Lord of All Gods

Chapter 783

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t feel relieved if he didn\'t see that everyone else was safe.

Only Qiongqi can be completely at ease.

So he hid into the void again and ran in other directions. After traveling through the void for a while, he showed his figure and felt the position of other people.

It took Ye Liuyun about two days to find everyone else.

Some are fighting, some are looking for resources.

However, everyone else is safe. He didn\'t bother them either, but found a safe place by himself, and went back to the Xuankong Stone to practice.

He got a lot of resources this time. The most precious thing is the Myriad Transformation Gold Spirit Fruit, but he can\'t use it now.

There are also a large number of spirit stones, a fire spirit marrow and a lot of fire spirit stones, and the artifact hundred refining soul banners. As well as the magic stones and Yuan Dan obtained from alien races, the frozen Yuan Dan of thousands of beasts...

These resources are enough for them for a long time.

His ghost fire, after absorbing the blue-green flame of the ghost, has been strengthened again.

"Use the fire essence first, and elevate the Golden Crow Holy Fire to the same level as the ghostly ghost fire."

Thinking of this, he first began to absorb the fire marrow and raise the Golden Crow Holy Fire.

To absorb the flames, he also used the Yuanling secret technique, and the effect was equally good, much faster than his normal absorption.

When he finished absorbing the fire essence, the Golden Crow Holy Fire was equal to the Nether Ghost Fire. He did not continue to absorb the fire spirit stone.

Afterwards, he began to absorb spirit stones and improve his realm.

The spirit stones are abundant enough, and they are all high-grade spirit stones. Ye Liuyun also became a rich man once, sitting directly under the hill made of spirit stones, and began to absorb them.

A martial artist in the yin and yang realm needs a lot of spirit stones every time he upgrades to one level.

Ye Liuyun consumed half of the spirit stones in a small mountain just by raising his realm to the middle stage of the fifth level of yin and yang.

He didn\'t dare to use the rest.

"Let\'s use the magic stone!"

Spirit stones are common resources, Ye Liuyun wanted to leave more spirit stones to others.

Ye Liuyun can also completely absorb this magic stone, and even because of the magic energy in it, the benefits to Ye Liuyun are even greater.

Ye Liuyun took out some magic stones and started to try. The same is the operation of the Yuanling secret technique to absorb, and the speed is also very fast.

However, after absorbing it for a while, he had to stop.

These magic stones were full of magic energy, and Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to absorb too much at once.

He has to completely transform the power of Buddha and demon before he dares to continue to absorb it.

Even though absorbing the magic power stone while running the power of the Buddha and demon, Ye Liuyun did not dare to absorb it too quickly, fearing that the magic energy would completely replace the power of the Buddha\'s light.

So before he broke through the late stage of the Yin-Yang Fifth Layer, he felt the power of space repelling him.

"Is it time to go out?"

Counting the time, Ye Liuyun walked out from the Xuankong Stone and released Wu Qingcheng, Lei Ming and others.

Soon, Ye Liuyun and everyone were teleported to the entrance by the power of space here.

For a while, there were people everywhere outside, and it was a mess. Fortunately, the robbers are more experienced.

As soon as they came out, they released their battleships so that their men could easily find the target and return to the battleship.

After the one-eyed came out, they couldn\'t find Ye Liuyun and the others. Seeing that the robbers released their battleships in a good way, they immediately released their super battleships.

Now, it was convenient for Ye Liuyun and others, and they found them soon.

"It\'s a lot of one, that\'s great!" One-eyed checked the number, and when he saw that everyone on the battleship had returned, he exclaimed happily.

Ye Liuyun did the same. Seeing Qiongqi riding on a broken stove, he also rushed back, and couldn\'t help but greet him with a smile.

"Boy, take me for a while, and I will go to the Central Continent with you!" Qiongqi shouted.

"No problem! Welcome back!" Of course Ye Liuyun welcomed him.

However, his ghostly curse began to flicker again.

This meant that the Nether Battleship that was chasing him was very close.

"We have to leave now! I\'m going to say hello to Lan Ruobing."

Ye Liuyun said, and rushed to Lan Ruobing\'s warship to say goodbye to them.

He had to ask Lan Ruobing to arrange someone to lead the way and help him find the shortcut that could save three months of travel.

As soon as Ye Liuyun came out of the Fragmented Continent, everyone in the Nether Ghost Ship, which was tracking Ye Liuyun, also became busy.

"Master Fang Fang, the target reappeared at the place where he disappeared last time. He probably came out after entering some secret realm." A skeleton ran in and reported to Shura\'s subordinate Fang Fang.

"Keep chasing!" Fang Fang was in charge of sailing the Nether Ghost Ship during this time.

After Ye Liuyun entered the Shard Continent, he lost his trace probably due to the power of space.

If he lost Ye Liuyun when he was in charge, he would not be able to bear the responsibility. So Fangs lived every day like a year.

Fortunately, Ye Liuyun appeared again, and he was even closer to them!

Now they are only half a month away from Ye Liuyun. Has caught up with half.

On Lan Ruobing\'s super battleship, Ye Liuyun was saying goodbye to Lan Ruobing, Lao Gui, and Wu Tian.

"I have to leave quickly! The Nether battleship behind me is only more than ten days away from me now." Ye Liuyun explained to them.

"Well, we won\'t keep you anymore. Let Wu Tian send you to take a shortcut. That road is not fixed, but a special space channel. It can leave you three months\' journey. It is enough to take the ghost The ship was thrown away!"

Lan Ruobing was also very decisive, without delay, she immediately asked Wu Tian to lead Ye Liuyun and the others.

They also handed over the foreign Yuandan and magic stones they collected in the secret territory to Ye Liuyun.

Wu Tian immediately mobilized a first-class battleship, ready to lead the way for Ye Liuyun.

"When you pass by here again, remember to come and see us!" Lan Ruobing instructed Ye Liuyun.


Ye Liuyun agreed, but in fact, he didn\'t know if he would have a chance to come back.

After Ye Liuyun went back, without any delay, he immediately let Cyclops set sail to keep up with Wu Tian.

Wu Tian took Ye Liuyun for another three days and turned around the nearby sea a few times before finding the shortcut.

Wu Tian stopped the battleship and came over to point it out to Ye Liuyun.

"See, the moving space channel is the shortcut I mentioned. It\'s just that this channel moves around, so it\'s not easy to find."

Ye Liuyun also looked at the passage, and could indeed feel the strong power of space.

"Will the Nether Battleship following me also use this passage?" Ye Liuyun asked himself.

If the people in Nether Hell also use this passage, then he will not be able to save this time.