Lord of All Gods

Chapter 792

Ye Liuyun also knew in his heart that he was seeking skin from a tiger, so he never trusted these demon cultivators at all.

After returning, he also introduced the situation to everyone.

"They\'re going to send someone to watch you!" Qiongqi immediately realized.

Ye Liuyun nodded and said, "Yes, and I guess the level is not too low!"

"Don\'t worry, as long as they dare to come in, I have a way to make them come and go."

As Qiongqi said, he arranged the formation in the battleship in advance.

Qiongqi\'s formation skills are much higher than that of the hunchback. The hunchback is like a student now, following Qiongqi to watch him set up formations and learning.

Qiongqi also helped to improve the defense formation of the entire battleship.

Afterwards, he entered the Xuankong Stone and continued to make armor.

"Before the war begins, the new armor will definitely be ready!" Qiongqi promised.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t stay idle either. He immediately got out of the battleship and walked around.

When you meet a Moxiu who can talk, go up and have a chat to understand the situation.

Not long after, Liu Er found him and confirmed with him the number of people on board.

Liu Er has arranged 300 demon cultivators, ten of them are in the realm of good fortune, and the rest are also demon cultivators in the realm of yin and yang.

Ye Liuyun also agreed to all of them. At the same time, Qiongqi was notified in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Don\'t worry, it doesn\'t matter how many times you come!" Qiongqi replied confidently, and then there was no movement.

Ye Liuyun also took the opportunity to chat with Liu Er, asking about the situation.

In order to have a good relationship with him, Liu Er did not hide what he could say. At least he told Ye Liuyun about the situation of the Demon Temple.

This information is also known by many demon cultivators, and there is no need for him to hide it.

"The temple of the demons is the holy place in the hearts of the demons, and the multi-armed demon god is enshrined in it. It is said that this temple has existed since before the entire continent collapsed.

For so many years, I have been accepting offerings from various demon races, and the wealth inside is definitely beyond your imagination! "

Regarding this point, Liu Er did not hide from Ye Liuyun.

But Ye Liuyun felt that the demon cultivators formed an alliance to attack the demon temple, definitely not just for some ordinary resources.

It\'s just that Liu Er will definitely not tell him the real goal.

"What about the power to protect the temple?"

Ye Liuyun felt that in a place with so many resources, the demons would definitely pay attention to defense.

"The demons guarding the temple are all elites selected from various demons, and their combat effectiveness is also very strong. But the number is not too many." Liu Er said easily.

"But once the temple is attacked, won\'t other demons come to support?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"So we have to make a quick decision. Take the temple as quickly as possible, and then leave. There is no harmony among the demons. Even if they chase us, they will not come together. As long as they don\'t come together, we will I can handle it." Liu Er said confidently.

Ye Liuyun felt that there were many problems in his words.

First of all, if the guardian forces of the demons are all elites, then they will become cannon fodder and rely entirely on people to fill them up.

Secondly, even if they can take away the property inside, they still need to gather together for a long time to resist the demons\' counterattack. This is simply not possible for a group of rabble.

Once they separate, they will be easily wiped out by the demons.

Moreover, judging from the meaning of the alliance, there is no idea of ​​disbanding after the fight. It seems that these demon repairs will be tied to the alliance forever, so that they will advance and retreat with the alliance for a long time.

Ye Liuyun asked how to distribute the acquired property, but Liu Er only vaguely said that the rewards for meritorious deeds would not let the demon cultivators suffer.

With such a vague statement, Ye Liuyun immediately understood that the magic cultivator alliance had no intention of dividing any property at all, but was just using these demon cultivators as cannon fodder.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t continue to chat with Liu Er, but wandered around, asking some demon cultivators about the Demon Temple, to see if there were any clues to find out the real intention of the demon cultivator alliance.

These demon cultivators are not stupid, and many of them, like Ye Liuyun, are discussing the true purpose of the alliance behind their backs.

"It is said that there is an artifact scepter in this demon temple, which can command all demons!"

"What kind of scepter is it that the multi-armed demon god keeps a inheritance, and those who accept the inheritance can become a new generation of demon gods."

"How did I hear that there is a magic song in it, which can be used to control the demons!"

Everyone has different opinions, and most of them are hearsay.

"Magic song?" Ye Liuyun heard the magic song, and suddenly remembered his Nine Serene Prelude, which hadn\'t been used for a long time.

Now the power of Buddha and demon in his whole body is stronger, and if he uses it again, the effect should be even better.

And the Prelude to Nine Serenities does have the effect of controlling the demons.

Finally, Ye Liuyun returned to the battleship and told Qiongqi all the information he had heard.

Qiongqi\'s opinion is also the same as Ye Liuyun\'s.

"Now it seems that they must have a conspiracy, not just for the property. As for the specifics, we can judge according to Liu Er\'s reaction..."

"We have to make preparations to evacuate. We won\'t be able to leave in time!" Ye Liuyun reminded Qiongqi.

"Well, to obtain both wealth and great treasures, and not to be entangled by the guarding demons, to get rid of the surveillance of the six ears, to get rid of the pursuit of the demon cultivator alliance and the demons...it is really difficult!" Qiongqi Also find it difficult.

"Change the target and blame the alliance."

Ye Liuyun felt that at that time, this was the only way to keep the demons entangled with the Alliance, and also prevent the Alliance from chasing and killing them.

"It depends on the situation, it\'s really hard to say now." Qiongqi doesn\'t have any specific plans right now.

All they can do now is to determine a few escape routes with Cyclops.

"What level of demons can you deal with with the divine weapon?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

For this, he must be aware of it.

"The sixth layer of good fortune, it\'s almost over!"

The strength of the late stage of the good fortune realm is really too strong. Even if Qiongqi holds the artifact, he has no chance of winning.

Ye Liuyun, Qiongqi, and Cyclops confirmed the escape route, and then asked everyone to check the situation of the battleship again. After confirming that there was no problem, everyone stopped to rest.

"Little handsome guy, since I got on your thief ship, my sister, my heart, I haven\'t jumped normally! Attacking the Demon Temple, thank you for being able to figure it out!"

Li Sanniang was also very worried about the upcoming battle, and started talking about Ye Liuyun\'s risk.

"Don\'t worry, everyone. Although it is a bit dangerous, the rewards will definitely not be small."