Lord of All Gods

Chapter 793

Ye Liuyun had already made up his mind that even if he couldn\'t snatch the resources this time, he would take some more resources from himself and distribute them to Cyclops and the others.

Nor can they always follow the adventure in vain. This kind of adventure has actually gone beyond the scope of his previous agreement with Cyclops.

Of course, the resources he gave to Cyclops and the others were actually quite a lot.

They also get along very well. Otherwise, Cyclops wouldn\'t have been tossing around with him like this.

"Oh, look at how polite you are! It seems that I want to pay you the same!" Li Sanniang also argued: "I just see you working so hard for some resources, and I can\'t bear it!"

"Don\'t worry, Sanniang, I\'m used to it, and nothing will happen! With resources, you can gain as much as you can take as much risk as you can bear!"

Ye Liuyun also chatted with everyone.

"That\'s right! Take more risks while you\'re young, it\'s better than us!" Cyclops also sighed aside, agreeing with Ye Liuyun\'s approach.

Two days later, the entire Demon Cultivation Alliance was in motion.

Liu Er led three hundred demon cultivators aboard Ye Liuyun\'s warship.

Around the battleship Ye Liuyun, two second-tier battleships and four third-tier battleships were also arranged. The captains of these warships also came to greet Ye Liuyun in advance, and get acquainted with each other.

When it was time to set sail, hundreds of warships headed for the Demon Temple.

Ye Liuyun counted the number of warships, and found that they almost doubled overnight.

It seems that the Demon Cultivation Alliance has hidden half of its power in order to make the Demon Temple take it lightly.

It is impossible for the Demon Temple not to have received news of such a large-scale attack.

So hiding part of the strength is also to paralyze the guarding power of the Demon Temple.

Ye Liuyun\'s battleship was arranged at the front. In front are two third-tier battleships belonging to him leading the way.

"You really want to use me as cannon fodder!" Ye Liuyun thought in his heart, chatting with Liu Er as if nothing had happened.

Liu Er didn\'t take the initiative to talk to Ye Liuyun, and looked serious. When Ye Liuyun asked him what he could say, he would say it, and if he couldn\'t, he would pretend he didn\'t hear it.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness has been released from a distance, monitoring the movement of the entire fleet.

The people around him were all put into the storage ring by him, only Qiongqi stayed outside.

After sailing for about half a day, Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness discovered that hundreds of warships also appeared on the opposite side. It\'s just that the level of the battleship is obviously lower than theirs.

Liu Er\'s consciousness also found the battleship on the opposite side, and couldn\'t help frowning deeply, and immediately sent a voice transmission to the leader, asking how to deal with it.

The warships on the opposite side are all the nearby demons, who came to reinforce the demon temple.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual consciousness passed these warships and directly probed into the temple.

In the demon temple, there are nearly ten demons in the late stage of good fortune. The rest of the demon clan in the good fortune realm also has thirty to fifty people, and there are hundreds of people in the yin and yang realm.

These people wore uniform temple uniforms, and the images of the multi-armed demon gods were printed on their clothes, which were very recognizable.

Looking at the situation, the guardian force on the side of the temple is much stronger than them.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t pay much attention to the battleships outside the temple. However, the level of these demons in the temple is really too high.

I don\'t know what good countermeasures the leader of the Demon Cultivation Alliance has.

"Persist until they fight, and we\'ll take advantage of the chaos!" Qiongqi sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun.

Of course, Ye Liuyun knew that he couldn\'t directly charge against those strong men in the late stages of the Creation Realm. So he looked at the low-level warships on the opposite side again, looking for a way to delay time.

At the same time, he also sent a voice transmission to Cyclops: "Try to delay the time, and make it look like we are working hard."

"Okay!" Cyclops replied simply.

At this time, Liu Er also received the leader\'s order, and said to Ye Liuyun: "Your battleship is the main force of the battle, leading the first echelon, and is responsible for repelling the opposing battleships."

"Just me, with six warships?" Ye Liuyun exclaimed deliberately.

"Of course not! Our other second- and third-tier battleships will also rush over together." Liu Er also knew that he would definitely not be able to let Ye Liuyun die too obviously.

Moreover, their leader also took a fancy to Ye Liuyun\'s super battleship, so he didn\'t want Ye Liuyun\'s battleship to be scrapped during the battle.

So the instructions he gave Ye Liuyun would not intentionally send this super battleship to its death.

"That\'s good. When will we do it?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"Let\'s do it right away. The longer the delay, the more support the demons may have. You can attack now!" Liu Er said flatly.

"Keep the formation, move on, and enter the fighting state!"

Ye Liuyun immediately issued an order to his six frigates, and they started to rush towards the opposite side together with the other warships.

His consciousness also noticed. As soon as his battleship moved, hundreds of second- and third-tier battleships followed.

"It seems that they don\'t want us to die so early!" Ye Liuyun communicated with Qiongqi.

"I think they have their eyes on your super warship!" Qiongqi\'s guess was quite accurate. After all, his experience in dealing with things is much richer than that of Ye Liuyun.

"That\'s also possible!" Ye Liuyun heard that, but also felt that there was such a possibility.

But now he wasn\'t worried at all.

The leader of the alliance will definitely not be able to take care of him at that time. To do it, it is also from these six ears.

However, with Qiongqi\'s formation, the six ears have no chance at all.

Ye Liuyun and the other seven warships were far ahead, rushing towards the opposite side at full speed. Followed by hundreds of second- and third-tier warships.

The battle between the two sides is also imminent.

Hundreds of battleships battle. This scale is even more spectacular than the robbers in the triangle area.

In front of Ye Liuyun, both wings were protected by warships, so he didn\'t use any tactics, just rushed over.

The attack power of a super warship is far greater than that of an ordinary warship.

So before entering the attacking range of the opposite side, Li Sanniang fired first, and the energy beam from the bow of the ship bombarded out first. Directly smash a Tier 3 battleship directly opposite.

As Ye Liuyun\'s battleship opened fire, the whole battle also kicked off. As soon as the other warships entered the attack range, they immediately opened fire on each other.

The entire battlefield is full of various energy beams shooting to and fro.

Soon, the two third-tier battleships in front of Ye Liuyun who were blocking the guns for him were bombed out.

"Go up two more Tier 3 warships!" Ye Liuyun ordered directly.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t hesitate to use these magic repair battleships.

Six ears have no objection either. Anyway, these battleships were all cannon fodder. Just try to keep Ye Liuyun\'s battleship as much as possible.