Lord of All Gods

Chapter 810

The bloodlines and attributes of Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er are all fine. And it is the best among all applicants. Obtaining the selection quota is naturally a no-brainer.

All that\'s left is to wait for the battle to show.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er stayed in the waiting area.

Ye Liuyun took Su Miaoyin and Ruyue to the viewing platform, found a seat near the front and sat down. Waiting to see the two of them fight.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense and Jintong are also looking at other martial artists who have won the quota, helping Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er to understand the opponent\'s strength in advance.

After he inspected it, his spiritual consciousness sent a voice transmission to Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er.

"The woman in blue is at the sixth level of yin and yang, and her strength is comparable to that of Qingcheng. There is also a woman in white at the fifth level of yin and yang, and her strength is slightly weaker than Yu\'er. The others are no match for you.

Qingcheng, you should be able to defeat your opponent by using illusion, the spirit of the woman in blue is not very strong. Neither of you should be able to use artifacts. Unless the opponent uses a divine weapon, you don\'t need to use it. It is enough to prepare the high-ranking treasure first. "

With Ye Liuyun\'s information, Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er felt relieved a lot, and their mentality when watching the battle was relatively relaxed.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense was also paying attention to the actions of the registration office deacon.

When he saw that the deacon in charge of the registration sent the information of Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er, the female elders in charge of the enrollment obviously had their eyes lit up, and they also passed messages to each other, obviously very interested in the two of them. .

"Foresight!" Ye Liuyun secretly praised these elders.

Soon, registration will close. There are only thirteen women in Bingxin Palace who have been awarded places.

Ye Liuyun was also completely relieved. As long as Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er don\'t make mistakes, being selected should not be a problem.

Then, everyone in the waiting area began to draw lots to determine the order of battle.

Wu Qingcheng drew No. 3, and in the second match, she played against No. 4. Yu\'er is No. 9, and the fifth match is against No. 10. Neither of them met a strong man.

So the first round of battle was very easy for them.

Both of them frozen and eliminated their opponents with just one sword strike, and the elders on the viewing platform nodded in unanimous satisfaction.

As for the other two who are slightly stronger, because they have a high realm, those elders are expressionless.

Then the second round of fighting seemed to be deliberately arranged by the deacon. Wu Qingcheng faced the woman in blue, and Yu\'er faced the woman in white. There are a few less powerful people left to fight each other.

The order of the battle was still Wu Qingcheng playing first.

As soon as the battle started, all the ice power of the woman in blue burst out.

She also watched Wu Qingcheng\'s battle last round, and knew that it was difficult to deal with. So as soon as I came up, I did my best.

Wu Qingcheng is not feeling well at the moment. The opponent\'s realm is two levels higher than hers, and this icy power also makes her feel bitingly cold.

So she didn\'t dare to be negligent, and with a wave of her long sword, the snow butterflies fluttered their wings, shaking off pieces of ice crystals, and flew towards the woman in blue.

At the same time, the two Yuan Dans in her body, and the true essence in one of the Yuan Dans, were all mobilized to fight against the opponent.

The people around Ye Liuyun have all cultivated the Dual Origin Pill. So with the same strength, they can\'t consume them at all.

If the woman in blue cannot win as soon as possible, then she must be the loser.

When the woman in blue saw the snow butterflies rushing towards her, she directly erected an ice wall, trying to keep them out.

But unexpectedly, those snow butterflies could pass through the ice wall and continue to rush towards her.

In fact, at this moment, she has already been under the illusion.

Wu Qingcheng\'s illusion was also inherited from the ice girl. Every snow butterfly didn\'t need to touch the opponent. When they shook off the ice crystals, they had already launched an illusion attack.

Everyone saw the woman in blue, flustered, slashing at the air with her sword.

And the ice wall she arranged was instantly broken by Wu Qingcheng. A large number of snow butterflies rushed towards her again.

This time, Xue Die was real, not an illusion, but she turned a blind eye to it.

"Illusion of ice!" On the viewing platform, a female elder couldn\'t help clapping her hands and applauding Wu Qingcheng!

"That\'s right! Fighting across two realms without being defeated is a talent!" Another relatively stable female elder also praised her.

As soon as their words fell, Wu Qingcheng had already launched the final blow.

"A sword is frozen!"

All the true essence in Wu Qingcheng\'s Yuan Dan gushed out. A gust of cold air froze the passing air as it froze towards the woman in blue.

The woman in blue was already fascinated by the snow butterfly at this moment, her body was already frozen stiff, and her defense and attack abilities were greatly reduced.

She couldn\'t resist Wu Qingcheng\'s all-out attack, and was directly sealed into an ice sculpture.

"Oh, I\'m afraid the real energy is exhausted, right? How will she fight in the next match?" An elder couldn\'t help but yelled out on the spectator platform.

She was worried that Wu Qingcheng would be defeated and lose the chance to enter the sect.

The other elder smiled and said, "Young man, after all, you are inexperienced. It doesn\'t matter, as long as we are optimistic about it, it doesn\'t matter if we accept her directly!"

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to them. Hearing what they said, I knew completely that Wu Qingcheng must be fine.

Next is Yu\'er.

Although the opponent\'s realm is yin and yang, but the strength is not as strong as Yu\'er. And Yu\'er also used illusion, so she won easily.

The last few remaining contestants were also selected.

In order for Wu Qingcheng to be shortlisted, a female elder even changed the rules, allowing them to challenge freely.

The elders thought that Wu Qingcheng was so powerful that no one would dare to challenge her.

By making such a change, they were actually favoring Wu Qingcheng.

In the end, Wu Qingcheng took the initiative to stand up and challenged a contestant.

Several elders watching the battle frowned. But under the watchful eyes of everyone, they can\'t be too obvious. I have to wait until they have tried it.

Unexpectedly, Wu Qingcheng didn\'t show any signs of lack of real energy, and with another sword, he frozen his opponent and directly completed the selection task.

"Haha, the true essence is so abundant! This girl is interesting!" A female elder laughed outright.

Yu\'er also directly frozen her opponent with a sword, and there was no need to fight again.

Soon, everyone was cleared away by Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er, leaving only the two of them on the court.

"Should we let the two of them fight again to see their full strength?" There was a female elder who was curious about Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er.

"Forget it! Both of them are good seedlings, we\'ll take them both! The two of them share the same family of skills, and they obviously know each other. There\'s no need for them to fight again."

In the end, the female elder with the greatest power made a final decision and accepted both of them into the sect.