Lord of All Gods

Chapter 791

"He\'s one of us now, no matter what kind of trouble you have with you, you can\'t take him away!" A demon cultivator said, his eyes were constantly looking at the Juli clan.

"If that\'s the case, then I\'ll take my leave first!" Seeing that the situation was not good, the Juli tribe wanted to slip away quickly.

"Haha, want to leave? It\'s too late!" Another demon cultivator at the sixth level of fortune laughed.

They want to attack the temple of the demons, and sooner or later they will fight the demons. So these demons, if they can eliminate one, they will eliminate one.

Especially now that they have the upper hand, how could they let go of the demons at the sixth level of fortune.

So several people directly surrounded the Juli clan and began to attack in turn.

The Demon Race is definitely not the opponent of more than a dozen of them, and after dealing with them a few times, they hide in the void and want to run away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the void, his head was covered by a magic net, and he was forced out of the void again.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil had been watching him all the time, and he had already seen his intentions, so he made the move at the right time.

The giant demon clan was blocked by the magic net for a while, and suffered several heavy blows. He could no longer get rid of the siege of others, and was quickly killed by the demon cultivators.

The storage space of the Juli Clan was taken away by the demon cultivators, and even its physical body was taken away by the demon cultivators, so nothing wasted.

"Boy, we solved a problem for you, and these things belong to us, do you have any objection?"

A demon cultivator in the realm of good fortune threw Ye Liuyun\'s magic net back to him, but he had no intention of using the magic net.

It stands to reason that the reason why the demons didn\'t run away is basically due to Ye Liuyun\'s credit, and Ye Liuyun should share the spoils.

"Of course I have no objection. I would like to thank the seniors for their help!" Ye Liuyun secretly smiled.

He took over the lairs of the two demons, how could he care about that little thing on one person.

It was really time for the Juli clan to come, if it was earlier or later, he would be really difficult to deal with.

"Well, then let\'s go!" These demon cultivators in the good fortune realm were very satisfied with Ye Liuyun from the initial recruitment, to Ye Liuyun\'s assist with the magic net, to the fact that he was not greedy for money.

They didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun had so many things from two demons. Otherwise, they would really rob Ye Liuyun directly.

Ye Liuyun\'s battleship followed their flying boat and returned to the Demon Cultivation Alliance.

Ye Liuyun had also joined the alliance. It\'s just that I didn\'t expect that I would join the magic repair alliance this time.

"Alas! Life is forcing you!" Ye Liuyun smiled and expressed emotion to Qiongqi.

"Come on, you! It\'s not true that you are allowed to join the Demon Cultivator. When you arrive at the Demon Cultivator Alliance, hurry up and inquire about the news, and see what good things are in the Demon Temple! Otherwise, we are not wasting our time for nothing!"

Qiongqi didn\'t have any demon energy in him, so it was inconvenient to come forward, so he could only urge Ye Liuyun to go out to find out the news.

As soon as Ye Liuyun\'s super battleship entered the alliance camp, it immediately attracted the attention of many magicians.

Ye Liuyun also found that most of the warships here are second- and third-tier battleships, and even first-tier warships are rare.

But the location of the headquarters of the alliance is a super warship. Many magicians come and go, looking very busy.

In this camp, apart from hundreds of warships, there are also many casual repairmen, and it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of people in total.

And most of the realms are in the realm of yin and yang.

The order in the camp was much better than outside, and there was no fighting among the demon cultivators. It seemed that the alliance should have corresponding control measures.

"The closer to the Central Continent, the higher the strength of Wuxiu. I don\'t know what strength Wuxiu is in the Central Continent!"

Ye Liuyun was a little worried that his strength was not enough.

If he hadn\'t owned a super warship, those strong men probably wouldn\'t have taken the initiative to recruit him.

After Ye Liuyun\'s super battleship was arranged at the designated location, someone with a strong fortune-telling realm went to notify Ye Liuyun.

"You come with me to meet the lord. In addition, please inform your crew, non-magic repair personnel, don\'t leave the battleship at will, or you will die at your own risk. Fighting between demon cultivators is prohibited in the camp, but non-magic cultivators are not allowed."

Before Ye Liuyun went to see the leader, he also conveyed this information to other people, so as not to cause accidents to them.

He also asked Cyclops to seal the battleship to prevent Lei Ming from going out and causing trouble.

The leader of the Demon Cultivation Alliance, the realm is the eighth level of good fortune. If you don\'t release your breath, you won\'t be able to tell that it\'s a demon cultivator.

After seeing Ye Liuyun, he unleashed coercion to test him.

Ye Liuyun had to rely on the order of the gods to resist the coercion of the eight layers of fortune.

"Well, the boy is not bad!"

Seeing that Ye Liuyun was not afraid of his coercion, the leader was also surprised.

Immediately, he put away his coercion and introduced the situation of the alliance to Ye Liuyun.

Although he said righteous words, in Ye Liuyun\'s ears, they were nothing more than his covetous rhetoric about the temple of the demon clan.

The members of the Demon Cultivation Alliance are also mobs. To put it bluntly, they are all demon cultivators who want a piece of the action.

On the surface, Ye Liuyun also dealt with it very cooperatively, and occasionally said a few words to praise the leader\'s actions.

But after all, the leader is still worried about Ye Liuyun.

In the end, he suggested: "Although your battleship is very strong, there are not enough people in it. I will send you some magic repairmen to help you fight. During the battle, I will also send you a group of battleships to be your guardians."

These are all blatant rhetoric, but in fact, they were worried about Ye Liuyun deserting halfway, and arranged some people to watch over him, so that Ye Liuyun would not dare to mess around.

Ye Liuyun also knew that he couldn\'t refuse. Otherwise, the demon cultivators would become suspicious and monitor him more closely.

"No problem." Ye Liuyun also agreed.

"Okay, happy!" The lord praised Ye Liuyun, and asked Ye Liuyun to go down to collect the spirit stones and prepare for the battle in two days.

After Ye Liuyun received the spirit stone, he returned to the battleship and waited for the battle to begin.

There are still two days left, and he wants to take the opportunity to get acquainted and find out the news.

The leader ordered a demon cultivator at the sixth level of good fortune beside him: "Liu Er, you go and monitor him yourself, and arrange for the others yourself!"

That Moxiu had a square nose, wide mouth, piercing eyes, and didn\'t have six ears. I am afraid that the origin of this name is that he is good at inquiring about news.

He also obeyed the leader\'s words very much, and he seemed to be the leader\'s confidant. After receiving the order, I went down to arrange it.

"Super battleship..." The leader\'s eyes revealed a greedy look.

The strength of Ye Liuyun\'s Yin-Yang Five Layer does not match his super battleship at all. In the eyes of these powerhouses, it is undoubtedly a piece of fat.

This is the Magic Cultivation Alliance. The greedy nature of Moxiu will not change.