Lord of All Gods

Chapter 827

Seeing that Ye Liuyun killed even the head of the Chang family, the county king couldn\'t keep him anymore, so as not to arouse the siege of the Chang family.

Since it was Ye Liuyun who caused the trouble, he could only solve it by himself.

So he didn\'t stop Ye Liuyun and let Ye Liuyun leave.

"Attack the Chang family first? But I only have one high-ranking alien spirit that I can use now, and the others are recuperating, and it will take a while." Ye Liuyun was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? Kill as many as you can, especially those who are strong in the realm of creation! The rest are easy to solve!" Qiongqi gave Ye Liuyun an idea.

"Okay! You can\'t hide anyway, so let\'s go and try."

Ye Liuyun gritted her teeth and rushed to Chang\'s house. He knew the location of Chang\'s family as soon as he asked Chang Hong in the Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

When Ye Liuyun arrived at Chang\'s house, he didn\'t dare to get close, so he released the spirit of a foreign race.

"Go and kill the strong man in the realm of creation!"

Ye Liuyun ordered the alien soul to kill himself, while he observed the situation from a distance.

After the soul rushed in, it directly found the elder Chang in the realm of good fortune, and launched an attack.

On the other side, Qiongqi also rushed back to his residence, and set up a teleportation array between the stronghold of the Fierce Demon Sect to facilitate the two places to teleport back and forth. Then return to the stronghold to squat again.

The foreign spirits who entered the Chang family, because it was at night, and many people were practicing or sleeping, so they acted relatively covertly at first.

Seven or eight strong men in the realm of good fortune were all killed by this alien spirit when they were cultivating.

But later, the spirit of this foreign race actually broke into the Chang family\'s meeting hall to kill several elders who were waiting for the head of the Chang family to return.

Moreover, it didn\'t know how to cover up, and attacked an elder when it went in, and was immediately discovered by others.

"This alien idiot!" Ye Liuyun feared that it would not be able to escape, so he immediately called it back and ran back to his residence.

At this time, the Chang family has become a mess!

The patriarch didn\'t come back, and several elders were assassinated by alien spirits. For a while, they didn\'t know who did it. I thought it was aliens who were going to attack them.

The Chang family immediately sent someone to notify the county king, and at the same time went to find the patriarch to come back to sit in town.

When people arrived at the county palace, they found out that the patriarch was dead.

When the county king asked about the situation of the visitor, he was also surprised.

"Foreign soul attack?" The county king immediately thought of Ye Liuyun\'s method of killing the head of the Chang family.

"This kid is so courageous that he took the initiative to attack the Chang family?"

But he didn\'t hide it either, and told the Chang family all the news about how the head of the Chang family was killed.

There were so many people present, he couldn\'t hide it even if he wanted to.

After Ye Liuyun left, the match in the county palace continued.

In the end, it was Fatty Wei and Su Manning who had won the qualifications to be the princess\' bodyguards.

After the two of them got the reward, they were also rejoicing. "Fortunately, Ye Liuyun is not interested in the guards, otherwise it would not be our turn!"

"You\'re lucky! That kid helped you injure Qiao Yunhai and consume Yuan Datou, otherwise it might not be your turn!" Su Manning laughed.

Fatty Wei also smiled and said: "That\'s true! It seems that this kid is still my lucky star! I don\'t know how he is now?"

"Didn\'t you hear that she went to Chang\'s house to make a fuss again? People from Chang\'s house just came to talk about this matter." Su Manning told Fatty Wei.

Fatty Wei was fighting Hou Yuan just now, so he didn\'t notice what happened after the Chang family came in.

Fatty Wei could hardly believe his ears!

"What? Did you go to Chang\'s house to make trouble? This kid is really daring! What\'s the result?"

"I ran away after the trouble, I guess the Chang family should be looking for him right now! I really envy his courage." Su Manning said enviously!

"Father, what should we do?" The princess was also communicating with the prince about Ye Liuyun.

"Let\'s just search for the aliens! Let them resolve their grievances by themselves!" The prince smiled: "The status of the Chang family is getting higher and higher now, so it\'s not bad to be hit!"

The Chang family is also a big family, and they even have the strength to challenge him. If Ye Liuyun could use Ye Liuyun\'s hands to get rid of the Chang family, he would certainly be willing to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

"Should we help Ye Liuyun secretly?" The princess thought that Ye Liuyun was alone and alone, and it was impossible for him to fight against the Chang family.

The king of the county directly denied it: "No need. You underestimated that kid again! He has already killed several strong people in the realm of creation. Even if the Chang family can deal with him, their strength will have to be halved afterwards. That\'s enough , let\'s just watch the excitement!"

After the Chang family confirmed that it was Ye Liuyun who was playing tricks, they immediately sent a team of strong fortune-tellers to Ye Liuyun\'s residence to hunt him down.

They originally thought that Ye Liuyun would run away early, but unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun didn\'t run away at all.

After they entered the courtyard, they immediately fell into the formation, coupled with the attack of Ye Liuyun\'s high-level foreign spirits, more than a dozen strong people in the realm of good fortune, all of them never returned, and their spirits were all absorbed by Ye Liuyun. were also taken away.

Because of this, Ye Liuyun\'s spirit was constantly improving.

The entire Eagle Mouth Island was shocked.

In one night of the Chang family, the second son was killed, the patriarch was killed, and more than 20 people who were strong in the good luck realm were killed...

Ye Liuyun\'s deeds of defeating many geniuses were also spread.

For a while, rumors were flying all over the sky, saying that he was a disciple of a certain big sect.

The Chang family also dispatched to surround Ye Liuyun\'s residence with three floors inside and three floors outside.

I sent people in several times, but they never returned.

So they all surrounded the bombardment formation outside.

Qiongqi waited until they were almost done playing, then came over to repair the formation, and then went back.

The masters of the Chang family went into battle one after another, and they fought for a whole day, but they didn\'t break the formation. He was often attacked by the alien souls released by Ye Liuyun, and many people were recruited. For a while, it became the laughing stock of the entire Eagle Mouth Island.

"Keep fighting! I\'ll see how long the kid can last." The elder of the Chang family also started to fight fiercely, wanting to fight Ye Liuyun to the death.

Ye Liuyun called Qiongqi: "We can\'t tell them to keep fighting! You go and get the Chang family\'s treasure house?"

"Haha, that\'s a good idea, this kind of task is too suitable for me!"

Qiongqi strengthened the formation again, then immediately returned to the stronghold, and rushed to Chang\'s house from there.

As soon as Qiongqi left, Ye Liuyun realized that the problem was serious. The great elder of the Chang family took out three artifacts and distributed them to several elders, preparing to use the artifacts to attack the formation.

These elders in the realm of good fortune, and then use the divine weapon, are much more powerful than their attacking formations in turn.

"No, we can\'t let them make a move. Otherwise, if Qiongqi can\'t come back, the formation will be breached."