Lord of All Gods

Chapter 784

Wu Tian shook his head and said: "It\'s unlikely! Only our boss, the old ghost and I can find this shortcut. And it\'s not fixed in one place, so it\'s so easy to find! Look here, the space passage But more than one!"

Ye Liuyun let go of his spiritual sense to investigate, and sure enough, he found other space passages.

"Are these passages going to the Central Continent?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

"That\'s not necessarily the case. There are people going in all directions. Most of us have tried, but only this passage is the most time-saving." Wu Tian said confidently.

Ye Liuyun nodded. If it wasn\'t for Wu Tian to lead the way, he wouldn\'t be able to judge which channel can teleport the farthest.

It is estimated that people in Nether Hell, if they are not familiar with the situation here, will also not be able to find this passage.

"Then thank you, Brother Wu! Let\'s leave now!" Ye Liuyun thanked Wu Tian again and said goodbye to him.

"Take care! Come back to see our boss when you have time, I rarely hear her miss other men! Hahaha!" Wu Tian laughed, and there was something in his words.

Ye Liuyun understood what he meant, but didn\'t dare to answer, so he could only pretend that he didn\'t understand.

"Okay, if I pass by here again, I will definitely come and see you!"

After they said goodbye, Wu Tian returned directly to the voyage. Ye Liuyun also asked Cyclops to directly drive the battleship into that space passage.

They didn\'t feel anything in the battleship, as if they had been teleported through space.

But when they opened the passage, the extraterritorial space in front of them had returned to normal, and there was no more chaotic space power.

Ye Liuyun was sure that they had indeed left the triangle area. Because of the curse of the nether world, it was quiet again. At least they should be far away from the ghost ship behind them now!

On the ghost ship on the other side, Ye Liuyun suddenly disappeared again. When he reappeared, it was more than three months away from them.

Fangs are going crazy!

"This kid is so evil! How did he walk so fast? Did he use a teleportation array?"

The fangs have nothing to do now, they can only let the skeleton soldiers continue to chase at full speed.

And this time, he didn\'t dare to hide any more, and reported directly to Shura.

Shura was not in a hurry. He had expected that with the speed of their battleship, it would be difficult to catch up with Ye Liuyun. Now I only hope that Ye Liuyun will stop at the Central Continent.

She also comforted Fang Fang: "There may be a space teleportation array there. Don\'t worry, we will look for it when we get there. Anyway, he has a ghost curse, so he just can\'t escape!"

"Yes!" Fang Fang was not scolded, and felt a little relieved. Immediately went down to arrange.

Ye Liuyun is reminding Cyclops: "Make sure of our location, don\'t go wrong!"

"Don\'t worry! I have to sail forward for a while and look at the surrounding landmarks before I know where we are."

Cyclops had just come out of the space channel, and couldn\'t tell where he was for a while.

So the battleship continued to sail in the original direction while searching for coordinates.

Li Sanniang, Lame and others all gathered together to exchange resources.

Ye Liuyun also brought the people around him back to the space world. First introduced them to the new residents here, then began to tell everyone about the experience in the secret realm, and finally allocated resources.

Everyone took out the resources they had obtained and asked Ye Liuyun to distribute them.

They have been using Ye Liuyun\'s resources before, so they are sensible and have no secrets.

But they still didn\'t expect that Ye Liuyun got more resources than them. In the end, they still benefited from Ye Liuyun\'s favor again.

Ye Liuyun asked Wu Qingcheng to put away the alien pills and magic stones, and let them get what they needed for other resources.

Qiongqi wanted to remove the alien scale armor of the fifth level of good fortune, saying that he wanted to refine a set of armor for the skeleton puppet to strengthen its defense.

So Ye Liuyun gave Qiongqi all the golden-winged alien scales he had collected before, and asked him to work together to refine a few more sets and distribute them to everyone.

"You still have this good thing? Gold Wing Alien Race! It\'s rare!" Qiongqi recognized it at a glance.

"This set of scale armor is not bad. I can refine one set by myself first, and I will refine the rest for you. Is it okay?"

It seems that Qiongqi really likes the scale armor of the Jinyi alien race.

"It\'s up to you!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t care.

Just a set of stronger armor. In their state, whether they have armor or not doesn\'t make much difference.

Yuan Dan of the fierce beast, several monster beasts also have to go a lot. Ye Liuyun didn\'t feel bad either.

The spirit stones are also taken by everyone at will.

After getting the resources, everyone went back to the Xuankong Stone to practice.

"I\'ll give you all these fire spirit stones, too?" Ye Liuyun\'s two flames had reached a balance, so he wanted to give the remaining fire spirit stones to Qiongqi.

"No need, you keep it! What if you find the negative flame next time? Then you will be short of these resources again! I have got enough this time!"

Qiongqi didn\'t want it. He turned around and went directly into the Xuankong Stone, took the artifact and broke the furnace to refine the armor.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to put away those fire spirit stones and save them for later use.

Then he also entered the Xuankong Stone, and began to absorb those magic stones and Yuan Dan from other races.

Two days later, the one-eyed consciousness was transmitted to Ye Liuyun.

"The location has been determined. We have already arrived at Chaos Demon Realm. On the journey, it has saved about three months of sailing time."

"Great! Finally got rid of them!" Ye Liuyun felt much more relaxed.

"Chaos Demon Domain? Doesn\'t sound like a good place!" Thinking of the name of this domain again, he felt that this place might not be peaceful.

"Indeed, this is the world of the demon race, where the demon cultivators gather, it\'s very chaotic!" Cyclops replied.

"Did your daughter disappear here?"

Ye Liuyun suddenly remembered that the one-eyed daughter was taken away by Moxiu.

"I don\'t know if the demon cultivator who caught my daughter is still there, what state is he in now!"

One-eyed got a little excited when his daughter was mentioned.

"Go and inquire first, if we can find it, then we will make a move together!"

Now that he\'s here, Ye Liuyun naturally can\'t ignore it.

Although he has a contract with Cyclops. Even if he is asked to send him to the Central Continent first, Cyclops must abide by the agreement.

But he is not the kind of heartless person after all, it is impossible to ignore the one-eyed and only think about his own affairs.

Along the way, they have gotten along very well with Cyclops and the others, and he will never sit idly by and ignore the one-eyed matter.

"Okay. Thank you very much!" Cyclops was also very appreciative.

"You\'re welcome! You should!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t say much.

I\'m not sure if I can help Cyclops, and it\'s useless to talk too much now.