Lord of All Gods

Chapter 813

The price of 50 million is still far from Ye Liuyun\'s target price!

But everyone in the arena booed accordingly. They thought Ye Liuyun was deliberately raising Chang Wanshan\'s price.

Only Qiongqi knew that Ye Liuyun really wanted to buy it for other monsters.

But he also booed: "Why doesn\'t Second Master Chang continue to bid?"

"Don\'t bid anymore, it\'s not worth it! I don\'t want it!"

Seeing that the price had reached ten times the starting price, the princess immediately asked Chang Wanshan to stop.

In fact, with her own strength, she can still increase the price. She also knew that the price was actually not expensive.

However, if she continued to say what she wanted, she would owe Chang Wanshan too much.

Let her pay by herself, and she was worried about affecting the subsequent auction, so she decided to give up.

Although her Luanfeng also needs to improve her realm, it doesn\'t have to be this pill.

Chang Wanshan\'s heart was already bleeding. Hearing that the princess said no more, he was relieved.

He thought to himself: "It seems that the princess still has me in her heart, and knows to save me money! How could she spend so much money for a beast!"

In his mouth, he also found a way for himself: "Well, I just want to see how these people who deliberately raise prices with me will end up!"

No one else paid more than 50 million high-grade spirit stones to buy a pill for the beast.

This high-level cross-border pill naturally belonged to Ye Liuyun.

Many martial artists on the field immediately cast sympathetic glances at Ye Liuyun. I thought he was deliberately raising the price, and cheated himself.

Even some martial artists occasionally helped Ye Liuyun to ridicule Chang Wanshan.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun paid without changing his expression.

"I\'ll go! Seriously! That kid is really rich!"

"It\'s really 50 million to buy a pill for the beast?"

"No wonder this kid has increased the price so much, he is really rich!"

All the martial artists were dumbfounded.

Chang Wanshan also did not expect that Ye Liuyun would pay without hesitation.

In the end, he could only make an excuse: "This kid must have swollen his face to pretend to be fat! Anyway, he can\'t do it if he doesn\'t want to pay!"

The princess looked at Ye Liuyun, but thoughtfully. "I don\'t know what kind of beast he raises, but he is so willing to spend money. It seems that he really cares about pet beasts."

If there is no Chang Wanshan and follow-up things to shoot, she may continue to compete with Ye Liuyun.

She also raises pet beasts herself, knowing that Ye Liuyun still made money.

In the subsequent auctions, Ye Liuyun did not make a move.

The princess and Chang Wanshan also kept a low profile.

The Princess knows that as long as he bids, Chang Wanshan will take the auction. But the subsequent auction prices were very expensive, and he didn\'t want to owe Chang Wanshan too much.

Chang Wanshan also found that the auction items were getting more and more expensive. He was frightened by the high prices of these martial arts in the hall. Even if he encounters something he really likes, he will not bid.

Not long after, it was time to auction off the evil corpses of alien races.

When showing those alien corpses, Ye Liuyun opened his golden pupils and began to observe carefully.

"How is it? Is there something tricky?" Qiongqi asked urgently through voice transmission.

The corner of Ye Liuyun\'s mouth raised slightly, and he replied to Qiongqi: "The gods and souls are sealed in Yuandan! You guessed right before, they are going to use these alien corpses to harm people."

"I just said they have no good intentions!" Qiongqi took it for granted.

Then he told Ye Liuyun: "Take pictures of them all, and I\'ll help you put all these spirits into your hundred-refined soul streamer!"

"Of course! They did this because they want these alien races to borrow the bodies of human martial arts to revive them, and then carry out activities in secret?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

"That\'s right! It\'s probably because they were afraid of being exposed, so they thought of this method to deceive people. And those who can afford these alien corpses must be people with some strength and status. Controlling them is equivalent to controlling more people!"

Qiongqi explained to Ye Liuyun.

At this time, the host divided the corpses of the six alien races into six separate auctions. The starting price for each alien corpse is 20 million high-grade spars.

This price can be said to be quite high.

Ordinary demon cultivators don\'t even have to think about it. Only those demon cultivators who are at the peak of the yin and yang realm, or the realm of good fortune, can afford it.

Or those big families and Moxiu sects can afford this price.

Moreover, the demon cultivator\'s use of alien corpses would also be a great waste and could not be fully absorbed. Therefore, the price of 20 million high-grade spirit stones is still very high.

So when the auction started, it was very cold.

The host is constantly promoting the advantages of how strong the scales and armor of the foreign race are, how strong the flesh is.

But there are still not many people bidding. In the end, five of the six evil corpses were bought by Ye Liuyun at an average price of more than 30 million high-grade spirit stones.

When the last one was shot. Ye Liuyun finally met a competitor.

It was an old man in a black cloak, obviously a magician. The realm of the first layer of good fortune.

"Young man, you have already photographed five evil corpses, how about giving one to the old man?" The old man discussed with Ye Liuyun: "The maximum value of the evil corpses that can be used is twenty-five million!"

"I\'m sorry, senior! I have a use for this evil corpse!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t explain much, and directly offered 35 million yuan.

"You are not a demon cultivator, why do you want so many evil corpses? Are you deliberately against the old man?" The demon cultivator was obviously very dissatisfied.

Ye Liuyun revealed a trace of demonic energy, and said politely to the demon cultivator: "Senior, don\'t misunderstand, it is really useful to download it again, and it is not aimed at anyone!"

Seeing the devilish energy in Ye Liuyun\'s body, and seeing that he was speaking sincerely, the demon cultivator let out a "hum" and stopped pursuing it.

It\'s an auction, the highest bidder wins, and he has nothing to say.

On the contrary, Chang Wanshan\'s heart moved when he heard the words. He thought that Ye Liuyun was a demon cultivator, and it would be of no use to buy an evil corpse, so he could take the opportunity to raise the price.

He could finally take revenge on the person who raised his price. Ye Liuyun snatched his elixir just now, whether it was intentional or not, he still holds a grudge.

So he rushed to quote the price of 40 million high-grade spirit stones, waiting for Ye Liuyun to increase the price.

"Since you like it, I\'ll give it to you!"

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and stopped bidding.

He didn\'t want Chang Wanshan to raise prices endlessly, so he deliberately didn\'t compete with him.

Now it was Chang Wanshan\'s turn to be dumbfounded.

He is not a demon cultivator, so it is useless to ask for this thing. If the family knew that he spent so much money and bought such a useless thing back home, he would not be laughed at to death,

"You...don\'t shoot anymore?" He asked Ye Liuyun with a guilty conscience.

"I\'ve already taken five pictures. Since Second Master Chang is so optimistic, I\'ll give you one!" Ye Liuyun said with a smile.