Lord of All Gods

Chapter 779

Ye Liuyun also told Qiongqi about killing Qi Ling himself.

"En! You did the right thing, you absolutely can\'t keep a disaster by your side." Qiongqi also agreed with Ye Liuyun\'s approach.

Afterwards, Qiong Qicai said: "Let\'s go and find the next treasure. This soul flag is prepared for you. With that artifact spirit, only you can deal with him, and no one else has a chance at all."

Qiongqi didn\'t care that Ye Liuyun took the artifact away.

Ye Liuyun immediately followed Qiongqi\'s pace and rushed to the next treasure location.

Along the way, if ghosts came to threaten them again, Ye Liuyun waved the soul flag directly, and collected all the ghosts into the soul flag.

Once these ghosts are taken in, they all become his strength and will serve him in the future. So he must not waste it.

In fact, there are not many ghosts in the Hundred Refining Soul Banner. Of the powerful ghosts, only the ghost general who is about the same strength as Ye Liuyun is left.

In the future, Ye Liuyun will need to absorb more powerful ghosts, and at the same time, cultivate and grow the ghosts among them.

Soon, they walked out of the building complex and came to a swamp-like area.

However, there is no water in this swamp, it is all magma burned by flames.

As soon as Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi left the city, they already felt the power of this flame.

"What kind of artifact can release such a powerful flame power?" Ye Liuyun was a little curious.

If it was really a flame artifact, Ye Liuyun wouldn\'t mind giving it up to Qiongqi, and he didn\'t really need such an artifact.

Qiongqi shook his head, he didn\'t know what it was.

Those fierce beasts only told him how to obtain the artifacts, but did not say what the artifacts were.

Qiongqi suggested: "There are many fire spirits born in this flame swamp. It is too troublesome to follow the route that those fierce beasts instructed me. Why don\'t we go directly, anyway, the two of us have the flame power to deal with those fire spirits. Spirit should be fine."

"Alright!" Ye Liuyun immediately agreed.

Both of them have relatively strong flame power, and these fire spirits in the swamp will definitely not be able to hurt them. Just be careful when approaching the artifact.

So both of them were protected by flames, and rushed directly to the center of the swamp.

Along the way, there were constant fire spirits rushing over to stop them, but they were all absorbed by the two of them after killing them.

The further you go to the center, the higher the intensity of the flame. The center of this swamp is already glowing red, and the land and rocks have been burned into magma, forming a magma lake.

The high temperature is so intense that even human consciousness can\'t detect it.

"We\'re almost there, right in the middle of this magma lake." Qiongqi knew the approximate location of the artifact.

"You go! I have enough artifacts. And this is a flame-type artifact, which is more suitable for you!"

Ye Liuyun directly offered to give it up to Qiongqi.

"Haha, even if you have a conscience, then I won\'t be polite!" Qiongqi patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder to express his gratitude.

Ye Liuyun waved at him: "Hurry up! I\'ll guard you outside. If there\'s any danger inside, just call me!"

"Don\'t worry, you can\'t run away from it!"

After Qiongqi finished speaking, he jumped into the magma, splashing the magma everywhere.

Ye Liuyun waited for him to disappear, then sat by the magma and began to absorb the flame power in the magma.

His consciousness was also vigilant around his surroundings, in case there was a sudden attack by the spirit of fire.

Not long after, the center of the magma collapsed suddenly. The entire piece of magma poured into the center of the magma lake.

Ye Liuyun stood up in shock.

"Qongqi, what are you doing, making such a big noise?"

Such a strong suction must have been caused by Qiongqi\'s alarming the artifact.

Even Qiongqi doesn\'t have the ability to absorb so much magma in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise, and another large bag was arched out from the center of the magma lake.

Then an item rushed out directly inside.

"Boy, you go first, don\'t worry about me!" Qiongqi\'s voice came.

Ye Liuyun opened his golden pupils, only to see that what rushed out of the magma was a dilapidated stove. But Qiongqi ran into the stove, only showing a little head.

The artifact swayed left and right, as if trying to shake off Qiongqi.

Qiongqi\'s shouts and curses also sounded.

"If you want to get rid of me, there is no way! Today I will fight with you. If I don\'t subdue you, I will make a home in your stomach!"

"This guy……"

Ye Liuyun knew that Qiongqi was eager to seize the treasure, so it seemed that he would definitely not be able to call him back.

Qiongqi also passed the information of the next treasure to Ye Liuyun in time.

Although I don\'t know what it is, the route and how to avoid danger are clearly explained.

The dilapidated stove, dangling with Qiongqi, has flown away.

Without the artifact to maintain its power, the temperature in the magma lake also began to drop.

The entire magma lake and flame swamp are estimated to solidify soon. Even if you stay, you won\'t be able to absorb much flame power.

Ye Liuyun also decided not to waste time here, and turned around and ran to the next treasure location.

As for Qiongqi, he wasn\'t worried at all. Qiongqi has a lot of knowledge and experience. If he was not sure, he would never have run into that stove.

Continue to go forward, after passing the flame swamp, there is a big river in front of you. The river is more turbulent.

At the junction of drinking water and magma, bursts of black smoke rose, covering the sky and the sun.

On both sides of the river, there are some strange-shaped dead trees.

Ye Liuyun shuttled among these dead trees according to the route Qiongqi gave him.

He could feel that these strange trees had spiritual fluctuations.

However, the route he took was very safe, and those strange trees did not attack him.

Going around, Ye Liuyun came to a section of relatively calm waters.

There is an isolated island in the waters. That\'s where the treasures are kept.

Ye Liuyun opened his golden pupils and looked towards the isolated island.

I looked around, but didn\'t find anything special.

"The treasures in this secret realm are really weird, they are hidden one by one!"

In desperation, he could only continue to go to the island to search slowly.

The scenery on the island is very beautiful. Around the island, there are various trees planted, and the island is full of birds and flowers, and it is peaceful.

The wooden buildings on the island are also relatively new, completely different from the buildings in the city, as if they are often inhabited.

Ever since Ye Liuyun came to the island, his golden pupils and his divine sense had been scanning back and forth. In the end, only an old tree in the center was found, which was a little weird.

He came to the courtyard where the old tree was. There is a big wooden house in the courtyard, clean and tidy. There is also a set of wooden tables and chairs, which are also spotless.

He opened the door and walked directly into the yard, sat on a chair and waited.