Lord of All Gods

Chapter 805

In order to avoid the sensation caused by the super battleship sailing into Yingzui Island, Ye Liuyun and the others replaced it with a third-tier warship in advance before starting to land.

The location where they landed is also the core county town of Yingzui Island. The flow of people here gathers and information circulates, making it the best place to inquire about news.

Ye Liuyun and the others first rented a courtyard for everyone to settle down.

Next, everyone also split up. There are too many of them now, going out together is too ostentatious.

Duoyan and the others took Fu Qinglian out to relax, and the disciples of Qian Mozong also went out by themselves.

Ye Liuyun took Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming, Qiongqi and others to the restaurant first, preparing to have a big meal to satisfy everyone\'s appetite.

It\'s been a long time since I ate food in the restaurant, and everyone was looking forward to it.

They found a bigger restaurant, and instead of entering the box, they sat in the lobby so that they could listen to the news.

Ye Liuyun sized up the martial artists in the restaurant, and found that they were all in the same realm.

"It seems that our realm, after this period of improvement, is basically the same as the martial arts here!" Wu Qingcheng also noticed that their realm is not much lower than the people here.

"The aura here is much richer than other places! The people here are still at such a low level, so it can be seen that they don\'t really work hard!" Qiongqi didn\'t expect that the people here practiced so slowly.

The closer to the Central Continent, the more abundant the aura. Ye Liuyun is currently in the third stage of the Yuanling Secret Art, and the speed of absorbing true essence is faster than before.

So he also felt that the cultivation speed of the people here was not fast.

If they stay here for a long time, they may gradually surpass the martial arts here and become the best here.

Su Miaoyin and others, after the blood baptism of the star-eating beast, their blood vessels have been improved, and now they are practicing, and their speed has increased significantly.

Moreover, the blood of the star-eating beast is constantly improving the blood of everyone. After each realm breakthrough, the bloodlines of everyone will be improved again.

Ye Liuyun himself felt the same way. Every time he felt that the blood of the star-eating beast was not very effective, but after the breakthrough, he could feel that the blood would improve the blood again.

Even Qiongqi was amazed at the blood power of the star-eating beast after trying it.

Now half of the star-eating beast\'s blood has been consumed by their talents, at least they can all be promoted to the realm of good fortune.

Ye Liuyun and the others were chatting about their respective cultivation conditions, and at the same time, their spiritual senses were also paying attention to what others were talking about.

There are quite a lot of people in the restaurant at the moment, many martial arts practitioners are gathered together, but most of them are talking about the same thing.

That\'s "bulk admissions"!

Every few years, the major sects will recruit new disciples from all over the Central Continent, and it will last for nearly a month. There will be different big sects coming here one after another to assess new students.

Ye Liuyun and the others came at the right time, in time for the mass enrollment season.

Enrollment has just started for two days. Many people in the restaurant were just talking about the new things that happened in the past two days.

"That brat from the Feng family has been there for two days, but none of the sects have taken a fancy to him!"

"If you are not strong enough, if you go for a month in a row, no sect will fall in love with him..."

"Have you heard? The day after tomorrow, two super big sects will come to select candidates."

"You\'re talking about the Huiyun Sect and the Tiantian Sect, right? That\'s not a super big sect! The real super big sect has to be the Zhanlong Sect..."

All of a sudden, the information that everyone said was poured into the ears of Ye Liuyun and others.

There are also some local news, but it is also around the mass selection.

"The princess is also participating in the selection this time. Brother Wei, why don\'t you show off? I heard that the county prince\'s mansion is also recruiting guards, right?"

A table of several young men who looked like young masters were also chatting about the selection process.

"Forget it, the status of the princess, how can it be our turn! Let me be a guard, I won\'t do it!"

"That\'s right, it\'s better not to join in. Haven\'t you heard that Chang Wanshan, the second son of the Chang family, is pursuing the princess recently?"

"Yes! The Chang family is not easy to mess with, let alone a villain like Chang Wanshan!"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, be careful not to cause unreasonable disasters..."

Those young people said a few words, then they all stopped talking, changed the subject, and chatted about some big sects who came to Yingzui Island recently.

Ye Liuyun and the others had all their dishes served. Lei Ming and other monsters didn\'t care about the mass enrollment, so they lowered their heads and ate fiercely.

After Qiongqi had almost eaten, he found a group of martial artists who were able to chat easily, mixed in, and asked them about the situation of those big sects.

By the time Qiongqi came back, he had almost obtained the news.

"This time, there are not only some big sects, but also some aristocratic families who will recruit new recruits this time. They will be recruited as fresh blood for the family. There will even be some super powerful forces coming." Qiongqi seemed a little excited. .

He suggested to everyone: "I suggest everyone to try it and find a suitable sect to practice in. It can not only improve their strength, but also obtain some resources. Why not do it?"

However, after Qiongqi finished speaking, the others did not respond.

"Why are you so stubborn? This is the best way to get into the Central Continent. Everyone disperses and enters the various sects, which will also help this kid. When he needs strength in the future, you can also help him .”

Of course, the women around Ye Liuyun were unwilling to part with him.

Not to mention those women, even Lei Ming and Longnu didn\'t want to be separated from Ye Liuyun.

Only the white tiger and the stone ape are left. The two of them were used to following Ye Liuyun, so they never thought about going out by themselves.

Ye Liuyun also felt indifferent. If these people were really allowed to leave, he wouldn\'t be at ease.

Seeing that no one responded, Qiongqi had no choice but to do Ye Liuyun\'s work first.

"You can\'t always protect these people by your side. It is also good for them to let them go out for a while."

Qiongqi sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun to remind him: "The people of Nether Hell will catch up with you sooner or later. It\'s not safe for you to bring them by your side."

Qiongqi would catch Ye Liuyun\'s weakness. That\'s what he wants to protect those around him.

Ye Liuyun also felt that Qiongqi\'s words made sense when he heard about Nether Hell.

Although the people in Nether Hell can\'t catch up with him yet. But as soon as he stops, the opponent will chase after him.

Facing that kind of strong man, Ye Liuyun was indeed not sure. Those around him are not safe either.

Once something happened to him, he didn\'t want to involve other people.

"It\'s just a temporary separation. You take it as an opportunity to practice and go out to exercise. It\'s okay for us to meet again in the Central Continent."

Although Ye Liuyun hated them, he finally made a decision.