Lord of All Gods

Chapter 782

Ye Liuyun remained calm and began to move these flowers one by one into his own space world.

"Hey, what are you doing? Those are all my flowers!"

A shriek sounded.

A girl in a pink dress suddenly appeared. It seems that he is only eighteen or nineteen years old, about the same age as Lei Ming.

At the moment, she was pouted, pinching her waist, and shouting at Ye Liuyun with a sullen expression.

There are monsters among the fierce beasts, such as Lei Ming, Dragon Girl, etc., as well as trees and flowers.

This girl is the flower that Ye Liuyun discovered. After she has cultivated to a certain level, she can transform into a human form under a certain chance.

"She\'s mine too!" Ye Liuyun pointed at Lei Ming.

The girl understood immediately. A little embarrassed said: "She wanted to eat me first! I just let her sleep for a while, and didn\'t do anything to her!"

"Then can you wake her up?" Ye Liuyun asked.

The girl blinked and said, "Of course! But are you sure she listens to you?"

"I\'m sure!" Ye Liuyun replied affirmatively.

"Okay then, you have to keep your word!"

The girl\'s big eyes rolled around, looking very lively.

But suddenly, Ye Liuyun\'s Myriad Gods Order burst into light.

"Illusion, and soul attack!"

Ye Liuyun immediately felt that the girl was attacking her.

This girl looks lively and cute, which makes people take it lightly, but she is secretly attacking.

Ye Liuyun pretended to be hit by her illusion, and fell on the spot in a daze.

"Haha, don\'t leave too, stay with me!" The girl clapped her hands, feeling very amused.

After the girl finished speaking, she waved to Wu Qingcheng and the others. "Ladies and sisters, can you come too? Let\'s play together!"

Ye Liuyun had just informed Wu Qingcheng and the others with his spiritual sense that he was fine, so they should not come over.

Therefore, Wu Qingcheng and the others did not appear to be very anxious, and stood still far away.

And just as she was talking to Wu Qingcheng and the others, she was distracted.

Ye Liuyun suddenly launched a soul attack, pulling her main soul into her yin and yang domain.

"Ah? You didn\'t enter the dreamland, you were just pretending?" The girl exclaimed, looking at Ye Liuyun\'s yin and yang domain in fear.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t answer, seeing that her spirit power was much weaker than his own, Dang even started a soul search to learn about Lei Ming\'s experience.

"It seems that this girl is just playing for fun, she has no bad intentions!"

After Ye Liuyun understood what had happened, he found that Lei Ming was indeed the one who moved first, and the flower demon did not hurt Lei Ming.

So Ye Liuyun was not going to hurt her either.


A blood thunder blasted beside her spirit, causing her to scream again in fright.

"If you let my friend go, I\'ll let you out, otherwise, I\'ll make you die." Ye Liuyun threatened pretendingly.

"I\'m in the realm of good fortune, you can\'t beat my body!" The flower demon girl was not to be outdone.


Ye Liuyun suddenly released the ghost fire again, directly burning towards her spirit.

"Ah! Don\'t hurt me!" the girl yelled, but she was surrounded by ghost fires and couldn\'t move at all.

Her physical body also wanted to help, but Ye Liuyun blocked her with the death knell, unable to rush forward.

Ye Liuyun continued to threaten, "If you don\'t let me go, I\'ll just kill your main soul, and then destroy your secondary soul."

At the same time, Ye Liuyun\'s Qiankun Palm, carrying two kinds of flame power, directly pushed towards her, and the sea of ​​flowers in front of him was instantly burned to ashes.

"Don\'t do it, I\'ll just let her go!" She seemed to love those flowers very much, seeing that Ye Liuyun\'s flame was very powerful, she didn\'t dare to do it anymore.

Immediately, she awakened Thunder.

Lei Ming slowly opened his eyes, and immediately felt Ye Liuyun\'s presence. Immediately turned into a girl, and threw herself into Ye Liuyun\'s arms.

"Little brother, I had a long dream!"

Ye Liuyun caught her, held her in his arms and comforted her.

"You\'ve been hit by an illusion, you\'re fine now!"

"You fell into my illusion, a dream for a thousand years!"

The flower demon pursed her lips, as if she was very reluctant, and picked up Lei Ming\'s words.

When Lei Ming heard the words and looked at the girl, anger immediately appeared in his eyes.

"You have to keep an eye on her, and you must keep your word!" The girl was obviously a little scared.

It seems that apart from illusion, her own attack and defense abilities are not strong.

"Forget it! I promised her, if she wakes you up, we will spare her. She doesn\'t have any bad intentions, she didn\'t hurt you, so don\'t worry about her. "

As Ye Liuyun said, he also released the girl\'s main spirit back.

"Thank you!" The flower demon was quite polite.

"Then we\'ll take our leave!" Ye Liuyun was about to leave with thunder.

"Are you leaving now?" The demon\'s eyes were full of reluctance. "Would you like to sit in the sea of ​​flowers, I invite you to drink nectar..."

"Oh, by the way, return your flowers to you!" Ye Liuyun said, and moved all the flowers that had been taken in.

"Where did you put all these flowers? Do you have a space world?" The flower demon\'s eyes lit up and she asked him expectantly.

"It\'s my space world." Ye Liuyun confirmed.

"Then...then will she go often?" The flower demon looked at Lei Ming and asked in a low voice.

"It seems that she likes to play with Lei Ming very much!" Ye Liuyun was a little moved.

These two people are about the same age and should be able to play together.

In his space world, all kinds of things are lacking. If the flower demon is willing to go in, that\'s fine.

"My space world is full of aura, and you can often play with her. Would you like to go in and have a look?" Ye Liuyun asked tentatively.

"I don\'t want to play with her. What if she uses illusion to put me to sleep again?" Lei Ming directly refused.

"No! I was afraid that you would leave, so I let you fall asleep with me. If I could see you often, I wouldn\'t cast illusions on you!" The flower demon hastily argued.

"Are you sure? Dare to sign the soul contract?"

The same goes for Lei Ming and the flower demon, they don\'t care much.

So these two young girls directly signed the soul contract.

Afterwards, the flower demon went to Ye Liuyun\'s space world to have a look, and immediately decided to move in. He settled down on the shore not far from the tree demon, and became neighbors with the tree demon.

Ye Liuyun, Wu Qingcheng and others also helped to move the entire sea of ​​flowers into the space world.

Afterwards, the few of them went in to enjoy the nectar with the flower demon.

Ye Liuyun continued to look for other people everywhere.

Although the alien races on this road are no longer a threat, there are still many dangers like flower demons.