Lord of All Gods

Chapter 788

At this time, the personnel stationed by the Demon Cow Clan also discovered this fleet, and immediately became flustered.

A large number of demons rushed to the stockade to assist in the defense.

Ye Liuyun drove the battleship and rushed directly to the village of the Demon Cow Clan.

"It\'s not a big problem, there are no strong people around! It seems that their main battlefield is also very fierce!"

Qiongqi helped Ye Liuyun visit the situation in the demon clan, while Ye Liuyun concentrated on driving the battleship.

"Assault weapons ready."

Ye Liuyun imitated the one-eyed look and started yelling.

The same is true for Lei Ming, who immediately replied: "The attack weapon is ready!"

After finishing speaking, he laughed and thought it was very interesting to play like this.

"Attack with the bow, blast open the gate of the village!" Ye Liuyun continued to order.

"Yes, captain, the bow attack!" Lei Ming agreed, and immediately a black devil energy bombarded the gate of the village of the Demon Cow Clan.

There was a "boom" in the distance, and the gate of the village was blasted open.

Even if their warships are not too strong, it is no problem to bombard ordinary Zhaimen.

The Demon Cow Clan had obviously never encountered any crisis, and they didn\'t even have a defensive formation.

Ye Liuyun\'s battleship also rushed over at this time.

Members of the opponent\'s demon clan also launched various attacks and bombarded the battleship.

"Boss, if this continues, Meng Dan\'s battleship will be scrapped!" A demon reminded the fleet leader.

"Whatever it is, it\'s not our own people! But we can\'t be idle, attack from a distance, and clean up the stupid cows on the periphery first!" The fleet leader ordered.

Immediately, his fleet also lined up and began to bombard the defensive Demon Cow Clan.

Ye Liuyun drove the battleship, regardless of whether the battleship would be damaged or not, just went on a rampage blindly.

Lei Ming also had enough of his addiction, and opened up the firepower of the battleship.

She didn\'t aim at it, and didn\'t save energy. She just bombarded it continuously, and it didn\'t matter what she hit, and blasted the village of the Demon Cow Clan into a mess.

The battleship rushed into the Demon Cow Clan\'s stronghold for a long time before it was completely scrapped, and finally it couldn\'t move anymore!

But the assault weapon was still usable, and the thunder continued to bombard it.

Ye Liuyun and the others rushed out of the battleship and headed towards the treasure house and mine veins of the Demon Cow Clan.

"Huh? Human magic cultivator?" The fleet leader and the demon cow clan were also taken aback when they saw Ye Liuyun and the others.

Immediately, the fleet leader laughed and said, "Haha, no wonder Meng Fan came with us so happily. It turns out he also got some cannon fodder!"

Then he ordered: "The bombing is almost over, let\'s rush in together, don\'t let Meng Fan do great work!" He thought Ye Liuyun and others were cannon fodder that Meng Fan found.

After speaking, he also led the Juli Clan, rushed into the stockade, and fought with the Demon Cow Clan.

Ye Liuyun and the others did not encounter much resistance.

After all, they are just an ordinary warship, and there are not many people there. Most of the Demon Cow Clan rushed to intercept the Juli Clan rushing out of the fleet.

The Demon Cow Clan\'s guards were not strong in the first place, and there were few people blocking Ye Liuyun and the others, so Ye Liuyun and others felt like they were in a no-man\'s land in the Demon Cow Clan.

After the energy of the battleship was exhausted, Lei Ming also rushed out of the battleship with Longnu to join Ye Liuyun.

In order to prevent the treasure house from having a guardian formation, Qiongqi took the white tiger and the stone ape and rushed towards the treasure house of the Demon Cow Clan.

Ye Liuyun is rushing to the mine vein of the Demon Cow Clan. They advanced very fast, and when they reached the mine veins, they fought with the guardian demon cows, and Lei Ming and the dragon girl had just arrived.

Ye Liuyun also arrived here, only to find that there were two demons with the first level of fortune guarding them.

To Ye Liuyun, these demonic cows all looked the same, they all had bull heads with two sharp horns. Ye Liuyun couldn\'t tell the difference in appearance, only tall, short, fat, and thin.

The two magic cows in the realm of creation were very nervous at first, fearing that they would not be able to hold the mine veins, but when they saw the realm of Ye Liuyun and others, they relaxed again.

"Humans, you are throwing yourself into a trap! See if I don\'t swallow you alive!"

A slightly fatter demon cow roared and headed towards Ye Liuyun first.

Ye Liuyun pulled out the Demon Slayer Knife, and slashed directly at it. At the same time, he slapped the Yin-Yang grinding disc with his palm, and slapped the demon cow.

In his normal condition, he can only fight the Yin-Yang Nine Layers now.

But against aliens, demons, demons, ghosts, the strength is just enough to restrain the opponent.

So now, even if he encounters the demons of the first level of fortune, he is full of confidence and has no fear at all.

After Ye Liuyun slashed out with the knife, he disappeared into the void.

When the magic cow saw it, it immediately thought of a space attack, so it immediately used the power of space to remove Ye Liuyun\'s knife.

But his spatial power was not as strong as Ye Liuyun\'s. The knife still pierced through his chest.

Although no fatal injuries were caused, the power of the Buddha\'s light and the two kinds of flames had already remained in his body.

"Ah!" He only felt a pain in his chest, and several destructive forces began to destroy in his body.

Just as he was about to use his true energy to expel these forces, Ye Liuyun\'s yin and yang grinding disc came over again.

He had no choice but to transfer these true essences to defend again.

However, Ye Liuyun\'s yin and yang grinding disc was completely transformed into the power of Buddha\'s light, and he caught it squarely.

The demon energy he released was directly obliterated by the Buddha\'s light.

With a loud "bang", the entire lower body of the demon cow was smashed into the soil.

Ye Liuyun had already passed over his head at this time, swung his arms repeatedly, and slashed out a few times. At the same time, the Yin-Yang domain was released, and the main and auxiliary souls of the other demon cow were pulled into it together.

"Kill!" Ye Liuyun waved his hand, ignored the half-buried magic cow, and rushed in with the people around him.

The half-buried magic cow finally struggled to get out of the soil. At this moment, he had already used all his true energy to heal his wounds, and he had no time to care about anything else.

He couldn\'t extinguish the power of the Buddha\'s light and the two kinds of extremely powerful flames, and the wound was constantly expanding, consuming his strength.

Before he could take a breath, he felt a huge chill coming, which also carried the power of lightning.

When he turned his head to look, his body was almost frozen. Immediately, a huge claw slapped him in the air, smashing his frozen body into pieces.

At this time, Lei Ming had already revealed her real body, and this palm was also the concentration of all her strength.

As for the demon cow, he didn\'t even see who the opponent was, so he was shot to death!

"Huh? It\'s so easy! I also killed a strong man in the realm of creation!" Lei Ming exclaimed excitedly.

"That\'s not what your little brother specially left for you, otherwise it wouldn\'t be your turn!"

As Long Nu said, she had already passed Lei Ming and entered the mine to help Ye Liuyun.

"That\'s what I shot to death!" Lei Ming triumphantly transformed back into a human form, and rushed into the mine.