Lord of All Gods

Chapter 804

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care if there were more magicians on board.

These demon cultivators are all loyal to the Thousand Demon Sect, and can even sacrifice their own lives for the Sect Master, so their character should not be bad.

Just like that, Ye Liuyun and their battleship had six more magicians.

Not long after, Li Sanniang prepared all the food and wine and brought them up. Lei Ming and others were also invited out by Cyclops. Everyone got to know each other, ate and drank, and got to know each other.

However, some of the things they talked about caught Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi\'s attention.

After Fu Qinglian was robbed by Xue Liancheng, she was rescued by the suzerain Lu Shaoliang. Because of this, Xue Liancheng also hated the suzerain, betrayed the sect, and joined the fierce demon sect.

Since then, the Thousand Demon Sect and the Fierce Demon Sect have often had conflicts. Many things are dominated by Xue Liancheng.

At first, Lu Shaoliang didn\'t pay much attention to it, he just thought that Xue Liancheng had a grudge and deliberately took revenge. After all, such a big sect cannot be destroyed by one person.

However, the Fierce Demon Sect is constantly expanding. First, it continuously annexed some small surrounding sects, and then began to attack some medium-sized sects.

During the several battles during the period, Lu Shaoliang heard that the Fierce Demon Sect used a divine weapon, and it was a divine weapon of a foreign evil.

Originally, the artifacts of foreign races were left everywhere. Although they were rare, they were not absent, so Lu Shaoliang didn\'t pay much attention to them.

It wasn\'t until the Fierce Demon Sect took action against the Thousand Demon Sect that they discovered that the number of artifacts from the Fierce Demon Sect\'s alien race was a bit abnormal, at least four or five pieces.

So Thousand Demon Sect is no match at all. In the end, Lu Shaoliang handed one of the sect\'s most treasured artifacts, the coffin of souls, to Fu Qinglian, letting her escape first and escape the catastrophe.

This soul coffin is what the Fierce Demon Sect wants most.

This artifact can combine a person\'s soul with other physical bodies, allowing the soul to borrow other people\'s bodies to resurrect from the dead.

This is why both Lu Shaoliang and Fu Qinglian immediately agreed to Ye Liuyun\'s proposal.

They have this artifact, as long as they find another body for Lu Shaoliang, they can immediately revive it.

Hearing this, Ye Liuyun communicated with Qiongqi in secret: "Could it be the Fierce Demon Sect who wants to revive the alien evil?"

He felt deeply in his heart that traces of this alien evil were almost everywhere. It\'s really hard to clean them all up.

"It\'s very possible! These alien races are very good at hiding their traces and operating in the dark before they have no strength." Qiongqi also feels that this fierce demon sect is indeed a little abnormal.

"However, this kind of artifact is originally a treasure that the major sects compete for. It is normal for the sect to expand and annex smaller sects. It cannot be said that the use of some alien artifacts means that there is collusion with the alien race." Qiongqi added.

"Yes." Ye Liuyun also agreed with Qiongqi\'s statement.

Just like the leader of the magic repair alliance. Even if there is collusion, it is all acting in secret, and outsiders will not know it at all.

"Don\'t think so much. Now even if we know that they have taken refuge with other races, we are not opponents. You should hurry to the Central Continent and improve your own strength first!" Qiongqi persuaded him.

"Maybe we have reached the Central Continent, so we can develop our own power?"

Ye Liuyun felt that they were still alone, and they could only run around when they encountered powerful forces.

Qiongqi sighed: "If there is a chance, it is certainly good to develop a power and take root. But our realm is relatively low, and we are still far from being able to support a big power."

"Don\'t we have ready-made masters?"

Ye Liuyun was referring to Lu Shaoliang. And he also has sect management experience.

"That\'s a magic cultivator. It\'s okay to use it. If you want to let it go, it may get out of control in the end."

Qiongqi doesn\'t believe that a demon cultivator can die for Ye Liuyun just because Ye Liuyun saved his life.

"That\'s right!" Ye Liuyun nodded, also feeling that this possibility is unlikely.

However, it is not impossible for him to have a high-ranking soul in his Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

"Let\'s find another chance!"

He is not too attached to this matter, he can only wait for the opportunity to talk about it.

But this matter, he is paying attention to it, and he will pay more attention to it in the future.

He also kept the Fierce Demon Sect and its suzerain Xiao Wuji in mind, and when he became stronger in the future, he would definitely investigate.

Ye Liuyun and the others\' next voyage also went smoothly without encountering any accidents.

Shura\'s ghost ship, when passing through the triangular area, finally did not dare to choose the space channel casually, but directly drove out of the triangular area.

They are not familiar with the space turbulence here, and they are afraid of being sent to unknown places by the space channel, so they dare not take risks.

The speed of a first-class battleship and a super battleship is several times different.

So the distance between them and Ye Liuyun was getting further and further away.

After the one-eyed reunion with his daughter, his mental state improved a lot. The two had a lot to say, and chatted together for several days about their experiences after parting.

Li Sanniang and the others also let go of their mental burdens, and they no longer have to work hard to find Fu Qinglian.

So during this period of time on the battleship, every day was full of laughter and peace.

On this day, Cyclops informed Ye Liuyun: "If everything goes well, we will reach the Central Continent in two or three months!"

"Okay! We are finally arriving at our destination!" Ye Liuyun finally became excited.

Ye Liuyun\'s overseas voyage lasted nearly two years.

Not only has he experienced countless dangerous battles, but he has also improved a lot of strength. I paid homage to two masters, and made friends such as Cyclops, which can be regarded as a lot of gains.

The most important thing is that he has obtained countless resources, which can be used by himself and those around him to practice for a long time.

This voyage also broadened his horizons, seeing the strength of foreign martial arts.

Now that they are finally going to the Central Continent, they are naturally very excited.

The next road, the closer to the Central Continent, the better the situation in Chaos Demon Realm.

The demon cultivators have also restrained a lot, and will not mess around near the Central Continent.

"Ahead is the last island before reaching the Central Continent. It is also the most powerful force in the Central Continent, the outpost island of the Great Xia Dynasty, Eagle Mouth Island." Cyclops introduced to Ye Liuyun.

Although it is only an island, its area is not smaller than the Cangyun Continent.

Moreover, this island is also under the direct jurisdiction of the Great Xia Dynasty, and it can be regarded as a county of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Let\'s land to have a look, learn about the situation of the Great Xia Dynasty by the way, and then go to the Central Continent."

Ye Liuyun wanted to learn more about the Great Xia Dynasty before arriving in the Central Continent. By the way, see if he could find information about his parents and aunt.