there is also an unspoken rule, that is, the strength of the families on both sides is similar.

The reason why the head of the Chang family came to Ye Liuyun was because Ye Liuyun was not a local and had no roots here.