Lord of All Gods

Chapter 778

"It seems that this soul banner is indeed a thing from the Nether Hell. It is estimated that its status is not much different from this death knell. Otherwise, the god of the underworld cannot be compared with the death knell." Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

But at this time, the soul banner was already dumbfounded!

Ye Liuyun even dared to destroy the projection of the ghost\'s avatar!

"Who is this kid?" It was puzzled in its heart.

And it seems that Mingshen also thinks this kid is a bit difficult to deal with. Otherwise, how can we compromise!

It has never heard of Hades negotiating conditions with others.

Hades didn\'t speak anymore.

Ye Liuyun wiped out the projection of the ghost\'s avatar twice, and he was very angry. Although it was just a projection, he also felt ashamed.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation. Only Ye Liuyun dared to do this kind of thing, and he did it twice.

It is estimated that if there is such an opportunity in the future, Ye Liuyun will still do it.

It wasn\'t until the energy projected by him was absorbed by the Demon Sealing Tablet that Ye Liuyun took it back.

Ye Liuyun extinguished the Underworld projection, took back the Demon Sealing Tablet, and looked at the soul flag.

The soul banner trembled in fright at the sharp look in his eyes.

The gate of hell has gradually receded at this moment.

This is also the most powerful move of the Soul Banner. Even the projection of the god of the underworld has been recruited, but it is still useless. It doesn\'t have any more powerful attacks.

"Haha!" Qi Ling laughed dryly to hide his embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, very powerful human kid, I am willing to recognize you as the master!"

The Artifact Spirit also knew that it had no choice now.

The boy with the golden pupils in front of him dared to destroy even the projection of the god of the underworld, so it would be no problem to destroy it. So he immediately changed his attitude and showed his favor to Ye Liuyun.

"Come out and meet me."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to believe it easily, let it come out first.

"This... You also know that the spirit of the weapon cannot leave the treasure for a long time..." The spirit of the weapon began to talk nonsense.

Ye Liuyun pressed the Demon Sealing Tablet against the soul banner.


The Demon Sealing Tablet also unceremoniously pressed the soul banner to the ground, smashing the ground of the hall until cracks spread all over it.

"Hey, I\'ll just come out, you are not a big person, why are you so angry!"

Once pressed by the Demon Sealing Tablet, the soul banner will no longer be able to play its role.

The artifact was inspired by the suction force of the Demon Sealing Tablet, and immediately ran out of the soul streamer obediently.

When Ye Liuyun saw this weapon spirit, he almost burst out laughing.

Qi Ling was only half his height, about fifty years old, bald, with a small braid on the back of his head. It looked very strange.

Ye Liuyun held back his laughter, and asked him directly: "What kind of banner is this? Is it a ghost weapon from the Nether Hell?"

"This flag is called Bailian Soul Banner. It was the first generation of Hades. After countless times of tempering, it was refined by gathering countless ghosts in hell. It is called the three treasures of hell together with the death knell and the sword of Hades. If it is in hell If used internally, its strength far exceeds that of ordinary artifacts. If used outside, the effect will be much worse..."

The Qi Spirit also knew that Ye Liuyun had been offended badly before, so he didn\'t dare to talk anymore, so he introduced it endlessly.

Finally, he said flatteringly: "Master, you have the death knell in your hand, and now you have me, you can kill Hades and seize control of hell!"

"I\'m no match for the God of the Underworld!" Ye Liuyun was not tempted by it.

"But you have the Demon Sealing Tablet, which can suppress Hades! Moreover, Hades has wounds on his body, which were caused by alien races invading Hell. He probably hasn\'t healed yet! Otherwise, his body must have rushed over, and he won\'t let it go. You destroyed his avatar\'s projection. You know, that kind of existence, even if it\'s a projection, still needs face..."

However, this Qi Ling\'s spiritual intelligence is very high, and he can\'t hold back when he speaks, and he speaks clearly and logically.

"How do you know he was injured?" Ye Liuyun asked.

"He was my previous master. He was injured while fighting against the alien race, and lost me. I pretended to recognize the alien race as the master, and after being brought here by him, he wiped out the alien race Only then did he regain his freedom."

When Ye Liuyun heard this, his heart moved.

He didn\'t care about taking away the rights of Hades, or that Hades was injured.

What he thought was: "This weapon spirit can\'t be kept! Its intelligence is too high. It not only betrayed the former owner, but also betrayed the Lord Eater. It must be killed, otherwise keeping him by his side is the biggest hidden danger."

Thinking of this, he continued to ask Qi Ling calmly: "What function does this soul banner have?"

The spirit bowed and replied: "Master, this soul banner can absorb the soul, and the soul can be cultivated in it, becoming stronger and stronger. All the souls that are sucked in must obey your orders, master, and can help the master fight In addition, it also has the functions of ordering the ghosts in hell, calling the gates of hell, and summoning the gods of the underworld."

"Can you summon Hades?" Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled.

"Yes! It\'s just that the god of the underworld came, or a projection, this cannot be determined!" Qi Ling replied truthfully.

"It seems that I won\'t be able to easily use this function in the future. Otherwise, whenever the God of the Underworld comes, I will still be in trouble." Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

"Don\'t resist, I\'ll search the soul directly, I\'m too lazy to ask every sentence!"

Ye Liuyun said, regardless of whether the weapon spirit objected or not, he directly pulled the weapon spirit into his yin and yang domain.

After the artifact spirit left the artifact, it wasn\'t very strong in itself, so it was directly dragged into it by Ye Liuyun.

Then Ye Liuyun began to search his soul to confirm whether what he said was true.

After confirming, Ye Liuyun didn\'t let him out, but directly began to absorb his soul power.

"Ah? Master, what are you doing?" Qi Ling asked with a trembling voice after finding out.

"You betrayed your former master and devoured him, so you can\'t be kept!" Ye Liuyun simply explained.

"Master, please forgive me! That was all before, I have no second thoughts towards you!" Qi Ling screamed and begged for mercy.

"If you don\'t have the heart to betray now, it doesn\'t mean you won\'t have it in the future." Ye Liuyun ignored it and was still speeding up the absorption.

"Without me, the power of the artifact will be greatly reduced! Master, you have cut off your own arm!" Qi Ling begged bitterly.

"Even if you cut off your own arm, it\'s better than planting a hidden danger around you!" Ye Liuyun was unmoved.

He didn\'t take over the Yin-Yang Domain until he finally wiped out the soul of the Artifact Spirit.

Afterwards, he took away the Demon Sealing Tablet and the Hundred Refining Soul Banner, and refined them to become his own treasures.

For a treasure without a weapon spirit, the awareness of active attack is indeed very poor, and it is not flexible.

But Ye Liuyun didn\'t regret it either. For this kind of traitor who betrayed his master, he will definitely not stay.

After Ye Liuyun refined the soul banner, he went outside to meet Qiongqi.

"I just saw the projection of Hades, it scared me to death!"

When Qiongqi saw that he had put away the soul flag, he was completely relieved.