Lord of All Gods

Chapter 803

Qiongqi also praised: "It\'s great to be able to solve it like this! Saving a soul is better than dying here for both of them!"

Cyclops was already so excited that he didn\'t know how to thank Ye Liuyun.

It was Li Sanniang who expressed it for him.

"Little handsome guy, you have helped us a lot! We all appreciate your favor!"

Before Ye Liuyun could speak, Cyclops was anxious to see his daughter again.

"Can we leave early now?" One Eye asked.

"Not yet. We have already been paid close attention to by the Fierce Demon Sect. If we leave now, the Fierce Demon Sect will continue to monitor us." Ye Liuyun comforted Cyclops.

"Calm down. Your daughter is safe now. If you lose your composure and the Fierce Demon Sect finds out, you will actually kill her!"

After knowing that Fu Qinglian was safe, the others felt relieved.

After hearing Ye Liuyun\'s words, Cyclops also stabilized his mood. But his eyes were on the ring, but in fact, his mind was not on it at all.

At this moment, the Fierce Demon Sect has begun to execute the prisoners, and the methods are very cruel.

For every prisoner of the Thousand Demon Sect, first the Yuan Dan was smashed, then the soul was destroyed, and finally even the body was burned directly.

But no matter how they tortured these captives, no one took action throughout the whole process.

"That little devil girl didn\'t come!"

Until the members of the Fierce Demon Sect dealt with Lu Shaoliang in the same way, they still didn\'t wait for Fu Qinglian to appear.

In the end, this farce was over.

Ye Liuyun and the others followed the crowd and left the Fierce Demon Sect openly.

"Sovereign, do you still want to follow them?" an elder asked the suzerain of the Fierce Demon Sect.

"Forget it! If they want to do something, they must have done it long ago. Since they didn\'t do it, it means that their target is not here. You should cast your net again and search for that little witch. Since she didn\'t show up, then It must have gone somewhere to hide.”

"Yes!" The elder agreed, and asked the elder who was monitoring Ye Liuyun and the others to withdraw, and arranged to cast a net to search for Fu Qinglian again.

After Ye Liuyun and the others left the Fierce Demon Sect, they released the third-tier warships.

"Where is Lian\'er?" One Eye asked anxiously.

Ye Liuyun actually didn\'t know where Fu Qinglian had gone. But he knew that Fu Qinglian would definitely come to them.

Even for Lu Shaoliang, Fu Qinglian would find him.

Ye Liuyun immediately communicated with Lu Shaoliang, and put his soul into the Soul Sealing Pearl for cultivation.

"Let your disciple help you with the matter of finding the physical body in the future, and then you can communicate with her slowly."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to worry about the rest of the matter. To be able to help them to this point, Ye Liuyun was doing his best.

Ye Liuyun\'s battleship didn\'t sail for long, and several demon cultivators appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

Ye Liuyun saw Fu Qinglian among them at a glance. Immediately let the one-eyed replace the first-level battleship, and at the same time invite those few magicians to the battleship.

After Fu Qinglian boarded the battleship, Ye Liuyun handed her the Soul Sealing Orb, and then let Cyclops speed away.

After One Eye drove the battleship away and Fu Qinglian and others communicated with Lu Shaoliang, Fu Qinglian came to the control room of the battleship alone.

Only then did she remove her disguise, and faced Duoyan and the others with her original face.


One-eyed cried out excitedly.

"Qinglian!" Li Sanniang and the others also called out, and looked around Fu Qinglian one after another.

"Father!" Fu Qinglian threw herself into Cyclopedia\'s arms excitedly.

After many years, their father and daughter never expected to meet each other again. At this time, I also cried with my head in my arms, unable to calm down for a long time.

When they calmed down, everyone chatted about how they have lived these years.

Ye Liuyun listened to Fu Qinglian\'s narration and got a general idea.

After Xue Liancheng snatched Fu Qinglian away, he wounded One Eye, originally planning to use her to practice magic skills.

However, Lu Shaoliang, the patriarch of the Thousand Demon Sect, discovered that Fu Qinglian was very talented in cultivation, so he rescued her and took her as his apprentice.

This Fu Qinglian not only escaped a catastrophe, but also gained a suzerain master, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

From then on, under the care of the master, the realm has improved by leaps and bounds.

But after all, it was too far away from her hometown, and she didn\'t have the strength to go back to find Cyclops. And in her impression, her father was seriously injured and died at that time.

So she always thought that One-eyed was dead, and never thought about going back to find her father.

Unexpectedly, when I saw my father today, he was still alive. And it doesn\'t look like he was entangled in demon energy, it seems that the injuries have all recovered.

"Father and daughter, we must all thank Ye Liuyun. Without him, we would never have met each other. He not only saved you, but also saved me!" Cyclops did not forget Ye Liuyun.

Their father and daughter were able to meet each other because Ye Liuyun relieved him of the entanglement of the devil energy first.

And without Ye Liuyun\'s contract with him, if he couldn\'t come this time, he might never see Fu Qinglian again.

"Yes, Mr. Ye not only saved me, but also my master. In addition, he saved my father. I will never forget this kindness!"

Fu Qinglian also knew that if there was no Ye Liuyun this time, maybe she and the master would both die in the Fierce Demon Sect.

So their father and daughter both thanked Ye Liuyun and performed a big gift.

Ye Liuyun hurriedly stopped them: "It\'s fate that we met once. You two, don\'t take it too seriously. I can only say that you two, father and daughter, have this kind of luck, so we should meet today."

Li Sanniang smoothed things over in the middle and said: "Okay, you all are welcome! If you want me to say, the little handsome guy has contributed a lot, and their father and daughter should thank you. Even we should thank you too.

As for your father and daughter, just thank you, and always keep this matter on your lips. Our little handsome guy is thin-skinned and can\'t stand it. "

In the end, Li Sanniang said: "Anyway, everyone is happy with this event. I will cook and make some side dishes. Let\'s have fun together and celebrate!"

"Okay, just listen to Sanniang!" Cyclops stopped thanking him endlessly and listened to Li Sanniang\'s suggestion.

Ye Liuyun also felt much more relaxed.

All that remains is for everyone to sit together and chat.

Those disciples of Thousand Demon Sect also stayed behind. They have no sect to go to now, but it is safer to follow Ye Liuyun and the others.

They also followed Lu Shaoliang\'s suggestion and begged Ye Liuyun to accept them. They were willing to do their bit for Ye Liuyun.