Lord of All Gods

Chapter 806

"Are you worried that people from Nether Hell will come to you and implicate us?"

Wu Qingcheng knew Ye Liuyun best, so she asked directly.

She was also afraid that other women would misunderstand Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t answer directly, but just pretended to be relaxed and said: "It won\'t be too late to find you after I solve the pursuit of Nether Hell. During this period, you can also improve your strength and get familiar with the Central Continent. The best of both worlds!"

"I don\'t want it!" Lei Ming objected first.

She was the one who relied on Ye Liuyun the most.

"I want to stay with my little brother and help you deal with the Nether Hell."

"Me too!" Long Nu said firmly from the side.

Although Su Miaoyin, Yu\'er, Ruyue and others did not speak, the expressions on their faces clearly showed that they did not want to leave Ye Liuyun.

"Let\'s go and see the bulk enrollment first!"

Qiongqi suggested. He also saw that if he couldn\'t find a safe home, Ye Liuyun wouldn\'t worry about being separated from these people.

Only when these people find a suitable sect and have a good future, can Ye Liuyun let go.

So they stopped discussing this topic, hurriedly finished their meal, and rushed to the venue for mass enrollment.

The county king of Yingzui Island is known as King Liang. A large arena was specially set up for recruiting students.

The surrounding stands can also accommodate tens of thousands of people to enter the venue at the same time, and watch the whole process of admissions for free.

Ye Liuyun and the others came to the ring, found a corner and sat down.

At this time, in the arena, there were two young people fighting to be selected by the sect.

On the top of the subjective battle platform, the names of the sects are marked, so that people can know which sects are recruiting students at a glance.

Today it is labeled Xuanlei Palace and Illusion Temple.

As soon as they sat down, a woman with the appearance of a waiter came over to them and said to them: "Several guest officers, do you want to buy a bulk list of enrollment? It not only has the introduction of each sect, but also the date of their enrollment. .”

These things are exactly what Ye Liuyun and the others need, so of course they will be interested.

"Is there such a thing? How do you sell it?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"One piece of ten high-grade spirit stones. It\'s all sorted out by our county officials, and the information is absolutely true and reliable!" The maid introduced.

"Okay, let\'s have a copy." Ye Liuyun directly took out ten high-grade spirit stones and bought a list.

He wrote down all the contents first, and then circulated it to others, so that everyone can see if there is a sect that suits him.

Although the women didn\'t want to leave Ye Liuyun, they also knew that following Ye Liuyun would add to his burden. So when looking at the list, it is still more careful.

Wu Qingcheng and Yu\'er fell in love with Bing Xindian.

Su Miaoyin is optimistic about the ancient music school.

Kisaragi chose Star and Moon Valley.

Only Lei Ming didn\'t even look at it, determined to follow Ye Liuyun, and directly passed the list to Qiongqi.

Qiongqi took it very seriously.

"Hey, there\'s the Demon God Island?" Qiongqi called out deliberately after seeing it. "The gathering place of monsters must be very lively!"

"Oh? What did you say above?" Lei Ming was also aroused by Qiongqi.

"Tsk tsk, look at this introduction! The Demon God Island is a super big sect! The entire island is full of monsters! The management is also very loose, and there is no restriction on freedom!"

While watching, Qiongqi read out all the advantages of Yaoshen Island, and continued to attract the attention of Lei Ming and other monsters.

Baihu and Shiyuan were the first to approach. In the end, Lei Ming and Longnu couldn\'t bear it, and they both brought the list over to look at it.

"If we want to go, let\'s go together, we won\'t be without a companion!" Qiongqi suggested.

"It\'s okay! But I still want to stay with my little brother. If no one is with him, he will be very lonely!" After Lei Ming saw it, he was obviously moved. But in the end, he still didn\'t intend to leave Ye Liuyun.

"We can take a look at that time. Even if you want to go, you may not be selected?" Qiongqi used the aggressive method.

"Hmph! If this girl wants to go, can she not be chosen?" Lei Ming snorted dissatisfied, it seemed that he was about to fall into the trap.

Qiongqi also ignored her, but continued to look at other sects.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun was also looking at the information of those big sects one by one.

The information is marked in more detail. There is even a rating given. The higher the level, the stronger the sect\'s strength.

Yaoshen Island is indeed marked as a super sect, which shows that its strength can be regarded as a top power in the Central Continent.

In this list, there are several other super sects.

"Would you like to choose a sect to help you fend off the Nether Hell\'s pursuit?" Qiongqi asked Ye Liuyun. "It is estimated that these super sects can have the strength to keep you temporarily!"

"You also said it\'s temporary, so why should I go or not?" Ye Liuyun asked back.

"Buy more time! Otherwise, how do you improve your strength?" Qiongqi explained.

Ye Liuyun shook his head slowly.

"I\'d better take a look and talk, you guys choose first!"

He was about to go to the Central Continent soon, and he was eager to find his family, and he didn\'t have the heart to join the sect to practice again.

Now there is still a gap between him and the people in Nether Hell. He can use this time difference to keep moving to buy himself time.

What he needs now is to improve his realm, not to find a master to guide him, let alone cultivation resources.

On the list, there are several big families. But Ye Liuyun didn\'t see the words Feng\'s family either.

He didn\'t know whether the Feng family where his mother was in was a big power or just an ordinary family.

"Maybe entering a big sect can help you become famous faster! This way you can also find your family faster."

Qiongqi was worried that he would not be able to fight against Nether Hell, so he encouraged him to join the Great Sect.

Ye Liuyun understood his intentions, so he didn\'t say he was going to die.

"Well, if I find something suitable, I\'ll try it!"

Only then did Qiongqi feel a little relieved.

After that, they watched the battle in the arena for a while, and how the two sects selected candidates, and then returned to their residence to rest.

After returning, Lei Ming took the initiative to ask to go back to the Xuankong Stone to practice.

She was afraid that Ye Liuyun would drive her away because she thought her level was not enough. That\'s why I wanted to seize the time and improve my realm.

Dragon Girl was also influenced by her, and followed her to practice.

"These two girls have no experience in dealing with things. How about letting them follow me?"

Ye Liuyun discussed with Qiongqi.

"But you left the two of them, how can you explain it to others?"

Qiongqi\'s words stumped Ye Liuyun.

Indeed, no matter who he left behind, it was difficult to explain to others.