Lord of All Gods

Chapter 812

They didn\'t wait long, and there was movement in the private room.

With Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness, he found a carriage, escorted by a group of golden armored guards, and drove all the way to the downstairs of the private room.

A young prince, with several attendants, was standing to greet him.

Ye Liuyun saw that the young master\'s realm was only yin and yang, not very high.

After the carriage stopped, a masked woman stepped out from the inside, dressed gorgeously and covered with a veil, in the realm of yin and yang.

The veil has the function of preventing spiritual detection, Ye Liuyun can\'t see the face. But judging from her figure and skin, she should be a beautiful woman.

The young man greeted him immediately with a smile on his face, showing great hospitality.

But the masked woman just nodded lightly, without much reaction. Immediately, surrounded by golden armored guards, he went directly into a private room.

The young man was a little embarrassed, but then he adjusted his mentality, put a smile on his face again, and followed in.

"Haha, it seems that Second Young Master Chang\'s method of chasing women is not very clever! He still hasn\'t caught up with the Princess."

"I think the toad wants to eat swan meat!"

The martial arts practitioners in the hall were all resentful because the private room was enclosed by Chang Wanshan. So naturally, there were no good words for Chang Wanshan.

Qiongqi even booed with everyone and made sarcastic remarks.

"The Second Young Master Chang has a lot of money, and we have to help him raise the price later. In case he thinks the things are too cheap, it won\'t be fun to shoot!"

This can be regarded as these martial arts before the opening, to have some fun for themselves, to vent their dissatisfaction about not having a private room.

After Princess Liang Xinyu sat down, she also heard a lot of gossip.

"Have you booked all the private rooms?" Liang Xinyu asked with a frown.

In fact, he was not particularly disgusted with Chang Wanshan\'s pursuit of her. But she didn\'t like this ostentatious style.

"Didn\'t I know you were coming! I just want you to have a better auction environment! Don\'t pay attention to those guys outside, they are all a bunch of mobs!" Chang Wanshan explained to the princess.

"Don\'t do this next time! You know I don\'t like being so ostentatious!" Liang Xinyu warned without saying anything.

"Okay, I won\'t do it next time!" Chang Wanshan quickly agreed.

In his mind, he was thinking of something else: "Women, they are all duplicity! In fact, she still likes it in her heart, otherwise why would she not talk about me!"

Soon, the hall was overcrowded, and the auction officially started.

Chang Wanshan would take the initiative to take pictures of anything the princess was even slightly interested in.

And every time Chang Wanshan bid for something, all the martial artists in the hall would raise the price accordingly, and in the end he paid at least several times the price before he bought the thing.

"These martial arts are so hateful! They are jealous of me and are against me!"

After raising the price several times, Chang Wanshan also found out that these people were deliberately raising the price with him.

It\'s just that in order to make the princess smile, even if it\'s expensive, he can\'t show it. I could only grit my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

Even the princess can see that Chang Wanshan has provoked the anger of the public!

But ordinary things, even if they were several times more expensive, Chang Wanshan could still afford them, so she didn\'t care too much.

"Since Chang Wanshan is willing to behave, let him behave! But, I can\'t ask Chang Wanshan to bid for the things I want to buy later!" She thought to herself.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was also secretly communicating with Qiongqi, evaluating the financial resources of Wuxiu here.

"I\'m afraid it\'s not a small amount to take pictures of those six evil corpses! The people here are all rich!" Ye Liuyun reckoned.

Qiongqi didn\'t care at all: "What are you afraid of? Don\'t forget, the magic crystal can also be paid! It\'s better than letting these alien monsters come out to harm people!"

The other martial artists in the hall satirized Chang Wanshan for being a prodigal son and being taken advantage of, while still raising his price.

And Chang Wanshan is really rich. All things that are fancy to him must be photographed to the end until they are bought.

"I think it\'s better to forget it, don\'t buy any more!" The princess couldn\'t stand it any longer.

She also felt that Chang Wanshan was being played by everyone like a clown, too stupid.

She doesn\'t like Chang Wanshan\'s high-profile style very much.

In terms of financial resources, the Chang family is actually far inferior to their county palace.

"Xin Yu, don\'t pay attention to those casual cultivators! As long as you like it, I will take pictures for you!" Chang Wanshan said stubbornly.

Liang Xinyu sighed and didn\'t try to persuade her any more. Chang Wanshan was just one of his suitors, so she didn\'t need to go deep into it.

The organizer of the auction did not expect that the private room would be rounded up, and it would have such an effect. Many things were sold to Chang Wanshan at high prices!

At this time, the host continued to introduce

"The next thing to be auctioned is specially for ferocious beasts, a high-level cross-border pill. It can help ferocious beasts in the yin and yang mirror world directly break through to the realm of yin and yang ninefold. It can also be used for ferocious beasts with yin and yang Help it break through to the realm of good fortune. Friends who have pet beasts, don\'t miss it!"

"The starting price is 5 million high-grade spirit stones, and the price will increase by 100,000 high-grade spirit stones every time!"

As the host\'s quotation sounded, there was a lot of discussion in the venue.

"Spend so many spirit stones to buy pills for pet beasts, what a big head!"

"Let\'s take a look at the things that rich people play with!"

For a while, many people didn\'t want to spend so many spirit stones to buy pills for pet animals.

"I offer six million!"

A female voice came from the private room.

Everyone smiled immediately.

Everyone knows that the princess is the one who has taken a fancy to this elixir. I\'m afraid Chang Wanshan is about to bleed again!

"Eight million high-grade spirit stones!"

It was Ye Liuyun who raised the price this time.

He calculated according to the consumption of Lei Ming and others\' cultivation levels. If they were to break through the first level, they would need at least tens of millions of spirit stones, and it would take a lot of time.

So he felt that even if it cost hundreds of millions of spirit stones, it would be a good deal.

"Ten million high-grade spirit stones!"

As soon as Ye Liuyun\'s voice fell, Chang Wanshan rushed to make an offer. The princess also lost her voice and let Chang Wanshan grab it.

"Thirty million high-grade spirit stones!"

Ye Liuyun tripled in an instant.

"Hahaha! Someone is going to be taken advantage of again!"

Qiongqi\'s mocking voice also rang out, causing a burst of laughter in the arena.

Chang Wanshan himself would definitely be reluctant to buy 30 million high-grade spirit stones to buy pills for pet beasts.

If the income is hundreds of thousands or millions, he doesn\'t feel too distressed. But thirty million is a bit too much.

But he knew that the princess had a beast car, which was a phoenix. The chief of the county took pictures of this elixir, and it must be for that Luanfeng.

So he gritted his teeth and continued to quote: "35 million!"

"Fifty million!" Ye Liuyun calmly added another fifteen million.