Lord of All Gods

Chapter 786

When mentioning the people around him, Qiongqi remembered that Ye Liuyun\'s purpose in going to the Central Continent was to find his parents and aunts.

"Maybe it\'s the people around him that inspire him to keep improving!" Qiongqi thought to himself.

"I don\'t know!" Ye Liuyun was lost in thought when he thought of his parents and aunt.

Ye Liuyun really didn\'t think about how to find his family.

He also knew that he had no clues, and it must not be easy to find someone.

"Maybe they can come to me?" Ye Liuyun thought suddenly.

Qiong Qi smiled when he heard the words: "It seems that you are going to be famous in the Central Continent again!"

It is estimated that Ye Liuyun wanted to make a name for himself in the Central Continent and attract his parents and aunt to him.

Be famous first, and then wait for the family to come to him. Although this method is a bit risky, it is also a good method.

Ye Liuyun also felt that his sudden idea was quite feasible.

"Do you have something to do? If you don\'t have anything, why don\'t you go out with me?" Ye Liuyun suggested.

Qiongqi also directly agreed: "Since you have already spoken, I will work harder and spend a while with you first, and then we will see the situation."

They chatted for a while, then went back to their own business.

Ye Liuyun continued to absorb magic stones and Yuan Dan from other races, while Qiongqi continued to make armor.

Ye Liuyun is a dual-element pill, and the Yin-Yang realm requires a lot of energy, so he needs double. In addition, when absorbing the magic stone, he needs to stop frequently to slow down, so it will naturally take longer.

Two days later, Ye Liuyun\'s training was interrupted again. Hastily came out from the Xuankong Stone to check the situation.

Chaotic Demon Realm is really too chaotic here, even if he cultivates, he always pays attention to the situation outside with his spiritual sense.

"Why did you stop?" After Ye Liuyun came out, he didn\'t find any danger around, so he asked Cyclops.

"There are two demons fighting ahead, blocking the road. They have sent a ship to inform us just now. I was thinking, I should go around so as not to be involved." Cyclops said helplessly.

"Demon vs. Demon Race? What kind of scale?" Ye Liuyun was a little curious.

"I don\'t know. But since it\'s a race, it shouldn\'t be too powerful."

One-eyed means clearly that these demons are not something they can afford to offend.

Even if Qiongqi is in the third stage of good fortune, it is not enough for a race.

Ye Liuyun hadn\'t seen the battle between the demons before, so he couldn\'t help being curious.

"Since we\'re here, how can we not join in the fun, in case we can fish in troubled waters and get some resources!"

Thinking of this, he went back to the Xuankong Stone and asked everyone for their opinions.

Lei Ming was naturally the most active one, clamoring to go to see the excitement.

"The demons fight, you must go and see it!"

Qiongqi also had the same idea as Ye Liuyun.

"Go and have a look, maybe you can get some resources back!"

Wu Qingcheng and the others all listened to Ye Liuyun.

"Okay, let\'s join in the fun. Lei Ming, take your airship, let\'s take your airship and let the battleship go around."

After Ye Liuyun made up his mind, he informed Cyclops to go around and wait for them.

He led the crowd, boarded the thunderous flying boat, and continued to rush forward.

Qiongqi also took out a lot of black cloaks and distributed them to everyone.

"Put them all on, let\'s pretend to be a demon cultivator, otherwise it will be too conspicuous!"

Everyone took it and put it on, covering their heads and covering their faces.

Ye Liuyun even circulated the power of Buddha and demon, his whole body was full of demon energy, and he looked exactly like the demon cultivator.

The same goes for Thunder. She also followed Ye Liuyun to absorb a lot of magic stones these days, and she exuded a strong magic energy all over her body.

She is pure monster. The devilish energy on his body is not adulterated at all.

They didn\'t go far when they were stopped by a flying boat.

"Stop! The front is the battlefield of our Juli clan. You human demon cultivators, hurry up and detour, lest you be regarded as an enemy!"

The level of the demons on the flying boat is not high, and it is estimated that the high-end combat power has gone to participate in the battle.

After the demons gave them a warning, they drove away without stopping.

It seems that it has been determined that they will definitely leave.

Ye Liuyun waited for them to go far, and let Lei Ming continue to sail forward without changing direction.

After driving a little further, they were stopped again.

This time, it was also a few demons in the realm of yin and yang.

However, this time it is not as simple as a warning.

"Come down all of them, we need to check!" The leader of the Juli clan with five layers of yin and yang demons didn\'t pay attention to these human demons at all.

Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi looked at each other, and they walked out of the flying boat together.

As soon as the two of them went out, before the demons could speak, they started directly. Qiongqi used coercion to control all the demons, while Ye Liuyun cut all the demons in half with one knife.

And the soul of the leader of the Juli clan with five layers of yin and yang was also pulled into Ye Liuyun\'s yin and yang domain to search for the soul.

Afterwards, the storage ring was collected, the flying boat was collected, and the corpse was set on fire, all in one go.

Then they sailed on like no one.

They encountered another interception on the way, and they all dealt with the intercepted demons with the same clean hands and feet.

Going further, they were stopped by an ordinary warship.

Both Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi\'s spiritual sense discovered that the strongest martial artist on this battleship is a demon with nine levels of yin and yang.

It\'s just that there are nearly a hundred demons on the battleship, and they dare not act rashly this time.

The leader of the demon clan didn\'t leave the control room at all, and asked directly via voice transmission: "How did you get here? Didn\'t you encounter our flying boat on the way, didn\'t you receive our warning?"

"No! We just drove here all the time!" Qiongqi pretended to be similar, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Impossible! We have arranged multiple airships to cruise this route, how could you not meet them! They must be spies from the Demon Cow Clan, arrest them all!"

As soon as the demon leader gave an order, more than 20 martial artists rushed out and surrounded Ye Liuyun and the others.

"Don\'t panic, get into their battleship and deal with them!" Qiongqi sent Ye Liuyun a voice transmission.

At the same time, he also pretended to be innocent, and kept begging for mercy from those demons.

Ye Liuyun also called everyone out of the battleship, then put away the flying boat, and obediently followed the demons into the battleship.

After entering the battleship, Ye Liuyun and others were randomly locked in a cell specially for prisoners.

Seeing that they had a good attitude and were very cooperative, the demons thought they were really passing by, so they didn\'t take special precautions against them.