Lord of All Gods

Chapter 787

Afterwards, those demons all retreated, and no one paid any attention to them.

But the warship turned around and headed outwards.

The leader of the Demon Race is going to check the situation of the outer spaceships.

Seeing outside the prison, there was only one demon guard who was both yin and yang, and Qiongqi gave Ye Liuyun a wink.

Ye Liuyun immediately dragged the main and assistant souls of the demon guards into his Yin-Yang domain.

At the same time, Qiongqi immediately took out the broken furnace and directly burned the chains of the cell.

It was also the first time Ye Liuyun saw Qiongqi use this artifact.

This broken stove looks ordinary, but when it is launched, it is very extraordinary.

In the blink of an eye, the specially made chain was blown.

Qiongqi and others also came out of the cell.

"Lei Ming, you lead other people to guard the cabin door. Ye Liuyun and I split up and head towards their control room and ship cabin."

Qiongqi had just ascertained the situation inside the battleship, and immediately assigned tasks to everyone.

Then Qiongqi ran to the control room, while Ye Liuyun released the skeleton puppets to kill the demons in the cabin.

As soon as they left the cell, the two demons guarding the door immediately sounded a warning. Both Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi directly attacked with their souls, destroying their souls.

Qiongqi went directly to the control room, wiped out the strongest demons, and then stopped the battleship.

Ye Liuyun brought the skeleton puppet, and no one could stop him. Demons below the ninth level of yin and yang were not their enemies at all.

Ye Liuyun\'s Soul Attack, Saber Intent, Yin-Yang Grinding Disc, and the Yin-Yang Domain took turns to fight, and the skeleton puppet also moved two weapons in turn, one at a time, and quickly slaughtered nearly a hundred demons in the cabin.

Afterwards, the skeleton puppet left behind to collect the demon pills and storage rings, while Ye Liuyun went to join Lei Ming and the others and came to the cab.

The entire battleship has been cleaned up by them, and there is not a single demon left.

"Why don\'t we drive this battleship, pretend to be the Juli tribe, and directly kill the Demon Cow tribe?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

"Alright. But I have to set up a formation to prevent the detection of spiritual consciousness!" Qiongqi also agreed with Ye Liuyun\'s approach.

He portrayed the formation, and it was really much faster than before. They all draw formations in the air, and then shoot at the battleship, and the formation falls on the battleship.

Ye Liuyun also personally became the captain this time and took control of the battleship.

The warships are all controlled with spiritual consciousness, and it is actually not very difficult to control. What is difficult is how to avoid danger and how to cooperate with each function.

Lei Ming took the dragon girl to play with the attack device on the battleship, bombarding it from time to time to see the effect.

The white tiger and the stone ape collected energy and were responsible for the power supply of the battleship.

After a while, the skeleton puppet also returned with the spoils, which were handed over to Wu Qingcheng.

Qiongqi didn\'t care about the driving of the battleship, and continued to tinker with the armor.

"Why haven\'t you finished it for so long?" Ye Liuyun chatted with Qiongqi while he had nothing to do, and asked him about the progress of making the armor.

"I\'m trying to make the armor of Zunji!" Qiongqi replied.

"When did you learn how to refine weapons?" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect Qiongqi to know how to refine weapons.

In the past, he only knew that Qiongqi could make simple things. I didn\'t expect to be able to make treasures of high rank!

"I\'ve been studying too, okay!" Qiongqi laughed.

Then he asked Ye Liuyun again: "How is your alchemy technique?"

"Uh... I\'ve been throwing it for a long time! It\'s probably at the level of a super saint!"

It is true that Ye Liuyunneng hasn\'t touched the pill for a long time.

The main reason is that these people have rarely taken pills recently, and they are busy absorbing energy and improving their realm.

"Well, the higher the realm, the less the demand for pills. However, each realm requires several important pills. For example, the Fortune Pill when you reach the realm of good fortune can make breakthroughs more effective with half the effort."

Qiongqi reminded Ye Liuyun: "Alchemy technology is still very important. You can pick it up when you have time!"

"Okay, I\'ll improve it when I have time." Ye Liuyun also said that alchemy skills are very important.

It\'s just that he doesn\'t have enough time to cultivate now, so he can\'t care about alchemy at all.

"There is a fleet of demons ahead!" Ye Liuyun let go of his consciousness far away, and suddenly found a fleet of demons approaching.

Qiongqi also stopped what he was doing and looked over.

"Go up and see what they say!" Qiongqi was more courageous than Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun immediately went up to meet him.

"When these two are together, they dare to do anything!"

Wu Qingcheng and the other women were all very worried at the moment, discussing Ye Liuyun together.

"Meng Fan, aren\'t you on a security mission? Why did you come here?" The demon battleship on the opposite side directly came to ask through voice transmission.

Qiongqi rushed ahead of Ye Liuyun and replied: "It\'s safe outside, no one comes in, so I\'ll come over to see if I need help."

The demon clan on the opposite side didn\'t doubt it either: "Since you have nothing to do, then come with us to the den of the demon cow clan and sneak attack their rear. Now the front is fighting fiercely, and you won\'t be able to help if you go there.

If we succeed and seize the mine veins of the Demon Cow Clan, this group of stupid cows will be completely finished. You also counted as a meritorious service! "

"Okay!" Qiongqi pretended to agree. Ye Liuyun also immediately turned around and followed the tail of the fleet.

"It\'s really messed up!"

Wu Qingcheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

I didn\'t expect the people of the Demon Race to be so vigilant.

"Don\'t worry, the more courageous you are, the less suspicious you will be!" Ye Liuyun comforted them.

"But how do we go out later?" Su Miaoyin asked puzzled.

"Hey, let\'s say it\'s Lord Meng Fan\'s subordinates who are sent out to be cannon fodder!" Qiong Qi smiled and opened his mouth.

"You are so cunning!" Lei Ming stuck out his tongue.

Qiongqi laughed: "Haha, who is it for?"

Ye Liuyun and a group of monsters were chatting and laughing in the battleship, not worried about being exposed by the demons at all.

Wu Qingcheng was fairly calm, while Yu\'er, Su Miaoyin, Ruyue and the others were extremely nervous.

In less than a day, Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness saw an island in the distance, exuding a devilish energy, and at first glance it was the territory of the demon clan.

"Meng Fan, get ready and take the lead! It\'s time for you to make meritorious service!"

"Yes!" Qiongqi agreed, and made Ye Liuyun speed up, rushing towards the territory of the Bull Demon Clan.

"This Meng Fan, it\'s useless for me to talk nonsense today!"

The leader of the fleet was rather satisfied when he saw Meng Fan\'s warship rushing over.

In the past, his relationship with Meng Fan was not very good. I thought Meng Fan wanted to make meritorious service, so he followed.

Meng Fan is not his direct relationship. He came to Meng Fan because he wanted him to be cannon fodder.

He also knew that this task was arduous and many of his men were destined to die. He didn\'t want too many of his own people to die.