Lord of All Gods

Chapter 811

The deacon stepped onto the ring to announce the result. And give Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er two hours to get ready and leave with them directly.

Anyone who came to participate in the recruitment selection process had already made mental preparations. Bring everything you need in advance.

Once selected, they only have two hours to say goodbye to their families, and then they will follow the elders of Dazong and return to the sect together.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er were already ready. During these two hours, they sat with Ye Liuyun and the others, chatting and saying goodbye while watching the upcoming trials.

Before Wu Qingcheng left, she stuffed Su Miaoyin\'s hand into Ye Liuyun\'s.

"Miaoyin will participate in the selection in two days. You should go and accompany her these two nights! She is also your woman, so you can\'t neglect her!"

Wu Qingcheng specially instructed Ye Liuyun to make Su Miaoyin too ashamed to look up.

Ye Liuyun finally agreed. He felt that Su Miaoyin was already her woman anyway, so he might as well take this opportunity to break the barrier between them, so that Su Miaoyin would not feel left out.

After Ye Liuyun watched Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er leave with the elders of Bingxin Palace, he didn\'t have the heart to watch the selection anymore, so he went back to his residence and practiced in the Xuankong Stone.

But he remembered Wu Qingcheng\'s words, and occasionally came out to accompany Su Miaoyin.

The relationship between him and Su Miaoyin has also improved a lot. There are no more taboos about talking between the two, and they can communicate freely, and finally they look like a family.

Two days later, Su Miaoyin was also selected by the ancient music sect because of her blood and musical talent, and reluctantly left Ye Liuyun.

Next, Kisaragi went to Star and Moon Valley as she wished.

Even Fu Qinglian, Luo Yurou, the little beggar, the disciples of Qianmo Sect and others found their suitable sect, and left one after another to practice in the sect.

With Ye Liuyun now, there are only a few monster companions left. And these monsters are all in a deep sleep, improving their realm.

He didn\'t bother them either, and kept practicing in the Xuankong Stone.

People around him were sent away by him one after another, and his mood was also very depressed. Suddenly no one spoke, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Only Qiongqi often wanders outside, collecting information and resources.

On this day, he suddenly and mysteriously pulled Ye Liuyun to take him to the auction.

"Cultivation must be relaxed. There is an auction in the county city recently, come with me to have a look, maybe you can find something good!"

"You don\'t have something to buy, do you? Just say it, I\'ll give you the spirit stone, you go and buy it yourself, don\'t bother me!"

Ye Liuyun was too lazy to move. But in the end, he couldn\'t stand Qiongqi\'s soft and hard pao, and was dragged out by him.

"What are you looking forward to?" Ye Liuyun was still asking Qiongqi on the road.

He didn\'t believe that Qiongqi would take him to the auction just to let him relax.

It must be something in this auction, there are poor and strange looks!

"Hey, I recently heard the news that the Fierce Demon Sect sent a batch of high-ranking alien corpses to the auction here. So I wanted to come to you and use the golden pupil to see if there is anything unusual about those alien corpses."

"An evil corpse of a respected alien race?" Ye Liuyun was also taken aback when he heard this.

"Yeah, that\'s why I came to you. Only your golden pupils can see the real situation clearly." Qiongqi explained.

"Where did the Fierce Demon Sect get so many alien corpses?" Ye Liuyun asked puzzled.

"It is said that they dug them up when they captured other sects. But I think they released these alien corpses on purpose. Maybe they wanted to use someone else\'s hand to resurrect these alien races." Qiongqi guessed .

"If the situation is true, then the Fierce Demon Sect has already taken refuge in a foreign race?" Ye Liuyun stopped and said.

"Then what can you do? Do you have the strength to destroy them now?" Qiongqi continued to walk forward without paying attention.

Ye Liuyun followed immediately, and asked, "Where did you get the news from?"

"When Fu Qinglian participated in the recruitment selection process, she was targeted by a spy from the Fierce Demon Sect. I dealt with that spy, and searched his soul at the same time. I learned this information. They were transporting a batch of alien corpses to the chamber of commerce. .”

"So that\'s it!" Ye Liuyun just nodded, and then asked suddenly: "You can also search for souls?"

Qiongqi smiled: "Hey, of course. You think you are the only one who can search for souls? It\'s just that my method is a bit cruel. Now that spy has become an idiot!"

Ye Liuyun rolled his eyes at him, and asked, "So, you have already checked the corpses of those alien races?"

Qiongqi sighed: "Yeah. But I didn\'t find anything! You know, the corpses of alien races, demon cultivators can also be used for cultivation, why would the fierce demon sect auction them? And they are all alien races of high rank!"

"Well, there is indeed something strange. Go and have a look and talk about it!"

Ye Liuyun also felt that the behavior of the Fierce Demon Sect was a little abnormal, so he took the initiative to follow Qiongqi to the auction.

They saw the auction at the entrance of the auction, and there was an introduction to the auction items.

In this auction, there are a total of six well-preserved corpses of alien monsters of the respected rank, which will be auctioned.

At the same time, there are several artifacts in the auction.

Therefore, many people were attracted by this auction.

Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi wanted to book a private room. But he was told by the deacon that all the private rooms were reserved by Chang Wanshan, the second son of the Chang family, and that he was to entertain Princess Liang Xinyu.

In desperation, they had to sit in the hall to participate in the auction.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care, but Qiongqi complained: "This Chang Wanshan must be a prodigal! Pick up a girl, why spend so much money!"

Ye Liuyun just smiled and didn\'t pay much attention to his words.

They came late, and they didn\'t expect to have a vacant private room. The same goes for the auction in the lobby, so nothing will be delayed.

But around them, there were also many people who expressed dissatisfaction, and they all felt that Chang Wanshan\'s behavior was a bit excessive.

"For one person, all the private rooms are reserved! Is there anyone else in my eyes!"

"With so many private rooms, can a princess sit here?"

"That\'s right, the organizer doesn\'t care about it, just let a younger generation mess around..."

Qiongqi proudly said to Ye Liuyun: "See, I\'m not the only one who has an opinion, right? I\'m going to take this opportunity to make trouble for this kid later!"

Ye Liuyun reminded him: "It\'s better for you to avoid causing trouble! Get your business done first!"

"Don\'t worry! It won\'t delay the matter! I\'m just making things difficult for him. Isn\'t he rich? I\'ll let him spend more!"

Ye Liuyun secretly laughed in his heart, guessing that Chang Wanshan must be in trouble!